1. My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I’ll meet _____ at the train station.
A. him
演员陈昊B. she
C. her
D. he
2. Chinese tea making joined UNESCO list _____ November 29th, 2022.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. over
3. — Jim, you brought the rubbish bags, didn’t you? _____ you give me one? — Sure. Here you are.
A. Can
B. Need
C. Must
D. Should
4. — What’s the matter?
— I’m not feeling well. I’ve got a headache _____ a stomachache.
A. so
B. but
C. and
D. or
5. My father is a music teacher. He often _____ singing in the morning.
A. practices
B. practice
C. practiced
D. is practicing
6. Fei Junlong is _____ astronaut among Shen Zhou 15 crew members.
A. old
B. older
C. oldest
D. the oldest
7. Be quiet, please. Jim _____ a report now.
A. writes
B. is writing
C. wrote
D. was writing
8. When my uncle came yesterday, I _____ football.
A. play
B. played
C. will play
D. was playing
9. Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is _____ than her brother.
A. patient
B. more patient
C. most patient
D. the most patient
10. — We didn’t expect to win in yesterday’s game, but we _____.
— What a great surprise!
A. do
B. does
C. did
D. were doing
11. — Paul, _____ were you doing at nine last night?
— I was playing cards with my younger brother.
A. who
B. where
C. why
D. what
12. My parents and I _____ clean the beach next weekend.
A. help
B. helped
C. will help
D. are helping
I grew up in a poor family. My dad died when I was 3 years old, leaving my mom with the job of  13  nine kids. She worked in a factory for 50 dollars a week and had another job at a poultry plant. She was a very  14  worker. In order to make ends meet, she never took time off.
My mom believed in doing all she could do to take care of her responsibilities (责任). No matter what, we kids always 15 the things we needed. With my mom as my role model, I learned that hard work is the best way to get what you want.
In junior high, I started playing  16  on my school’s team. I loved to play. I enjoyed going out and working hard to win.
For me, it  17  off. I always put the effort (努力) in every day. No matter what I’ve done, some people wait for me to fail, saying, “Karl Malone can’t do it.” Instead of letting people like that get to me, I conti nue to  18  them wrong. I try to do my best to make my family proud.
While someone else was looking up to popular sports stars and musicians as role models, my mom
was my  19  . She taught me that hard work pays off. At the end of my life, I don’t want to be remembered as the kind of person who just sat and said, “I’ve made it.” I don’t want to say that I didn’t give it everything that I’ve got. Sure there are days that I don’t feel like working hard… but I do it    20 . And that’s how I’m working toward becoming a successful basketball player.
13. A. teaching      B. feeding        C. hitting      D. helping
14. A. brave      B. careful        C. patient      D. hard
15. A. got        B. lost      C. cooked      D. collected
16. A. badminton    B. volleyball      C. football        D. basketball
17. A. took        B. turned      C. paid        D. gave
18. A. find        B. prove      C. keep        D. make漂亮女人伤我最深
19. A. hero        B. worker    C. musician        D. player
20. A. once        B. quickly        C. anyway        D. nervously
21. _________
I have some important tests at school and I don’t want to get the flu. What should I do?
22. _________
When I am at school, I usually feel sleepy in the morning. What’s the matter with me?
23. _________
Can I get the flu from my food? For example, can I eat chicken? Will I get bird flu?
Here’s an easy way. You can try to protect yourself. Be careful and remember to wash your hands.
When you keep your hands clean, it can help keep you from getting flu.
Dr Advice B.
No, you can’t, because we don’t get the flu from any food. We get the flu from other people. When people sneeze, we can get the flu from the air. At the moment, it’s very hard for people to get bird flu. Usually, only birds get it.
Dr Advice
It’s good to wash your hands because it helps you stay healthy. When you keep your hands clean, it’s harder to get the flu. However, you don’t need to wash your hands 20 times a day. That’s too much.
Dr Advice D.
Maybe you’re tired, because you need to get more sleep. When young people go to bed earlier, they usually feel better. You should also make sure to eat a healthy breakfast every morning.
Dr Advice
Organizing your online room
How do you feel when you walk into a messy room? Stuff (物品) all over the floor—it’s so unorganized. What about walking into a clean, organized room with your favorite furniture and colors? How does that make you feel? You’ll probably feel more relaxed, calm and happy in the clean and organized room.
Sometimes, going online can feel a bit like going into a messy room. There’s just so much stuff in there, and it doesn’t seem to have any order. Although it’s great to have so much stuff, it can also make us stressed, and much of it is quite useless.
It’s good to think of the Internet world as its own environment, and it’s good to remember that you can create your own “room” in this environment. If you want a cleaner room, then you’ll need to start organizing it. This includes (包括) what you put in it and how and when you use it.
For example, if you’re a fan of video apps, you’ll know that they have endless videos to watch. But if you want to keep your online room clean, you might need to make sure that these apps don’t take up too much space in it. To do this, you’ll need to limit (限制) how much time you spend on them.
By making little changes to our online habits, we can live a more relaxed life and have a less messy mind. Remember, you’re in control of your life, not the Internet!
24. The word “room” in Paragraph 3 refers to _______.
A. our bedroom
B. our learning environment
C. our community
D. our Internet environment
25. The writer might agree that _______.
A. sharing on the Internet is important
B. keeping our online room clean is useless
C. we should set a time limit on our Internet use
D. we should leave more time for video games
26. The writer wants to tell us _______.
A. good sides of using the internet
B. how to organize our own rooms
C. problems of watching videos online
D. how to make good use of the internet
Did you know that earthworms help keep soil clean and healthy so we can grow food? These silent creatures (生物) are a vegetable farmer’s best friends.
Earthworms help keep soil clean by eating dead
material. When plants and animals die, they fall on the
ground. Earthworms eat tiny pieces of these dead things,
which have lots of nutrients (营养物质).
An earthworm uses its digestive system (消化系统) to break down the nutrients. The worm uses some of what it eats to live and grow. The rest of the food is waste, which the earthworm gets rid of by leaving droppings, or castings. These castings have nutrients from all the stuff the worm ate. The castings remain in the soil, making it rich and full of nutrients. Plants need these nutrients to live and grow.
丽达之歌简谱Earthworms help plants in another way, too. Earthworms dig underground tunnels, which loosen (变松) the soil. When the soil becomes loose, it lets air into it. Loose soil also allows more water to enter. Plant roots need air and water. Have you ever seen a plant that had bright green leaves and looked healthy? It probably looked that way because its roots were getting plenty of air and water. When a plant’s roots are healthy, the plant is healthy. This is true for most plants, including crops that we grow to eat.
Earthworms make a farmer’s job easier. Part of a farmer’s job is plowing, or breaking up, soil. The purpose of plowing is to loosen the soil so plant roots can get more air and water. In a way, earthwor
ms act like little plows!
Some farmers try to increase the amount of earthworms in their gardens and fields by adding dead material. That’s why farmers buy mulch and grass clippings to spread on the ground.
Earthworms are wonderful creatures to have in a vegetable garden. Thank earthworms the next time you eat a meal with vegetables!
27. Plants get the nutrients mainly from _______.
A. the air
B. the sun
C. the soil
D. the earthworms
28. What can you learn from the passage?
A. Earthworms can help farmers loosen the soil.
青春期里面的歌曲B. Earthworms can give the plants more water and air.
C. Earthworms help make soil rich by breathing fresh air.
D. Earthworms help keep soil clean by eating healthy plants.
29. What’s the best title for the passage?
胡蝶整容A. How Earthworms Live and Grow
B. How Earthworms Dig Underground
C. Tiny Creatures That Make Nutrients
D. Tiny Creatures That Help Crops Grow