Wedding chapel 结婚礼堂 exchange vows 交换誓言
Tie the knot 结婚的意思
Yy:If you ask me where to carry out my wedding and when will you tie the knot?
My answer is the wedding chapel in 2016.
问候:Hey,girls/dude! What’ going on? What’s up? What are you up to? How’s going?
肚子疼:My stomach doesn’t feel so hot.
      My tummy hurts. I feel nauseous. I have a tummy ache. I have a stomach ache.
天气热:It is so hot outside. I am roasting out here. I am sweating bullets. I’m sweating like a pig. It is hot as heck out here.
关于HOT的用法:she is full of hot air.她说话没什么意思。
Don’t get hot and bothered about it.get over you不要生气。
Nothing+动词短语+better than+名词。
Nothing cools me down better than icecream.
Hot new song 流行歌曲
Fill one’s shoes j接替某人的职位
It will be difficult to fill his shoes. He did a great job.
Are you calling me a dumb blonde?If the shoe fits,wear it.如果是真的,就承认吧!
In one’s shoes 从别人角度看
I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes. She just wrecked her car.
How was your weekend? I went on a date this weekend.
He picked up the check. He is being very chivalrous.
I don’t kiss and tell. 我不会泄露隐私的事。I am playing hard to get.我装作很难接近的样子。
Break up
My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday. He said it was not working. I can’t believe it over. He said he needed space. I love you but I am not in love with you. How long it will take for me to get over this relationship? I don’t think I’ll ever get over him. I thought he was my soulmate. He broke my heart.
won't bite 是一种幽默的说法,意思是别怕。You can ask me any question you want. I won't bite. 你有什么问题尽管问,别害怕,我不咬人。I think you should go talk to your boss. I'm sure he won't bite. 我觉得你应该你老板谈谈,别怕,他不会咬人的。
show too much skin 穿的太暴露
she has great fashion sense.
She is a fashionista.
That shirt is fierce,work it. 把你的神情表现出来。
She is rocking that dress. 她穿这条裙子很漂亮。
You can rock that dress.
Does this shirt go with these shoes? It goes./It matches./It does not go.
I like this shirt. It’s so me.这就是我的风格。
I like to keep it casual.
Taste  尝一尝Taste this,it’s really good.
Nibble 一点点的咬  nibble on  nibble on a chip
I wasn’t hungry at lunch so I just nibble on my sandwich.
Binge 狼吞虎咽,大吃大喝 I binged on icecream and snacks for entire day when…
Gulp 一大口(液体)He gulped down an entire bottle of champagne.
Inhale 吸入,吸气;吃的非常快 I inhaled that hamburger.
Take a shower
Shower gel 沐浴露 shampoo 洗发露 conditioner 护发素
When I wash my hair,first I shampoo and then condition it.
Wash your face 洗脸 I wash my face every morning and night.
Loofa 洗澡的海绵 lather 泡沫
Face cream 面霜  bady lotion 身体乳液
After showering,I like to put on face cream.
Free stuff 免费的东西
It’s free  I got this cellphone for free with a two year contact.
Buy one get one free 买一送一
All jeans are buy one get one free today.
Free-for-all 混战,每个人都在大声喧嚷
There was a sale at the store. So many people swarmed in when it opened.
It was a massive free-for-all. 一片混战
On the house 老板买单,完全免费的意思
Today is your birthday? Desert is on the house.
No such thing as a free lunch. 天下没有免费的午餐
I don’t think he is giving us money without an ulterior motive. No such thing as a free lunch.
Freeload 白吃白喝
In USA,even if you live with your relatives,you cannot be a freeloader.
Still hurting 心痛
I’m not over it. I thought he was the one.没有走出这段感情,我以为他就是那个人。
Funk n. 忧郁,恐惧 I need to get out of this funk and find a rebound date.
Ask sb. Out 邀请某人出去 too soon 这太快了
Have ou seen that movie? Let’s see a movie.
I wanna watch a movie.
Subtitles 字幕 I need english subtitles when I watch foreign films.
I’m a big movie buff.我是个电影迷 buff 爱好者
Chick 女生 flick 电影 chick flick 言情片
Horror film 恐怖片 Never take me to a horror film over again. I was scared out of my wits.
Sci-fi movie 科幻片
Her boyfriend has wandering eyes.他的男朋友爱看女生。
Let’s nose around this store. 让我们一起来逛一下这个商店。I want to find a pair of shoes.
Don’t tell her too many secrets. She’s a big mouth.
Do as I tell you. And don’t give me a lip.不要顶嘴。
Party animal 派对迷
Wallflower 坐在一边观看的人
Social butterfly 交际花
Party pooper 不合的人,冷场的人
Life of the party 活跃气氛的人,聚会的中心人物
Black and white 黑白分明,是非分明
It’s not black and white just because she has a different opinion that you do doesn’t mean she is wrong.
Feeling blue 心情很糟糕,感觉特别难过
I’ve beeing feeling blue since my boyfriend broke up with me.