1. What’s the running theme of the film?
I think the running theme of the film maybe the liberation of nature, the pursuit of freedom.Teacher Keating instilled free to the students, Led them to break the traditional education, His students under his education began to struggle for their dreams, begin to seek out their own inner yearning.
  The film teaches us to listen to inner voice. When we see traditional conservative ideas of the school and all students without blood drive, we hope that anyone can change that. The teacher keating came. Meticulously to see students to take notes, we would like to see some different, so keating said it was a waste of materials, so tear up a few pages. Saw a child respond to the teacher on the table, we hope to have inspire other boys, they were also stood up, coruscate gives we want them to glow of free breath.
  I think that the presence of the dead poets society give children who don't understand the p
oetry opened a door of freedom, though it only open in the darkness of night. I have always believed that poetry is a scalpel, resect the tumor of the thought, refinement on the hearts of those who have been silent, too.
2. Do you like Keating’s educational ideas and his special ways of teaching and why?
  I like keating’s deucationl ideas and his ways of teaching.because His education can give students a positive impact. From him, we can see the shadow of the artist. They have never been famous, but hiding in the corner of the city, to do their own dreams.
  He teaches the students not only knowledge but also the truth of human.He let the children understand the freedom of the life, give them the courage to pursue their dreams. His teaching is not popular with the traditional education idea, but the liberation of the student's thought.
  Under mr.keating’s guidance ,the boys begin to swin against the stream and pursue their
dd Anderson becomes brave and learns to lead his own path.charlie Daltuon is punihed for “the call from god”.charlie is reminded that he should choose a cautious and wise way to suck all the marrow out of life.the most unlucky one is neil perry .he is too concerned with his ideal to make necessary compromise with reality.he put himself into an impasse and he kills himself in order to make his body free.
This romantic teacher education his students with passion and dream, his experience is a tragedy, he chose a different path, butI think he is successful teacher, he gives a soul to the students.
3. Do you think we can imitate Keating’s way of teaching? What difficulties are we facing if we do?
This education may be difficult to replicate, because it’s the product of a particular period. When the Appropriate people attend at the right time, this form of education will happen.  we can not think beyond society . On the background of a traditional educational, many things can not been controlled by people. If we do like mr.keating,Our leaders may not agre
e with us, we will lose our jobs. Protests from parents, life pressure and so on, will become our difficulties. Teachers without proper teaching materials, not every teacher can write their own books. The students in reality can not be like in the movie. The current exam system is not suitable for the keating's teaching method. In a word, in the concrete implementation, will encounter many difficulties.
We can't live out of education, movies and life is not the same. We can accept the idea of Mr Keating, his ideas on education combined with the actual situation, create the education method is appropriate for my situation. The teacher should be in the transmission of knowledge, encourage students to develop their unique spirit at the same time. Every student is different, we need to give students the opportunity to develop their own talents.
4. Why is the tradition so powerful and how can we break it out?
  Because in theschool, people with traditional idea holds the rights, they stick to the traditional education concept, there is no new sounds. When there is a new teacher put forward different opinions, then they beat him, and destruction of the development of new t
hings. The formation of traditional also experienced a long time, after a long time of accumulation, traditional become truth, cannot be changed. People always like to get accustomed to things, when used things began to change, they may feel panic, especially powerful men, they are afraid of losing power, will be to maintain the traditional.
Break the traditional is very difficult. I think the first thing should be determined the truth. Only use the truth to convince people, let people understand the correctness of the new things, can make people change the traditional way,accept new ideas. Next,we need have a firm confidence. The truth prove that takes time, we may have to undergo countless failures to succeed. Tradition is also under the accumulation of time, gradually formed. Finally, to adopt the method of science. It is difficult to let people accept new things at a draught, so it's very important to the choice of methods, can adopt the method of osmosis, gradually to get people to accept.
5. What do you think of Neil’s death? Is it avoidable?
dreams are my reality
This is an extreme way, death is to escape, is a cowardly act. Neil's death has no value, ch
anges nothing of his death, his pursuit of freedom is actually lost. His behavior not only took their own lives, and hurt the people around him. His parents lost their son, a teacher lost the opportunity to continue to education students. We felt sorry for his death, but it's not worth , this is wrong, will only make things worse. In fact, he can take some positive practice, through the communication to obtain the blessing of their parents, he can prove himself to his parents for his efforts to choose the right, he can ask the teacher for help, all in all, positive think solution is much better than suicide.