  1 表示正在进行的动作
  2 表示现阶段正在做的事
  3 表示将要做的事
  结构:主 + am/is/are + doing
       结构: 主 + did
一般将来时: 表示对将来的打算         
      结构: 主 + will/shall + do
现在完成时: 表示发生在过去对现在产生影响的动作 
      结构: 主 + have/has done
过去进行时: 表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作   
      结构: 主 + was/were + doing
将来进行时: 表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作 
      结构: 主+ will/shall + be doing
过去完成时: 表示动作在过去某一时间点之前已经完成 (过去的过去,通常与一般过去时互为主从句)
  结构: 主 + had done
将来完成时: 表示到未来某一时间将已经完成的动作
  结构: 主 + will/shall + have done
现在完成进行时: 表示动作从过去开始,持续到现在,对现在造成影响
  结构: 主 + have/has + been doing
  结构:主 + will have + been doing
      结构:主 + had + been doing
(3)以“o, s, x, ch, sh”结尾的动词加“es”
      goes    dresses    watches     brushes(刷)
eg . Birds fly.
    . She loves music.
    . Mary's parents get up very early.
(2)表习惯性动作或职业,常与often,sometimes,usually,always,every week,seldomoccasionally,frequently等时间副词连用。
eg . I always take a walk after supper.
    . She writes to me very often.
    . Tom and his girlfriend go out to take a picnic occasionally.
eg . The earth moves round the sun.
    . The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.wake me up before you go
    . Two and two makes four.
    . No man but errs. 人非圣贤,熟能无过。
A.在由when,after, before,as,as soon as,although,because,if,even if,in case,till,until,unless,
so long as,where,whatever,wherever 等引导的状语从句中用一般现在时表将来发生的动作。
eg . I'll tell her when she comes tomorrow. (主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来)
    . Even if it rains this afternoon, I'll meet you.
    . Whatever happens, you should keep cool-headed.
    . I'll be right here waiting for you wherever you go.
eg . The play begins at 6:30 this evening.
    . When does the plane take off?
    . He leaves for that city next week.
    . According to the timetable, the express train to Shanghai starts at nine in the morning.
(按照时刻表,开往上海的特快列车早上 7 点出发。)
. We visited the school last spring.
. I went to school by bike when I was in middle school.
. China was founded in 1949.
. She told me that she would not go with us if it rained the next day.
. They would not leave until she came back.
. My friend promised(承诺) to marry me once she made her final decision.
. Her brother was a chemist(化学家).(已去世)
. Her brother is a chemist.(尚健在)
. That's all I had to say.(话已说完)
. That's all I have to say.(言之未尽)
. It was so nice to see you.(离别时用)
. It is so nice to see you.(见面时用)
. Jane did a lot of work this morning.(已是当天下午或晚上)
. Jane has done a lot of work this morning.(仍是上午)[本句现在完成时]
1.构成:shall / will + 动词原形
. He will graduate from the college next year.
. We shall finish our work as quickly as possible.
(2)将来时的其它结构:  (务必背下!)
I. be going to do something. 打算做某事。 
. I'm going to buy a new coat this fall.
[be going to与will的对比:下列情况须用will ]
. I'll be sixteen years old next year.
. It will be the 20th of August tomorrow.
. When he comes, I will give him your message.
II. be + to do sth.表示计划安排做某事或用来征求意见。
. We are to meet at the gate.
. Am I to take over his work?
III. be about to do sth. 即将做某事。
. The talk is about to begin.
be on the point of doing sth.  正要做某事
set out to do sth.  着手做某事
set about doing sth.  开始做某事
1.构成:is / am / are + 现在分词
. The kettle(水壶) is boiling. Shall I make tea?
. Don't you think you eat too much? You're putting on weight.
. The workers are building a new bridge across the river.
. He is taking physics this semester(学期).
. We are preparing for our final examination this week.
(3)go, come, leave, arrive, land, meet, die, start, return, join, etc. 用于进行时态时表示即将开始的动作。(也可以理解成为表将来)
. Look! The bus is coming.  看!车来了!
. The old man is seriously(严重地) ill, and he is dying.
. Alice is leaving for Beijing with her mother.
(4)与 always, forever, continually, constantly 等副词连用,表示说话人带有感情彩:赞赏或厌恶。
. He is always thinking of others.(他总是想着别人。)
. The boy is continually making noises.(这男孩不断地发出吵闹声。)
. The teacher is constantly (always) criticizing her for being late.(老师一直在批评她迟到。)