1. One of Shelley’ s greatest political lyrics is ________, which was later to become
a rallying song of the British Communist Party.
A. “Ode to Liberty”
B. “Ode to Naples”
C. “Sonnet: England in 1819”
D. “Men of England”
2. In Charles Dickens’ w o rk ________, the Utilitarian principle rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and minds.
A. Little Dorrit
B. Hard Times
C. Great Expectations
D. Bleak House
3. The tragic sense turns into despair in Thomas Hardy’s ________, where cornered by the traditional social morality, the hero and the heroine have to kill their own will and passion and return to their former destructive way of life.
A. The Return of the Native
B. The Mayor of Casterbridge
C. Tess of the D’ Urbervilles
D. Jude the Obscure
4. The typical representatives of G. B. Shaw’ s early plays are ________.
A. Man and Superman; The Apple Cart
B. Widowers’ House; Mrs. Warren’ s Profession
C. Candida; Mrs. Warren’ s Profession
D. The Apple Cart; Widowers’ House
5. As a critic of music and drama, ________ held that art should serve social purposes by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people.
A. T. S. Eliot
B. Oscar Wilde
C. George Bernard Shaw
D.W. B. Yeats
6. Symbolism and complex narrative are employed more richly in D. H. Lawrence’s ______
__, which are generally regarded as his masterpieces.
A. Women in Love; Sons and Lovers
B. The Rainbow; Women in Love
C. Sons and Lovers; Lady Chatterley’s Lover
D. Lady Chatterley’ s Lov er; Th e Rainbow
7. T. S. Eliot won the Nobel Prize of Literature in ________.
A. 1945
B. 1948
C. 1952
kidnapping an heiressD. 1956
8. Thomas Hardy’s pessimistic view of life predominates most of his later works and earns him a reputation as a ________ writer.
A. realistic
B. naturalistic
C. romantic
D. stylistic
9. “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? ... And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. ” The quoted lines are most probably taken from ________.
A. Great Expectations
B. Wuthering Heights
C. Jane Eyre
D. Pride and Prejudice
10. The most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens’ works is ________.
A. the vernacular and large vocabulary
B. his humor and wit
C. character-portrayal
D. pictures of pathos
11. G. B. Shaw’ s play ________ established his position as the leading playwright of his time.
A. Widowers’ Houses
B. Too True to Be Good
C. Mrs. Warren’ s Profe ssion
D. Candida
12. Jane Austen’ s first novel ________ tells a story about two sisters and their love affairs.
A. Sense and Sensibility
B. Pride and Prejudice
C. Northanger Abbey
D. Mansfield Park
13. “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” the q uoted line comes from
A. Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind”
B. Walt Whitman’ s Leaves of Grass
C. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
D. John Keats’“ Ode on a Grecian Urn”
14. All of the following poems by William Wordsworth are masterpieces on nature EXCEPT
A. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
B. “An Evening Walk”
C. “Tinter Abbey”
D. “The Solitary Reaper”
15. William Blake’s ________ marks his entry into maturity.
A. Poetical Sketches
B. Songs of Innocence
C. Marriage of Heaven and Hell
D. Songs of Experience
16. Henry Fielding’ s ________ brings him the name of “Prose Homer”.
A. The History of Jonathan Wild the Great
B. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
C. The History of Amelia
D. The History of Joseph Andrews
17. Among the three major poetical works by John Milton, ________ is the most perfect example of verse drama after the Greek style in English.
A. Samson Agonistes
B. Paradise Lost
C. Paradise Regained
D. Areopagitica
18. T.S. Eliot’ s ________ not only presents a panorama of physical disorder and spiritual desolation in the modern Western world, but also reflects the prevalent mood of disillusionment and despair of a whole post- war generation.
A. The Hollow Men
B. The Waste Land
C. Murder in the Cathedral
D. Ash Wednesday
19. In ________, Shakespeare has not only made a profound analysis of the social crisis in which the evils can be seen everywhere, but also criticized the bourgeois egoism. P35
A. Hamlet
B. Othello
C. King Lear
D. Macbeth
20. John Milton’s greatest poetical wo rk ________ is the only gene rally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf.