1.Mary, A middle school student, spends about 35% of time doing some activities except eight hours’ sleep every Sunday. Then she spends about ________ more minutes playing the piano than doing housework on Sunday.
Doing homework
skyfall adele
Doing housework
Watching TV
Playing the piano
Two hours
Half an hour
A106    B16    C116
2.September is the ________ month of a year.
Aone    Btwo    Cninth    Dsecond
3.December ________ is Christmas Day.
Atwenty-five    Bthe twenty-fifth    Cthe twentieth-five    Dtwentieth-fifth
4.—Which is more exciting, the ninth act or ________?
Athe fiftith act; Nine Act    Bthe fiftith act; Act Nine
Cthe fiftieth act; Act Nine    Dthe fiftieth act; Nine Act
5.—Shanghai has opened its ________TV channel that sends programs in foreign languages.
—Great! I can improve my English over it.
Afirst    Ba first    Cthe first    Done
6.—Which is the biggest number of the four?
ATwo-thirds    BA half    CA quarter    DOne-third
7.—What’s three ________ six?
— Eighteen.
Aplus    Bminus    Cmultiplied by    Ddivided by
8.—I’ve never been to Zhangjiajie before.
—Really? But this is my ________ time to visit here. It’s so fantastic that I am here again.
Aone    Bfirst    Ctwo    Dsecond
美丽的神话9.—Harbin is a beautiful city, isn’t it?
—Yes. There are about two _______ visitors coming here every week.
Athousands of    Bthousand    Cthousands
10.—What’s the date today?
AIt’s a fine day.    BIt’s Tuesday    CIt’s June 26th
11.There are about two ________ students in the new-built school.
Athousand    Bthousands    Cthousands of
12.Cherry wants to make three sandwiches for her family in the evening. But there is only enough cheese and 4 pieces of bread in her house. A sandwich needs two pieces of bread, 0.1 kilos of lettuce and 0.5 kilos of chicken. Then how much she should spend at least in the supermarket in order to make their dinner?
A.$7.6.    B.$8.2.    C.$3.2.
13.There are ________ students in my class, 15 boys and 14 girls.
Afifteen     Bfourteen     Ctwenty-nine 
14.— Mr. Smith, I’m afraid I can’t finish the work in three days.
— Well, it doesn’t matter. I will give you _______ days.
Aother four    Banother three    Cmore two    Done another
15.一What do you think of the passages in your exam?
—Oh, I think ________ of the materials I read in the exam ________ easy.
Atwo thirds, is    Btwo thirds, are    Ctwo third, are
16.— There are 50 students in my class. The number of the girls ________ 20.
— That means two ________ of the students are girls.
Ais; fifths    Bare; fifths    Cis; fifth
17.—What ________ is Jane in?—She is in ________ Six.
Agrade; Grade    B爱不会绝迹歌词Grade; grade    Cgrade; grade
18.He was born ________.
Ain 1930s    Bin the 1930s    Cin the 1930    Don the 1930s
19.Jack is five years old. Today is his ________ birthday.
Afive    Bfifth    Cfiveth    Dfifteen
20.Nowadays, ________ of the old people here ________ used to dancing on the square after supper.
Atwo thirdsis    B柔情歌曲.two thirdsare    Ctwo threeis
21.China has got about________ of golden medals in the 2016 Olympic Games.
Afirst-tenth    Bone-tenth    Cfirst-ten    Done-ten
22.Mike is a ________ boy.
A12-year-old    B12-years-old    C12 year old    D12 years old
23.— Have you ever been to China?
— No. But I will go there in the summer holiday. It will be my _______ time to go to China.
Aone    Btwo    Csecond    Dfirst
24.My car number is 53659. It reads (读作) ________.
Afive three six five nine    Bfive four six five eight
Cfive two seven five ten    Dfive six three five nine
25.The boy is only ________ . Today is his ________ birthday.
Afive; fifth    Bfifth; five    Cfive; five
26.I have ________ books in the bookcase and the ________ one is about history.
Aeight; eight    Beight; eighth    Ceighth; eight
27.It takes us only ________ to finish the work.
Aone and half hour    Bone hour and half
Cone and a half hour    Done hour and a half
28.Mr. Miller is forty years old and he has a ________ daughter.
Afive year’s old    Bfive years old    Cfive-year-old    Dfive-years-old
29.—They had memorized most of the new words in the textbook ________ of last term.
—You mean ________ of the new words?
Aat the end; one-third    Bin the end; four-fifths
Cby the end; three-fourths    Dby the end; three quarter
30.________ of the land ________ covered with trees in our city.
ATwo fifth; is    BTwo fifth; are    CTwo fifths; is    DTwo fifths; are
31.— Nowadays, _________ people in China like HUAWEI phones better.