1.‘What flavour do you want? Strawberry, vanilla ...?’ ‘Whatever.’
2.‘It was Monday, not Tuesday.’ ‘Whatever.’ “是星期一,不是星期二。”“这无所谓
3.‘How about camping, just for a change?’ ‘OK, whatever you want.’
4.‘I think we’d better discuss this with your parents.’ ‘Whatever you think best.’
“我认为我们最好和你父母商量一下这事。”    “你觉得怎么最好就怎么办吧。”
5. I feel I ought to be nice to them wherever possible .  我觉得自己应该尽可能对他们好一点。
6. He is out of hospital and making good progress. 他出院了,正在迅速恢复健康。
7. Since when have you been interested in my feelings?  你从什么时候开始关心起我的感受来了?
8. Why worry? You can’t do anything about it.  为什么担心?这件事你无能为力。
9. Why waste time going to the bank when you can do it all over the Internet?
10. Why me? Why can’t someone else drive you?  为什么是我?为什么别人不能开车送你?
11.We could invite John and Barbara.’ ‘Yes, why not?’ “我们可以邀请约翰和芭芭拉。”“是呀,干吗不呢?”
11.Why don’t you bring over a video for us to watch?    你干吗不带一盘录像带来给我们看看?
12. Why not relax and enjoy the atmosphere? 为什么不放松放松,享受一下这气氛?
13.Why don’t you mind your own business?  你为什么不去管好你自己的事情?
14. Has Ros had the baby yet? How is she? 罗斯生孩子了吗?她怎么样了?
15.‘How’s your ankle this morning?’ ‘Better, thanks.’ “今天上午你的脚踝情况如何?”“好些了,谢谢。”
16. So how’s it going at work these days? Still enjoying it? 近来工作怎么样?仍然干得很开心吗?
17.‘How are things with you?’ ‘Fine.’ “你过得好吗?”“挺好的。”
18. How are you doing?  你过得好吗?                  19. How was the film?  那部电影怎么样?
20.‘How’s your steak?’ ‘Mmm, it’s good.’ “牛排味道怎么样?”“嗯,不错。”
21.How did your exams go? 你考试考得怎么样?
22. How do you feel about seeing Peter again?  再见到彼得你感觉如何?
23. How’s that? Does that feel comfortable? 怎么样?那样感觉舒服吗?
24. It’s amazing how they’ve managed to get everything finished so quickly.
25. I remember how she always used to have fresh flowers in the house. 我还记得以前她家总是有鲜花。
26. How lovely to see you! 见到你真高兴!
27. What do you think of your present employer? 你觉得你现在的老板怎么样?
28. How many kids do they have now? 他们现在有几个孩子?
29。How’s your steak?’ ‘Mmm, it’s good.’ “牛排味道怎么样?”“嗯,不错。”
29. I’m afraid Mr Harding can’t see you now – he’s busy. 抱歉,哈丁先生此刻不能见你,他正在忙。
30. You can swim, can’t you? 你会游泳,是吗?
31. Even a small personal computer can store vast amounts of information.
32. Gabriella can speak French fluently. 加布里埃拉能讲一口流利的法语。
33. She’s busy now - can you phone later? 她现在正忙,你稍后打来好吗?
get over you34.The police are doing all they can to find her. 警方正在尽一切所能寻她。
35.Can I have a cigarette, please? 能给我一支香烟吗?
36. Can you help me lift this box? 你能帮我抬一下这个箱子吗?
37. You can’t park here – it’s a no parking zone. 你不能在这里停车——这是非停车区。
38.‘Can we go home now, please?’ ‘No you can’t.’ “我们现在可以回家了吗?”“不,不可以。”
39.Any police officer can insist on seeing a driver’s license. 任何一位警察都可以要求查看司机的驾驶执照。
40. Sorry, John, no can do. 对不起,约翰,不行。
41.I keep telling you, but you won’t listen! 我一再跟你说,但你就是不肯听
42.I recommend the butter chicken - it’s delicious. 我推荐黄油焗鸡,非常好吃。
43.Can you recommend a good lawyer? 你能介绍一位好律师吗?
44.My old boss was awful! 我原来的老板太差劲了!
45. I can’t believe you’re nearly forty years old! 我无法相信你都快40岁了!
46.Good old Keith! 可爱的老基思!                    47.You poor old thing! 你这可怜的家伙!
48.She’ll be back, never fear. 别担心,她会回来的。
49.‘They’re getting married next month.’ ‘Never!’ “他们下个月要结婚了。”“不可能吧!”
50.He’s never going to cycle all the way to Manchester! 他绝不可能一路骑自行车去曼彻斯特!
51. Well I never! I wouldn’t have thought she was that old! 啊,不会吧! 我没想到她有那么大年纪了!
52.Someone might discover our secret and that would never do. 也许会有人发现我们的秘密,那可绝对不行。
53.‘They’re getting married next month.’ ‘Never!’ “他们下个月要结婚了。”“不可能吧!”
54. He took time out of his busy schedule to visit us. 他在百忙之中抽空来看望我们。
55.Well I never! I wouldn’t have thought she was that old! 啊,不会吧! 我没想到她有那么大年纪了!
56.At the risk of sounding stupid, can I ask a question? 恕我愚昧,能问个问题吗?
57.What’s your new address? 你的新地址是什么?
58.Put it back on the top shelf.把它放回顶层的搁板上
59.Are you working late (= working after the time you usually finish  ) again tonight?你今晚又要加班吗?
60.I get paid more if I work nights.我要是上夜班就可以多拿工资
61.The colour combination just doesn’t work for me.这种彩搭配就是不合我意。
62.Did you see the letter which came today?你看到今天来的那封信了吗?
63.May I suggest that you think carefully before rushing into this?我建议你三思而后行,好吗?
64.I’ll be brief; a lot of changes are going to happen.我就长话短说吧,接下来将会发生许多变化。