天涯 delay刀郎罗刹海市歌词译义对照表
刀郎 – 刀郎
罗刹海市 – Demon Sea City
天地人间 – Heaven and Earth
尽归虚无 – All Vanishes Into Nothingness
沧海桑田 – The Everchanging Sea
此刻是否 – At This Moment, Whether
已无记忆 – Has Lost Memories
青春了无痕 – Youth Leaves No Trace
夜空有星辰 – The Night Sky Has Stars
流星永无停 – The Meteor Never Stops
曾经有泪染 – Once There Were Tears Stained
爱恨尽头有放歌声 – At the End of Love and Hate There Is a Singing Voice
思念咫尺千万重 – Missing Each Other in Such a Close Distance, Countless Times
相知只隔千万重山 – Understanding Each Other, Only Separated by Countless Mountains
罗刹海市皆浮泡 – The Demon Sea City Is All Bubbles
凡人世间都是梦 – Mortal World Is All a Dream
岁月易逝情难留 – Time Passes Easily, Love Is Hard to Maintain
人生本如浮萍舟 – Human Life Is Like a Floating Duckweed Boat
轰鸣如东方断碧露 – Thunderous Roar Like Eastern Broken Emerald Dew
又一杯,酒充年华 – Another Glass, Full of Time
风沙迷的东方月 – The Wind and Sand Obscure the Eastern Moon
回首千年唯你在 – Looking Back for a Thousand Years Only You Are There
但愿我能忘记 – I Wish I Could Forget
你曾给的情 – The Love You Once Gave
可我恨自己的庸俗 – But I Hate My Own Vulgarity
最后的狂欢何时了 – When Will the Last Carnage End
平生几回欢笑 – How Many Laughs in This Life
从不问前程 – Never Asked About the Future
爱恨来陪我 – Love and Hate Accompany Me
飞云任我游荡 – The Flying Clouds Let Me Wander
世人欲又欲 – People Always Desire More
何时方肯休 – When will they stop