- Hey. - Hi.  - 嘿... - 嘿!
Phoebe, what's wrong?  菲比,出了什么事吗?
I'm just so exhausted from dragging around this huge engagement ring.  戴着这个超大订婚戒指快要把我累死了!
- Oh, my God. - Congratulations.  -噢!天啊! -恭喜你啊!哇!
So did he get on one knee? Did he have a speech prepared?  他有没有跪下来?他有准备求婚词吗?
Oh, did he cry?  噢!他有哭吗?
Yeah, big surprise, I like proposals.  没错,我喜欢求婚,很奇怪吗?
Well, it was really sweet, and, like, the most romantic thing ever.  实在是很温馨,是我人生中最浪漫的一刻。
Here's to Phoebe, who's found the greatest guy in the world.  嘿,我们来敬菲比 为了她到世界上最好的男人干一杯。
To Phoebe and..  敬菲比和...
I want to say "Mike"?  应该是麦克吧?
- To Phoebe and Mike. - Hey.  -敬菲比和麦克! -喔!
Thank you. Oh, and I have something for you.  谢谢大家! 噢,我有点东西要给你!
It's my little black book. It's got the numbers of all the guys I've dated.  这是我的小记事本 里面有我约会过的男生的电话
Oh, Phoebe, that's nice, but you know what? I think I'm okay.  噢,菲比。很谢谢你,但我想我用不上了。
Give it to one of your other single girlfriends.  你还是把它送给你其他独身的女性朋友吧
I would, but you're the last one.  我也想,但你是最后一个独身的了
Give me the book!  那给我吧!
"Pablo Diaz.  巴布罗.迪亚斯
Brady Smith.  布里迪.史密斯
Guy in Van"?  “开货车的男生”
Oh, my first love.  那是我的初恋!
What is the red X next to Bob Gremore's name mean?  巴伯.格里莫的名字旁边标着个X是什么意思?
Dead.  死掉了。
Oh, it's okay. No, he was old. Yeah.  没关系,他已经很老了。
And he lived a full life. He was in the first wave at Omaha Beach.  他也活够了,奥马哈移民潮时他也在场。
I should've given you guys my black book when I got married.  嘿,对不起 我结婚时也应该把我的电话本给你们男生的。
Although, it wasn't so much a book as a napkin.  尽管那不算是电话本,只是一张皱皱的纸...
With Janice's phone number on it.  ...上面写着珍妮斯的电话。
Phoebe, isn't Jethro Tull a band?  菲比,Jethro Tull不是一个乐队吗?
Oh, yes, they are.  没错。
00:01:50,630 --> 00:01:51,660  rainystar压制iPod-MP4
Hey, honey.  嘿,老婆
Hey, sweetie.  嘿,老公
- Is Monica not here? - No.  -莫尼卡不在吗? -不在。
Then I'll tell you. My agency was bidding for a big account, and they got it.  那我先告诉你吧,我的经纪争取到一个大广告客户
- It's my first national commercial. - Cool.  -这是我第一个跨国广告 -酷!
And I don't want to brag, but a lot of the ideas were mine.  不是我吹牛,但很多内容都是我构思出来的!
Hell, you weren't there. All the ideas were mine.  拜托,你有没有在听啊?全部构思都是我的!
That's great. Hey, can you cast me in it?  太好了!嘿,可以介绍我去拍广告吗?
I really don't think you're right for the part.  ...不知道啊,我想你不适合里面的角。
What do you mean? I can do anything. I'm a chameleon.  怎么会?我可以演任何角。我是一条变龙呢!
I'm old.  我很老!
I'm tired.  我很累!
Oh, I am hot. I'm cold. Come on, what can't I do?  嘿!我很热!我很冷! 呵??拜托,有什么我不能演?
First of all, bravo.  我得说,精彩...
But I don't think you're right for this. The part's a stuffy college professor.  但我觉得你真的不适合 这个角是一个死板的大学教授。
I can do that. Hello, I'm your professor.  也可以啊! 你好,我是你们的教授。
When I'm not busy thinking of important things, or professing..  当我有空或者没有...演讲的时候
I like to use.. What's the product?  我会用...噢!是什么产品?
Software that facilitates inter-business networking e-solutions.  电子商务网络解决方案。
I'm cold.  我很冷!
- Hey. - Hey.  - 嘿! - 嘿!
Guess who's a finalist for a huge research grant?  猜猜谁有可能得到一笔庞大的科研补助金!
I'll give you a hint. He's looking right at you.  给你个提示,他正在看着你。
Well, unless it's the creepy guy with his hand up his kilt..  除非你说的是那个穿裙子的怪人
I'm gonna say, "Congratulations."  恭喜你!
I'm so excited. Apparently, I beat out hundreds of other applicants..  我实在是太兴奋了,我击败了其他的几百个竞争者
including five guys I went to graduate school with.  包括我们研究所的五个同事。
Not that I'm keeping score, or anything. Five.  不是我吹嘘,但...五个人!
- Wow, that's great. - Yeah.  -哇!太厉害了。 - 是啊!
So tell me about the grant. - Well, okay, it's for $25,000.  -那个是什么补助金? -那是25,000美元的补助
And if I get it, I'll be able to complete my field research.  如果我得到了 那我就可以完成我那领域的研究了。
And there will be an article about me in the Paleontology Review.  然后我就可以在“古生物学刊”里发表我的论文了
It'll be the first time my name is in there..  那是我头一次在那本书上发表论文
without people raising serious questions about my work.  而其他人不会怀疑
- Are you talking about the Dewer Grant? - Yeah. Why?  -等等,你是说杜瓦基金? -没错,怎么了?
Benjamin Hobart is administering that grant.  本杰明.哈伯特管理着那个基金
- Your ex-boyfriend? - Yeah.  -你的前任男朋友? -对。
So your ex-boyfriend is gonna determine if your new boyfriend gets this grant?  那么说 你的前男友决定了你现任男友是否能得到那笔钱?
Wow, your new boyfriend is screwed.  哇,你的现任男友真。
No. No, we ended on great terms.  没有,我们很愉快的分手的。
If anything, I think this could help you. You know what?  我意思是,如果对你有帮助的话