For Reading and Listening
庆祝” celebrate
The Spring Festival is a great event for Chinese to celebrate every year.
总结】celebrate是不及物动词, 意为“庆祝; 庆贺”, 如例句。
【拓展】celebrate也可以作及物动词, 如:
We celebrated our success in the classroom after school.
【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。
1. 你是怎样庆祝大学毕业的?
How did you ______ your graduation from college?
2. 汤姆通过了考试, 我们将出去庆祝一番。
Tom passed the exam. We are going out to _______.
“除……之外” except
I can answer all the questions except for the last one.
除了最后一个问题外, 其他的我都可以解答。
【总结】except是介词。短语except for表示“除……之外”, 如例句。
【拓展】besides也表示“除……之外”, 但besides之后的内容是包括在内的。如:
I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful.
我觉得她不但长得非常漂亮, 而且还有很多优秀品质。
【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。
3. 除了几处语法错误外, 你的作文写得很好。
Your writing is good ______ _______ a few grammar mistakes.
4. 除了音乐之外, 我们还有很多共同点, 比如喜欢做运动和绘画。
We have lots of things in common _______ music, such as like doing sports and painting.
“秘密的” secret
In ancient times, most of the kings have secret rooms in their palace.
【总结】secret作形容词, 意为“秘密的”, 如例句。
【拓展】secret还可以作名词, 意为“秘密; 秘诀”。如:
The secret of keeping healthy is to take exercise.
【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。
5. 我在山上发现了一个秘密通道。
I found a ______ path in the mountain.
6. 成功的秘诀在于周密的计划。
Making good plans is _______ _______ _______ success.
succeed “实现目标”
1. John wanted to be an actor, and he finally succeeded.
约翰想成为一名演员, 最后他实现了自己的目标。
2. The policemen succeeded in catching the thief.
【总结】succeed是动词, 常作不及物动词, 意为“实现目标; 达到目的”, 如例1。另外, succeed常和in搭配构成succeed in doing sth. / succeed in sth., 如例2。
【拓展】succeed的形容词为successful, 名词为success, 如: Ma Yun is a successful man.
【运用】根据句意, 用succeed的不同形式填空。
7. China gained great _______ in this competition.
8. The soldiers _______ _______ going through the dangerous place.
9. If you want to be a _______ person, you have to work hard every day.
“窃取” steal
The thieves stole a lot of money yesterday.
【总结】steal用作动词, 意为“偷; 窃取”, 如例句。
1. steal常用短语为steal sth from sb, 意为“偷某人的某物”,如:
The boy wants to steal the famous picture from the rich man.
2. steal的过去式为stole, 过去分词为stolen。
【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。
10. 昨天在公交车上, 我的钱包被人偷了。
Yesterday on the bus, a thief _______ my wallet.
句型导航Sentence guide
Structure analysis [长难句解析]
1. Get some help and pull it into the city.
【解析】本句是个祈使句, and是并列连词, 连接两个并列的成分。例如:
Sit up straight and look at the blackboard. 坐端正, 看黑板。
2. In one night, however, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick. 然而, 在一个晚上, 他们成功通过一个聪明的计谋攻占了它。
【解析】本句中, however用作副词, 表示转折, 意为“然而”。例如:
However, I don’t want to go with him.
然而, 我不想和他一起走。
3. That night, in the main square of the city, all the Trojans celebrated.
那天晚上, 在城市的主广场, 所有的特洛伊人一起庆祝。
【解析】本句中, 表示时间和地点的短语位于主句之前。本句也可以为: All the Trojans celebrated in the main square of the city that night. 例如:
That day, in our school, we had a party.
Structure imitation [句式仿写]
1. The Greeks didn’t want to take it with them.
天真的预言【解析】此句中, take sth with sb意为“随身携带……”。例如:
You’d better take an umbrella with you when you go out.
2. The horse was full of Greek soldiers!
【解析】此句中, (be) full of意为“(有)大量的; (有)许多的”。例如:
The bottle is full of water. 瓶子里装满了水。
根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。申东烨 李素拉
1. 外面冷, 你应该带件外套。
It’s cold outside. You should _______ a coat ______ you.
2. 这个篮子里有许多鸡蛋。
The basket _______ ______ _______ eggs.
短语收藏夹 Phrase collection
Unit 6 短语聚会
1. act out    将……表演出来
2. try to do …尽力做……
3. give up    放弃
4. sail away    开船走了
5. a huge wooden horse    一匹巨大的木马
6. take sth. with sb.  (某人) 随身携带……
7. pull … into …把……拖进……
8. make jokes about …拿……开玩笑; 以……为笑柄
9. except for …除……之外
10. (be) full of  (有)大量的; (有)许多的
11. on the side of    在侧边
12. climb out of ...    从……爬出去
13. one by one    逐个地; 逐一地
14. play a trick on sb.  捉弄某人
15. in the end    最后
根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子。
败类下载1. During the party, we all had a good time _______.
2. Our teacher wrote a play and he asked us to ________ it ________.
3. They speak in a humorous way and ______ each other whenever they meet.
4. It is raining outside. Let’s _______ these desks _______ the room.
5. Smith is a good man, _________ his bad temper(脾气).
For Unit 6
Section A (For Reading)
I. 根据句意及图片提示写单词, 补全句子或对话。
1. The building in the picture is an _______ one and it has a long history.
2. If there is a _____, a lot of people will die.
3. The _____ is saving the little boy.
4. --- What can you see in the box?
--- It is ________.
5. The ______ is exercising in the water.