Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.
Section A
The main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是1a和2。
1.Learn a new word and some phrases:
as a result, behavior, in the beginning, day by day, die out
2.Learn some useful sentences: 
(1)As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem.
    (2)Humans have come to realize the importance of protecting animals.
3.Learn the indefinite pronoun and adverb:
(1) None of us likes pollution.
(2) Don’t spit anywhere in public.
(3) Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.
4.Learn the importance of protecting the environment.
Step1 复习污染的类型及其危害,教师创设一个空气污染的情境,引入本课话题。
T:    What kind of pollution is it?
Ss:    It is noise pollution.
T:    What harm can it cause?
S1:    It can disturb others and make people feel uncomfortable and unpleasant.
S2:    It does great harm to people’s hearing. It can even make people sick or deaf.
T:    How should we solve this problem?
S3:    Don’t always listen to loud pop music.
T:    It is too dirty and there is too much heavy smoke outside. I can’t stand it.
Ss: Is it air pollution?
T: Yes, it is.
Step 2 Presentation
T:    Do you like the environment here?
Ss:    No, we don’t.
T:    Why?
Ss:    Because there is too much smoke.
T:    Yes. We should stop burning coal. It is said that China has become the world’s largest
producer and user of coal. As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem.
as a result
T: Now our government has realized the importance of protecting the environment.
T: We should do something useful to protect the environment, too.
something useful
T: Listen to the tape, and answer the questions on the small blackboard.
(1)What’s the article about?
(2)What should we do as students?
T: Let’s read 1a together. Boys—Kangkang and girls—Michael.
T: Read 1a again, and try to find the indefinite pronouns or adverbs.
Step 3 Consolidation
T: Now, let’s read this dialog together again, and then try to answer the questions in 1b as quickly as you can.
2.(让学生分组活动, 仿照1a编写对话,以达到学以致用的目的。)
T: OK, please work in pairs. Try to make a new dialog with your partner according to the dialog in 1a.Then I’ll ask some pairs to act out your own dialog in the front of the classroom.
S1:    Hi, S2, what are you doing now?
S2: I’m reading a book.
S1: What’s it about?
S2: It’s about the environment in the world.It says that our environment is getting worse and worse. And the pollution has been the most serious problem in the world.
S1: Yes. But it’s lucky that lots of governments have done something useful for the protection of environment.
    S2: It’s known that nobody likes pollution. But what should we do as students?
    S1: I think, first, everyone should try to protect the environment around us and we shouldn’t spit or throw the rubbish here and there. We should protect the wild animals and plants.
S2: That’s right, we should do as much as possible to protect our earth.
Step 4 Practice
T:    Environment is very important to us. How about the environment of Kangkang’s school? Let’s look at the pictures.
T:    (指着第一幅图中的男生。) Is he polite or impolite?
Ss:    Impolite.
T:    Yes. He is rude.
T:    Are their behaviors good or bad?
Ss:    Bad.
T:    I agree with you. What should we do then? We should make rules to change the situation. Perhaps it’s hard for us to follow the rules in the beginning. But you will get used to them later on and our school will become better and better day by day.
in the beginning, day by day
T: Discuss in groups of four, then give a report.