Hello everybody, I am very glad to give you this presentation about Netherlands.
The Netherlands  is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located in North-West Europe. It is a parliamentary democratic constitutional monarchy. The Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east. The capital is Amsterdam and the seat of government is The Hague.
The Netherlands in its entirety is often referred to as Holland, though North and South Holland are actually only two of its twelve provinces (see terminology of "the Netherlands"). The word Dutch is used to refer to the people, the language, and anything pertaining to the Netherlands. This lexical difference between the noun and the adjective is a peculiarity of the English language and does not exist in the Dutch language. The adjective 'Dutch' is derived from the language that was spoken in the area, called 'Diets', which equals Middle Dutch.
Located on the  Western Europe , The Netherlands is a geographically low-lying country, with about 20% of its area and 21% of its population located below sea level, with 50% of its land lying less than one meter above sea level.
About Area, these are some statistics :
total: 41,526 sq km
land: 33,883 sq km
water: 7,643 sq km
slightly less than twice the size of New Jersey
Here you see are some famous brands headquartered in Holland, such as Philips, Unilever, ABN-AMRO BANK(荷兰银行), ING(荷兰国际集团), Thomas National Transport(TNT快递), KPMG(毕马威会计师事务所), Heineken(喜力啤酒),and some other brands.
Now, do you know the four treasures of Netherland ?荷兰四大国宝
Let me tell you . they are windmill(风车), tulip(郁金香), cheese(奶酪) and klompen(木鞋)
Here comes the WINDMILL
A windmill is a machine that is powered by the energy of the wind. It is designed to convert the energy of the wind into more useful forms using rotating blades or sails. The term also refers to the structure it is commonly built on. In much of Europe, windmills served originally to grind grain, though later applications included pumping water and, more recently, generation of electricity. Recent electricity-generating versions are referred to as wind turbines.
Holland is famous for its windmills, so no one will be surprised to learn that the world’s tallest windmills are to be found here. Windmills have always played a great part in the life of Holland and its inhabitants. While at first they served to grind corn, to remove excess water from the low-lying districts, and to saw timber, thus making the country fit for human habitation and adding to habitable area, they developed - especially in the seventeenth century - into a most important factor in the social structure of those days. It is with increasing interest that one learns about this.
Although it can be said that windmills which can be compared with the Dutch windmills are
to be found in other European countries as well (England, Belgium, France, Denmark, Germany, Finland), it has to be observed that their number is relatively small there. It is only in Holland that so many windmills are present in so small an area. These windmills moreover are in very reasonable, many of them even in excellent, condition and a considerable number of them are working regularly. There are windmills of the most varied types: drainage mills, corn mills, and industrial mills for all sorts of purposes.
Windmills form an important element in the Dutch landscape with its wide horizons, its glittering waters and big clouds floating overhead; without them we can hardly imagine this landscape, which is unique in the world.
The wind blows where it lies, and though hearest the sound thereof, but cannot not tell where it comes, and where it goes: so is every one that is born of the Wind.. And love is just like the wind. We cant see it, but we can feel it. Maybe that is why windmill has become the spirit of Holland
Next is the TULIP(郁金香)
一,In 1593 tulips were brought from Turkey and introduced to the Dutch. The novelty of the new flower made it widely sought after and therefore fairly pricey. After a time, the tulips contracted a non-fatal virus known as mosaic, which didn't kill the tulip population but altered them causing "flames" of color to appear upon the petals. The color patterns came in a wide variety, increasing the rarity of an already unique flower. Thus, tulips, which were already selling at a premium, began to rise in price according to how their virus alterations were valued, or desired. Everyone began to deal in bulbs, essentially speculating on the tulip market, which was believed to have no limits.
二,A spring trip to Amsterdam and the Netherlands is not complete without a visit to the Dutch countryside to see the tulip fields in bloom. Touring Keukenhof Gardens, the worlds' l
argest tulip gardens, is a wonderful shore excursion, but we were amazed at the amazing cultivated gardens throughout the country. During a trip to the Netherlands in mid-April, we saw tulip fields in Noord Holland, Zuid Holland, and Friesland. In addition, there were some beautiful tulip fields next to Keukenhof Gardens, near the large windmill.