Exploring Space探索宇宙空间
        Do you want to visit space On October 17 two Chinese astronauts 宇航员 took the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft (神舟十一号飞船) to visit space. What happens up there Let’s take a look.
        Going into space is not easy. Shenzhou-11 spacecraft brings astronauts into space. The spacecraft finds the Tiangong-2 space lab (天宫二号太空实验室. They connect to (连接) each other. Astronauts go into the lab and stay there for 30 days. It is the longest space trip for Chinese astronauts. They have many jobs to do there.
        Two astronauts do science and other experiments (实验)blank space下载 in the lab. They are part of the experiments too. They find out how (如何) humans live in the space lab. China will build a space station (空间站) in 2020.
        Two astronauts will do more than 40 experiments in the lab. Some of them are about science. Six silkworms are part of these experiments. They live in a small house. Astronauts watch them through (通过……看) its glass. They spin (吐丝) and make a cocoon (做茧) in space. And there will be a study on their silk (丝).
        Meet the astronauts宇航员见面会
        Q&A for the astronauts宇航员问答时间
        How’s life in Tiangong-2 space lab Let’s listen to what the two astronauts say.如何在天宫二号空间实验室生活呢?让我们一起来听听两位宇航员是怎么说的吧!
        Q What do you eat in space?你们在太空中吃什么呀?
        A During the trip we have more than 100 kinds of food and drinks. We can have Sichuan cuisine (川菜) too!在这期间,我们有多达100种食物和饮料,我们还可以吃到川菜哦!(棉花糖细说:你以为太空飞船里只有压缩饼干、矿泉水?才不是呢!宇航员们的伙食好着呢!他们的食品种类有100多种,包括主食、副食等六大类产品,酱牛肉、鱼香肉丝等传统菜肴都有,而且五天之内都不会重样!宇航员可以使用专用的食品加热器吃到热腾腾的饭菜,还可以享用甜点!好羡慕他们!)
        Q What will happen to (发生在…… your bones?你们的骨头会发生什么变化?
        A We will have bone loss (骨流失) in space. Our bones will become lighter. And usually we will be 2.5-5cm taller than on Earth.在太空,我们会骨质流失。我们的骨头将会变得很轻。还有,我们的身高将会比在地球上高2.5-5厘米。(棉花糖细说:宇航员在飞船的失重环境里生活,看上去飘来飘去很惬意,但实际上这种运动方式很消耗体力。再加上工作紧张,所以宇航员回到地球的时候,几乎都会出现体重下降、骨质流失、贫血等症状。)
        Q Do you see doctors in space?在太空你们会看医生吗?
        A Yes we do. There is a special technique (技术). And it can know about our heart rate (心跳速度) and temperature (体温).是的,当然会。有一项特殊的技术,它能够知道我们的心跳速度和体温。(棉花糖细说:在太空工作期间,宇航员将综合利用医疗询问、基本生理指标检查、尿常规检测、心肺功能检查等手段,来定期对自己实施健康状态评估。而且这次是中国首次建立起天地远程医疗支持系统,通过天地协同会诊,来解决宇航员在轨看病问题。)
        Q How do you move in space?你们在太空如何行走?
        A We use our arms more than feet. There are armrests (扶手) in the lab.我们使用手臂的次数比使用脚的次数要多。在实验室里有许多的扶手。
        during 表示……的时候
        比如:We saw Trolls during the weekend.周末的时候我们看了《魔发精灵》。
        Have a go练一练
        1. Two astronauts stay in _____ for 30 days.
        A. space B. the spacecraft C. the space lab
        2. _____ join in this space trip.
        A. Silkworms B. A monkey C. Just one astronaut