One day, a young man named Fang Zhongyong was walking along a bustling street in the city of Suzhou. As he strolled along, he suddenly bumped into a man who was carrying a large basket of fish. The man stumbled and almost dropped his basket, but Fang Zhongyong quickly reached out and steadied him.
"Thank you, young man," the man said gratefully. "I am Lu Meng, a fisherman. I was on my way to the market to sell my fish when you bumped into me."
Fang Zhongyong smiled and apologized for the accident. Lu Meng looked at him closely and said, "You seem like a kind and honest person. Would you like to accompany me to the market? I could use some help selling my fish."
Fang Zhongyong agreed and together they made their way to the market. As they walked, Lu Meng told Fang Zhongyong about his life as a fisherman and how he struggled to make ends
meet. Fang Zhongyong listened intently and felt a deep sense of empathy for the hardworking fisherman.
When they arrived at the market, Fang Zhongyong helped Lu Meng set up his stall and attract customers. With his friendly smile and honest demeanor, Fang Zhongyong quickly won over the customers and soon, all of Lu Meng's fish were sold out.
"Thank you, young man," Lu Meng said, tears of gratitude in his eyes. "You have helped me more than you know. I will never forget your kindness."
Fang Zhongyong smiled and shook Lu Meng's hand. As he walked away from the market, he felt a sense of fulfillment and happiness. He knew that he had made a difference in someone's life that day, and that was all that mattered.