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Sweet Home Alabama Script - Dialogue Transcript
《阿拉巴马甜蜜的家》 Sweet Home Alabama 对话剧本
Sweet Home Alabama Script
Come on, Jake.
- Slow down!
Hurry up, Jake!
I gotta get home.
My mom's gonna kill me.
Wow, did you see that?
Well, answer the question!
- No!
No, you won't answer,
or no, you won't marry me?
Jake Perry, I'm    years old.
I got too much to live for.
Not that way, you dolt!
Come on!
It's hot. Don't touch it.
We'll be safe here.
Says who?
- Everybody.
Lightning never strikes
the same place twice.
Why would you want to
marry me for anyhow?
So I can kiss you
any time I want.
I need more coffee, guys.
It's a warning!
Oh, my God.
You know, that accent
is a whole lot thicker
when you're dreaming.
All right, how come
y'all let me sleep?
Oh, calm down.
It was  minutes.
What did I say?
We're all getting big, fat
raises when you become somebody.
Oh, did they kill Badgley Mishka!
Okay, laugh now, but
tomorrow it could be us.
I just make the coffee.
Thank you.
I'll see you at the show.
Bye, Mel.
There's a rose for every moment
I thought of you last night.
God, you must be exhausted.
Listen, knock 'em dead.
I'll see you at the show.
It's gonna be great.
I love you.
I can't wait to see you.
Okay, people,
we are officially late!
- Yes?!
This top is supposed
to be neon aubergine,...
but it's all wrong!
It's all wrong!
Okay, don't panic.
That's my job.
< okay.
Put her on after Anoke.
The third light cue is yellow.
She'll look eggplan
Pan, uh, the reason it's all
wrong is it's on backwards.
Ooh, Miss Vixen, I'm scared of you.
Frederick, what are you doing
here? You're the competition.
Competition? Please! Our
design's for plumes and pearls,...
and nothing is going to come
between me and my protege.
And this is, after all,
all about me.
Oh, I love this. Stella
McCartney's gonna kill herself.
Then why do I feel like
I'm in Times Square buck naked?
Baby doll, you're
gonna be just fine.
Seven years ago, you were this
debutante off the plantation,...
and now you're my steel magnolia
with her very own show.
Okay, get out of here
before you make me cry.
Bonne chance!
Big smile!
Great! Thank you!
Good to see you.
Secretary Hennings, do you have
a moment for a few questions?
Andrew, are you excited
about the show?
Uh, of course,
I'm very excited.
Did you get to see the models?
- The models? Why, uh...
Please tell me
he has a flaw somewhere.
He asked me to go to
Ireland for Christmas.
He's gonna ask you
a lot more than that.
You think so?
Hey, let's go!
- Let's do this!
All right, we gotta go.
- Places, everyone!
Come on, let's go, line up.
- Have a good show.
Okay, no smiles,
no smiles, just smirks!
Oh, congratulations.
You're amazing.
Those flowers were insane.
Oh, well, I just want
this day to be perfect.
Oh, God, honey,
what if they hate me?
Oh, they're critics, Mel.
They hate themselves.
That's easy for you to say.
I wasn't born with
that thick Hennings skin.
No, you weren't, and that
is what I love about you.
Ah, honey, I'm sorry, I got
a meeting in the Bronx.
But you go and enjoy, and
I'll see you later. Okay?
Oh, and, hey, we've got that
thing tonight at Lincoln Center.
What thing?
Fund-raiser thing.
with your mother.
That's tonight.
I'm afrai
d so.
I am so proud of you.
Thank you.
- I love you.
I love you, too.
His meeting's running
a little late.
He told me to take you inside
so you wouldn't have to wait.
Where are we?
I'm so tired, Jimmy.
I've just had it.
< he shouldn't be
too long.
Miss Carmichael,
won't you come in?
< have you made a decision?
- About what?
Ireland, honey,
that's four months from now.
I was thinking maybe
...    guests, tops.
For Christmas?
Andrew, are you on
some sort of medication?
What's going on?
Where are we?
Oh, my God.
will you marry me?
Are you sure?
I mean, a-a-are you really sure?
Because if you're not sure, we
could just go back to the car.
It's only been  months.
You know I never do
anything rash.
And I usually never ask a question
I don't already know the answer to,...
< at the risk of being rejected
twice, I'm gonna ask you again.
Will you marry me?
Pick one.
Mayor, just one shot!
One shot!
Can you comment on
the Watson bill?
Over here, Mayor, please!
Over here!
Thank you.
Where is he?
He's running late.
No doubt thanks to
macy gray
that Carbuncle girl.
< designer, Southern.
- Right, whatever.
Your Honor,
how do you
who are opposed to the
you put before
the city council today?
I suggest they take a drive on
some of the streets in Brooklyn.
Maybe they'll disappear
into a pothole.
Your son's relationship
sources say they're engaged.
Do you have a comment?
Trust me, if my son were
engaged, I'd have a comment.
I thought you were tired.
Jimmy, can you excuse us
for a second?
I've been planning
this for weeks.
I knew your show would be great,
and tonight is perfect.
Oh, God, I can't wait to see
the look on my mother's face.
Come on, let's call your parents.
- No!
not right this second.
What I mean is, uh...
Honey, would you
if we just kept this to
ourselves for a few days?
Mel, it's gonna come out
sooner or later.
No, I know, I know, but, um,...
it's just, I haven't seen
my folks in about  years,...
and I just feel like I should
probably tell them in person.
Of course.
And, um... I think
I should do it alone.
Mel, I'm gonna have to
meet them eventually.
I know, I know, and
they will
Is it because I'm a Yankee?
Well, and a Democrat.
< mum's the word.
No one will know.
- Thank you.
Secretary Hennings,
Why haven't you told your
mother you're engaged?
Have you thought about children?
I'm sorry we're late.
That shade of lipstick does
nothing for you. What kept you?
Oh, it's none of your business.
Ah, you know I hate surprises.
What's going on?
Oh, Tom, always a pleasure.
Good to see you.
Melanie, darling.
- Hi, Your Honor.
So good to see you.
Look always
the belle of the ball.
I hear very good things
about your new line.
Oh, yeah. Thanks.
- Always a pleasure.
- Yes?
Seems Melanie is wearing a skating rink
on a very important finger.
Um, Your Honor, I'd
really like to
Oh, my God, you're engaged?!
Bloody hell, Mel,
I'm your first New York friend,
and I have to read about it
with    million other people!
Sorry, honey,
she just grabbed my hand.
What was I supposed to do?
we read all about it.
So, did you cry?
- Wouldn't you?
One man for the rest of my life?
I'd bawl my bloody eyes out.
So why don't you meet us?
We're just around the corner.
I'm in Alabama.
< my God.
He's loud, but he don't bite.
Come on, shut up, hound!
Lie down.
Go on, stay.
Now, how can I help you?
Well, for starters, you can get
your stubborn ass
and give me a divorce.
Come on, Jake, I mean it.
The joke's over.
Let's just finish this.
I've got a plane to catch.
You're shittin' me, right?
You know, I've never actually
understood that expression,...
but, no,
I'm not "shitting" you.
Look, it's even got these idiot-proof
tabs to make it easy.
There's one copy for me,
one copy
and one copy for the lawyers.
What? Speak!
You show up here after 
without so much as a "Hey, there,
Jake, your wife?"
Or a "Hi, honey.
Lookin' good.
How's the family?"
You expect me to tell you
you look good?
Did they run out of soap down at
the Piggly Wiggly since I left?
They laugh at that up north
or wherever it is you been?
You knew where I was.
And don't even pretend you spent
all this time missing me.
Oh, I missed you,
all right.
But at this range,
my aim is bound to improve.
Is that a threat?
I've got a lawyer
who charges $    an hour.
He billed me every time
you sent these papers back.
Well, I'm glad to see
you finally got the message.
Shut up, Bear!
- Shut up, Bryant!
What happened to Bear?
- He died.
You weren't here.
What are you doing?!
Leavin'. You done it.
You should recognize the gesture.
Could we just try to keep this
as civilized as possible?
Please sign these papers
so I can go home.
What do you know from home?