Your loneliness is glorious without defeat
In the long time, you are just a humble dust, will pass away. They said, "you can't extend the length of your life, but you can extend your life, live it out, and make a dance of dust.". Liu Tong said, "your loneliness is glorious.". So how about you? Are you alone? Did you fail on the way? Do you feel honored?
About emotion. Have we not the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, exception. No matter who, as long as a person is really good to you, for a long time, even the iceberg will melt. If you can't love a person well, you should at least learn to love yourself, so it's a kind of love to infect others. Few people will be selfless to another person, even if it is a parent teacher, it is because you are a piece of meat they are falling, the child is responsible. When
you meet a person to you, must treasure, because he did not have this responsibility, he is not enough to support, he is you should remember in mind, always thanks to the people. In recent years, it seems that there is a trend that can not be changed. If it is not for the people I like, I will not go with it. Each man has his own view of what he will do and what he cannot do, and each person's opinions are taken into account in the light of his own reality, and everyone is not wrong. But life is only a few decades, and I have not lived to enjoy myself, how can you for the sake of a good time without taking into account the future of the bad, and now will do? Dust can also follow their favorite track rafting, rather than seek temporary stability, and give up the road after the scenery met. Of course, if you are happy, you are like that would be a different matter. Who is so accurate as to gain or lose? Who knows what each choice might happen?. Follow your heart and make the best choice that you think is the best in the light of reality. In order to meet you, I choose to leave myself. And the "left for the king" in the film version, Ruxi Sheng actor Hsu Chi played very well, eventually until the love of people. Of course, in reality you may not have such an enlightened parent in the movie, nor do you have someone who loves you, nor does Hsu Chi. No matter what the future, who knows? Maybe not!
A person's life will experience a lot of things need to be reborn, Phoenix Nirvana, man has to go through to the more mature and strong, which has become the most precious wealth of the future. You are not alone, everyone is like this, and why are you afraid that the future will not be wonderful enough? The present moment is the best time. The key is how you treat it.
I think: everyone in the hard work, the loneliness of the day, even if failed, in retrospect, are worthy of glory. Your loneliness is glorious without de.
Can not go back, have become a story
Speaking of once, those memories of countless times in the twinkling of an eye in a flash in my mind. Can not go back has become a story, I am the protagonist of these stories, but also the story of the people.
Although now I can calmly tell once the pain to others, as a spectator, I objectively commen
ted on what to do, what is wrong, what to do, but may only have to accompany me through once people can appreciate those who cannot express in words of joy and sorrow.
Once, I felt I was an unfortunate person. Otherwise, how could I have met so many unhappy things? Every time I got a little lucky, I was mercilessly taken away before I had enough time to rejoice. Perhaps this is my destiny, destined to go together with misfortune all my life, and happiness and insulation.
However, the rain will stop, the clouds will disperse, those unfortunate frustrations also fade with time, like a flower in my head is always wandering, from time to time under the rain clouds finally left. In the face of the sky and the sun, I am not happy, my heart will often feel a thunderstorm the next second.
Facts have proved that, sometimes sunny, wind and rain will still be coming. Life will not always be clear, but I no longer feel it is a misfortune. Although I have not yet been able to face the trials of life positively, I have been able to calmly cope with the changing life of the weather.
Perhaps this is a gift for me - growing up, let me in the baptism of the wind and rain gradually mature, not for the life of blame, not for small success pride, try to maintain a calm mood. After all, complaining doesn't make life easy, and pride doesn't make it a success. It seems to be the best attitude without sorrow or joy.
Cannot go back once a story, although I was the hero of the story, but now is not a story, the story of the sad all a band that seems to be a common story, completely describe the complex mood of years of ups and downs of the plot and the time.
Destiny has not made me an unhappy man, but made me a man of stories. All the vicissitudes of life will become every chapter of the story, and when everything is calm down, then tell others a story with years of fragrance.
Silence is fleeting, flowering, open heart, crossing the world of mortals
Fleeting fleeting, red dust ruthless. When silence over the fleeting flowering, if not open up
crossing the red dust, whether you have enough courage to face the world on your fickle, brave to pursue your dreams and happiness, to brilliant life?
Age is like a curse, and as time goes on, the spell grows stronger. Maybe you were young, can Meixinmeifei smile all day, sleep second day is a new day. But when you grow up, you need to learn more and take on more responsibilities. At the same time, you will experience more trouble.
When you were young, you wanted to grow up. But when you grow up, you want to go back to a carefree childhood. Because there is no heavy schoolwork in childhood, and no complicated interpersonal relationship, there is no worry. But the curse of age forces you to grow and push you toward a world that is quite different from what you used to be. You suddenly realize that this is the real world.