Unit11  Sad movies make me cry
Key phrases  1. make sb. do sth .使某人做某事 make me cry 使我想哭 make sb. +adj. 使某人......  make me nervous / uncomfortable / sleepy使我紧张 / 不舒服 /困倦2. wait for sb.等某人drive sb crazy/ mad= make sb crazy 使某人发疯 / 发狂so... that ...如此... 以致...  3. the +比较级+…, the+比较级+… 越…, 就越…  , 越......越....... 4. yes and no好坏参半,既好又不好5. be sure确定  be sure (not) to do sth 一定(不) 要做某事 be sure that clause确信……  be sure of / about ...确信…,对…有把握6. get to do sth 开始做某事 get to know sb开始了解某人7. have ... in common有共同点 have a lot in common 有很多共同点  have only one thing in common只有一个共同点 have nothing in common 没有共同点 8.be friends with sb是某人的朋友  9.leave out 不包括;省略  feel left out感觉被忽视/ 冷落 10.make our friendship stronger 使我们的友谊更坚固 11.  sleep badly  睡眠很差 12. a long time ago 很久以前 13.live an unhappy king 住着一位不快乐的国王14. feel like doing sth想要做......  feel like eating =want to eat 想吃 15. be pale as chalk苍白得像石灰 16. for no reason 没有理由的;无缘无故17. neither…nor… 既不…也不…18. be called to the palace 被召进宫 call in召进 call sb in 召进某人  19. in one’s mi
nd 在某人的脑海里 / 在某人的心里20. the prime minister 大臣,首相 21. explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事 22. be worried about 担心23. have lots of power  有很多的权力24.  take one’s position=take one’s place  代替某人的职位/位置 25. have a lot of wealth 有很多财富 26. be followed by sb 被某人跟踪 follow sb to do sth 跟随某人做某事 follow one’s example 效仿某人的做法27.the top general大将军 28. tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 sb be told to do sth 某人被告知做某事 29. In three days’ time 在三天时间内 30. to start with=to begin with 起初 (用于句首表示事情发生的先后顺序)31. get the exam result back取考试成绩单  32. hand back退还, 交还 33. find out发现/ 查出 34. do too badly做得太差  35. throw rubbish on the streets 在街道上扔垃圾 36. clean up 打扫干净 37.remain unhappy forever仍旧永远不幸福 a happy person with power and money  一个既有权又有钱的快乐的人 38. search for= look for 搜寻 / 寻39. even though = even if 即使 40. return to the king回复国王return sth to sb = return sb sth = give sth back to sb 归还某人某物41. a shirt of a happy person一个快乐人的衬衫 42..the winning team 必胜的球队 43. Keep one’s eyes on sth / sb 盯着/留意某物/ 某人44.feel like 感觉像 45. . on the shoulder在肩上 on one’s  shoulders在某人的双肩上46. . on the soccer field在足球
场上 47. miss scoring the goal错过进球 48. . let sb down= disappoint sb 使某人失望  49.stop doing sth  停止做某事 stop thinking about 停止思考/考虑50. lose the game 输掉了比赛 51. kick sb off+地点= kick sb out of sp  把某人从某地开除 52. rather than 而不是 53. all over one’s face 某人的整个脸上 54. knock on /at the door 敲门 55. communicate with sb 与某人交流 56. be hard on sb对某人苛刻 / 要求严格 57. support each other相互支持 58. learn from sb 向某人学习 learn from sth  从某物中学习59. with courage 勇敢地 60. be close to sth / doing sth 接近/差点儿做某事 61.  pull together齐心协力 62. nod in agreement点头同意 63. continue to do=go on to do 继续做某事(前后不是同一件事) continue doing sth = go on doing sth 继续做某事((前后做同一件事) 64.to one’s relief 令人欣慰的 /庆幸的 /心安的 65.to one’s surprise 令人惊奇的 是 66. offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 给某人提供某物67.get into a fight with sb  和某人吵架 get into trouble 陷入麻烦68. a big group of 一大
一 选择题
(  )1.—What a heavy rain!    —So it is.I prefer _____ rather than _____ on such a rainy day.
    A.to go out; stay at home        B.to stay at home; go out
    C.going out; stay at home        D.staying at home ; go out
(  )2. —Walking more is good for our health.
      —You’re right. So I’d rather ____ an hour’s walk to work than consider ______ a car.
    A. take; driving    B. take; drive    C. take; to drive      D. to take; driving
(  )3.________ our surprise, he failed the math exam.
      A.In      B.On      C.To      D.At
(  )4.He is an explorer ________ a sailor.
    A.so              B.but            C.or              D.rather than
(  )5.We are made ________ more confident by our teacher.
A.to be      B.being    C.be      D.been
(  )6. — You look so tired. — My mother makes me ___ playing the piano for 2 hours every day.
A. practice        B. to practice      C. Practicing  D.practiced
(  )7.—How does your mother like your presents for Mother's Day?
—Well, ________ this sweater________ that one is fit for her.They're too big.
A.both; and  B.either; or  C.neither; nor  D.not only; but also
(  )8.The teachers hope all of us can hand ________ our homework ________ time every day.
A.up; in          B.out; on      C.on; in        D.in; on
(  )9. My dream hometown is an amazing place________ any pollution.
A.with          B.without        C.out              D.in
(  ) 10 .He would rather _______ to jazz.
    A. not listen      B. not to listen      C. not listening        D. listen not
(  ) 11. The movie is       wonderful      I want to see it again
    A. too; to      B. so; that      C. as; as        D. so; as
(  ) 12.  She bought a digital camera online____ she would save a lot of time.
    A. so that      B. as soon as    C. no matter  D. such that
(  ) 13.Can you tell me what happened       him just now?
      A. with              B. for            C. to        D. at
(  ) 14. —Remember this , children . _______careful you are , _______mistakes you will make .
          —We know , Mr. Li .
    A.The more; the more B.The fewer; the more C. The more; the fewer  D. The less; the less
(  ) 15. — Look! It’s raining heavily! _______ take a raincoat with you?
        —Well, I’ll take one right now.
    A. Why not          B. Why don’t          C. Would you mind  D. Would you like
(  ) 16. He had been asked to the party and was feeling left _____.
      A.behind    B.out      C.off          D.over
(  )17. I made a call to my parents yesterday, but ____ of them answered it.
    A.either            B.none            C.neither      D.nobody
(  ) 18.Welcome to our school ,ladies and gentlemen. ____ , I’d like to introduce myself.
    A.To be honest    B.To my surprise    C.To start with    D.To tell you the truth.
(  ) 19. Some of the tired students keep their eyes _____ in breaks.
    A. opened      B. close      C. closed  D. open
(  ) 20. —Does Mary only have an apple for breakfast?  — Yes. She eats like a bird_____
      A.to wake up    B.to be strong    C.to lose weight  D. to fall asleep
(  ) 21. Jim works hard at his lessons. He doesn’t want to _____.
    A. let his parents down  B. let down us  C. let his parents sad  D. let his parents up
(  )22.He will be kicked ______ the team we made youif he break the rule again.
      A.in              B.off            C.out        D.up
(    ) 23.Don’t be too _____ on him— he’s very young.