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Grade : HI-121H ABS Resin
1. Chemical Product & Company Identification
Acrylonitrile, 1,3 Butadiene, and Styrene Co-polymer Electronic Goods, Automotive Parts, Package, etc Thermoplastics
LG Chem, Ltd. 20, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 150-721, Korea 82-2-3773-3324, 3985 / 82-2-3773-3310ABS / PS Division
a. Chemical Product Name
b. Usage
c. Chemical Type
d. Company's Address
e. Phone / Fax number
f. Prepared By
2. Composition / Information On Ingredients
a. ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene)
b. N,N Ethylene bistearamide
c. Typical Antioxidant
CAS Number
Contents 9003-56-9110-30-5
97-100%0 -2%0 -1%
3. Hazards Identification
a. Threshold Limit
b. Effect of overexposure
•Eye Contact •Skin Contact •Skin Absorption •Ingestion •Inhalation
•Chronic Effects •Mutagenicity
Solid or dust may cause irritation or corneal injury due to mechanical action Essentially nonirritating to skin, Mechanical injury only Unlikely due to physical properties Unlikely due to physical state.
Dust may cause irritation to respiratory
In case of breathing, fumes released from heated material may cause respiratory irritation Not Available Not Available
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Grade : HI-121H ABS Resin
4. First AID
a. Eye Contact
b. Sk in Contact
c. Ingestion
d. Inhalation
e. Mutagenicity Immediately rinse eyes w ith copious amount of runni ng w a t er
and seek medi cal advice
Essentially n onirritati n g to sk in but rin se w i th co pious w a t er
If vomiti ng occurs,low e r the hea    d to ease vomiting and seek for medical Advice盛唐夜唱歌词
In case of breathing,fum es released from heated material may
cause respiratory irritati o n
In case of inhaling dense smok e immediately remove a
person to fresh air.    If necessary,a pply arti ficial respirati on
and seek medi cal attention immediately
o t Availa ble
5. Fire Fighting Measures
a. Flammable Properties
•Flash Point
•Method Used
•Auto ignition Temperature b. Extinguishing Media
c. Special Fire Fighting Procedure
d. Usual Fire and Explosion Hazards None
Not applicable
Not applicable
Usually use water and use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding conditions
Cool Containers with water spray.    In closed stores, provide fire fighter with self-contained breathing apparatus in positive pressure mode
Irritating gases and dense smoke
6. Accidental Release Measures
a. Personal Precautions
b. Environmental Precautions
那悲伤的回忆c. Cleanup Pellets or beads may present a slipping hazard
Keep out of irrigation ditches, sewers, and water supplies
Spills should be collected to prevent contamination of waterways Sweep up
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Grade : HI-121H ABS Resin
说了再见以后 歌词7. Handling and Storage
a. Handling
b. Storage
Avoid formation of dust e ep bags alw a y s closed / K e ep con tainer lightly closed Avoid  pellets / bags from getting w e t
e ep bags / co ntainers in a w e ll-ventilated place Avoid  pellets / bags from getting w e t
卢星宇演员8. Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
a. Engineering Controls
b. Personal Protective Equipment
c. Exposure Guideline (s)
Good general ventilation should be sufficient for most conditions. Local exhaust ventilation may be necessary for some operations
Although some of the additives used in this product may have exposure guidelines, these additives are encapsulated in the product and no exposure would be expected under normal handling conditions •Eye / Face Protection
•Skin Protection •Respiratory Protection
Use safety glasses. If the is a potential for exposure to particles which Could cause mechanical injury to the eye, wear chemical goggles No Precautions other than clean body-covering clothing should be needed For most conditions, no respiratory protection should be needed ; however,If handling at elevated temperatures without sufficient ventilation, use an approved air-purifying respirator.  In dusty atmospheres, use an approved dust respirator
9. Physical And Chemical Properties
Pellet (Colored solid)Almost Odorless Neutral
Not applicable
Not applicable at standard condition 1.04
Not applicable at standard condition Not applicable at standard condition insoluble
Soluble in THF, Acetone and other Analogous Solvents
a. Appearance
b. Odor
c. pH
d. Boiling Point
e. Evaporation Rate
f. Specific Gravity
g. Vapor Pressure
h. Vapor Density
i. Solubility in Water
j. Solubility in other Solvent
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Grade : HI-121H ABS Resin
10. Stability and Reactivity
a. Stability
b. Storage conditions to avoid
c. Incompatibilit y
d. Hazardous decomposition products
e. Ha zardous polymerization Stable under normal condition Avo id fire and heating above 60¡o ne k n ow n ot applicable o t occur
11. Toxicological Information
See Section 3 for Potential Health Effects.  For detailed toxicological data,  W r ite or call the address
or phone number show n in Section 1.
12. Ecological Information
a. Environmental Fate
b. Ecotoxicity
•Movement & Partitioning
•Degradation & Persistence
No biocon centration is expe cted bec ause of the high molecular weight (MW>1000).  In the t errestrial environment,
material is expected to remain in the so il.  In the aquatic environment,material will sink and remain i
n the s ediment.
This water i nsoluble polymeric soli    d is expect ed to the i nert in the environment.  Surfac e degradation is expected with exposure t o sunlight.  No ap preciable biodeg radation is expec ted.
Not Expec ted to  be acutely tox ic,  b ut pe llets,  if  inges ted by waterfowl or aquatic lif e,  ma y mechanically caus e adverse effects.
13. Disposal Considerations
Disposal : Do not Dump into any sew ers, on the ground, or into any body of w ater.
All disposal methods must be in compliance w i th a ll Federal, State/Provincial and local law s  and
regulatio ns.  Regulatio ns may vary i n different locations.  W a st    e characterizations and compliance w i th appliance law s  are th    e responsibility solely of the w a st    e generator.
电子琴谱For unused & unco ntaminated product, the pr eferred options include sending to a licensed, permitted : recycler,  reclai mer,  i ncinerator or other therma l destructio n device.
Grade : HI-121H ABS Resin
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o t classi fied as hazardous under transport regulati ons.
15. Other Information
Product sho uld be handled,st ored, and used in accordance w i th t he generally accepted industrial hygi ene practices and in conformi ty w ith all the applicable legal regulatio ns.
The information provided herein is based on the k n o ledge possessed at this present time from the view point of safety req u ir ements.
It should,theref ore,not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties.