I promise to always stand by your side, through the good times and the bad times. 我承诺永远都会站在你身旁,无论是快乐还是困难。
Our love is a journey that I am grateful to be on with you. 我们的爱情是一场旅程,我很感激能和你一同走下去。
I vow to cherish and respect you, to support and uplift you in all that you do. 我誓言珍惜和尊重你,支持和鼓励你的每一个努力。
I promise to be your rock, your shoulder to lean on, and your partner in all aspects of life. 我承诺成为你的坚强后盾,你可以依靠的肩膀,以及生活中的伙伴。
Together, we will laugh, cry, and navigate the ups and downs of life with unwavering love and commitment. 我们将一起笑,一起哭,用坚定的爱和承诺应对生活中的起起落落。
爱和承诺I pledge to be honest, loyal, and faithful, to communicate openly and listen attentively to your needs. 我发誓诚实、忠诚、忠诚,坦诚沟通、倾听你的需求。
In you, I have found my soulmate, my best friend, and my true love. 在你身上,我到了我的灵魂伴侣,最好的朋友和真爱。
I vow to honor and cherish our marriage, to be there for you in sickness and in health, for better or for worse. 我誓言珍惜我们的婚姻,无论疾病还是健康,无论美好还是困难,我都会在你身边。
I promise to grow with you, to learn from our experiences, and to evolve together as a couple. 我承诺和你一起成长,从我们的经历中学习,并作为一对夫妻一同进化。
Let us build a foundation of trust, understanding, and support that will withstand the test of time. 让我们建立起信任、理解和支持的基础,经得起时间的考验。
I vow to be your partner in parenthood, to raise our children with love, guidance, and patience. 我誓言成为你在育儿中的伙伴,用爱、指导和耐心抚养我们的孩子。
Together, we will create a home filled with warmth, laughter, and endless love for our family. 我们将共同打造一个充满温暖、笑声和无尽爱意的家庭。