lonely lonely christmas  我要向小草学习,做一个不怕困难、勇于克服困难的人。
  指导教师: 周海洋
  The spirit of Christmas Carol is to give, to forgive, and to love others. I get this message from the story A Christmas Carol , which is written by Charles Dickens, a famous English writer in the 19th century. It is about a miserly Englishman named Ebenezer Scrooge, who met three ghosts in a night and then became the best old man in England.
  The change happened in this way: Ebenezer Scrooge was a greedy and lonely man. He wanted to spend all his days working so as to make more money. He had a clerk called Bob Cratchit, and he also wanted him to work all day long without raising his salary. As Scrooge never felt that he had made enough money he never felt happy, not even on Christmas. Bob did not feel happy either, because he had to work all the year round with no weekends, holidays, not even Christmas, yet still being unable to support his family with his small salary.
  On one Christmas Day, when Scrooge went home after work, there was something strange happening in his house. After he sat down on his sofa to have a tea, a ghost appeared before him. It was Scrooge’s old partner, Marley! Scrooge was frightened. The ghost of Marley was chained up by a long iron chain. He told Scrooge that he needed to change his bad ways otherwise he would also be chained up when he died with even a much longer chain. He also told Scrooge that there would be three ghosts coming to vist him that night. And then the ghost left him and went away.
  When the clock struke twelve, the ghost of Christmas Past appeared. It took him to his boyhood. He was a lonely and unfortunate boy. Every one forgot him, even his family. Only his younger sister remembered him. This made Scrooge remember that he had sent a boy away, who was singing Christmas Carol in front of his office yesterday. He felt really sorry for the boy.
  When the clock struke one, the ghost of Christmas Present appeared. It took him to Bob’s house. Although Bob’s family were not very rich, they still had a good Christmas party. They drank for each one’s health. But when they came to drink for Scrooge’s health, everyone looked sad. They thought Scrooge was good for nothing. Then the ghost took him to Scrooge’s nephew’s house. They were having a Christmas party too. They were talking about Scrooge. They thought Scrooge was a miser who did not use his money to do anything good. Scrooge made a reflection on how to spend his money doing good deeds after he heard this.
  Soon the clock struk two and the ghost of Christmas Future came. It took Scrooge to a funeral house. It was his own funeral but no one was sorry for him. This made Scrooge know that if he did not change his miserly ways, he would have an awful result and a miserable death. No one would miss him when he died. This trip gave Scrooge a good warning and he became a generous and kind man ever since the next day. He sent a turkey to Bob and gave to the poor. Most importantly, he gave Bob a pay-rise!
  The spirit of Christmas is to give, to forgive, and to love others. A man who gets a lot of money but with no generosity will never live a happy life. He will spend a life of unhappiness and grievence. But a poor man with a generous heart will live his life in happiness and laughter. ()We need to forgive others when they hurt you or harm you, just like what Scrooge’s nephew did in the story. He forgave Scrooge when Scrooge said something which hurt him a lot. We also need to love others, just like what Scrooge did at the end of the story. He sent a big turkey to Bob and gave him a pay-rise. Let us be generous and kind, both to the poor and the strangers, our friends and neighbors. In that way we will live a happy and lovely life in the world!