这帮该死的孩子      Bloody kids.
你真是越来越挑剔了  虫尾巴      How fastidious you've become, Wormtail.
我记得  你原来可是住下水道的      As I recall, you once called the nearest gutter pipe home.
你最近是不是      Could it be that the task of nursing me
不乐意伺候我了      has become wearisome for you?
不  不是  伏地魔大人      Oh, no. No, no, my Lord Voldemort.
我只是想      I
不用那个男孩也可以      perhaps if we were to do it without the boy.
不行  他是关键      No! The boy is everything!
非他不可      It cannot be done without him.
这件事必须按我说的办      And it will be done. Exactly as I said.
-我一定不会让您失望的  主人  -很好      - I will not disappoint you, my Lord. - Good.
首先要召集我们的老朋友      First, gather our old comrades.
发个信号提醒他们      Send them a sign.
纳吉尼说  有个麻瓜老管家      Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker
正站在门外呢      is standing just outside the door.
别挡着门  虫尾巴      Step aside, Wormtail,
让我好好欢迎一下客人      so I can give our guest a proper greeting.
阿瓦达索命      Avada Kedavra!
哈利      Harry.
哈利      Harry!
你没事吧      Are you all right?
赫敏  我做噩梦了      Hermione. Bad dream.
-你什么时候来的  -刚到  你呢      - When did you get here? - Just now. You?
昨天晚上      Last night.
醒醒  醒醒  罗恩      Wake up! Wake up, Ronald!
老天啊      Bloody hell.
快点穿衣服吧      Honestly, get dressed.
可别再睡着了      And don't go back to sleep.
快点  罗恩  你妈妈说早饭都做好了      Come on, Ron! Your mother says breakfast's ready!
-罗恩  我们到底要去哪  -不知道      - Ron, where are we actually going? - Don't know.
老爸  我们去哪  -我也一头雾水呢      - Hey, Dad. Where are we going? - Haven't the foggiest.
快跟上      Keep up!
亚瑟      Arthur!
你终于到了      It's about time, son.
抱歉  阿莫斯  有人不太愿意起床      Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start.
各位  这就是阿莫斯·迪戈里      This is Amos Diggory, everyone.
是我在部里的同事      Works with me at the Ministry.
这帅小伙一定是塞德里克吧      And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?
是的  先生      Yes, sir.
这边走      This way.
梅林的胡子啊  你就是哈利·波特吧      Merlin's beard! You must be Harry Potter.
-是的  先生  -幸会  幸会      - Yes, sir. - Great, great pleasure.
幸会  先生      Pleasure to meet you too, sir.
就在那边      Yes, it's just over there.
-我们准备走吧  -好的      - Shall we? - Oh, yeah.
迟到了可不好      We don't want to be late.
来  快到时间了  大家各就各位      Come on. Nearly there now. Get yourself into a good position.
为什么都围着那只破鞋      Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?
-那可不是普通的破鞋  -是个门钥匙      - That isn't just any manky old boot. - It's a Portkey.
该走了      Time to go!
门钥匙是什么      What's a Portkey?
-准备好  数到三  一  二  -哈利      - Ready! After three. One, - Harry!
三      three!
松手  孩子们      Let go, kids!
-什么  -松手      - What?! - Let go!
青草的气味好闻吧      I'll bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?
-每次都这么一团糟  -多谢      - Total shambles, as per usual. - Thanks.
快来看哪      Go on, look at that!
孩子们  欢迎来到魁地奇世界杯      Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!
别走散了  跟上  姑娘们      Stay together! Keep up, girls!
moves like jagger 歌词看哪      Look!
跟上  姑娘们      Come on! Keep up, girls!
天啊      Blimey!
各回各家吧  老伙计      Parting of the ways, I think, old chap.
-比赛见  -再见      - See you at the match. - See you.
-塞德里克  -塞德  走了      - Cedric. - Ced, come on.
再见了  塞德里克      See you later, Cedric.
终于到家了      Home sweet home.
不是吧      What?
-不错  不错  -金妮  你看      - Excellent, excellent. - Ginny, look!
-去泡澡吧  -看啊      - All to the bath. - Look.
姑娘们  选个床铺安顿下来吧      Girls, choose a bunk and unpack.
罗恩  别在厨房里转悠了  我们都饿了      Ron, get out of the kitchen. We're all hungry.
没错  别在厨房里转悠了      Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!
把脚放下来      Feet off the table!
把脚放下来      Feet off the table!
有魔法真棒      I love magic.
快来买本魁地奇世界杯比赛说明吧      Get your Quidditch World Cup programs here!
天哪  老爸  我们的座位到底有多高      Blimey, Dad. How far up are we?
这么说吧      Well, put it this way:
如果下雨      If it rains
你肯定头一个知道      you'll be the first to know.
我和父亲坐在部长包厢      Father and I are in the minister's box
康奈利·福吉部长亲自邀请我们的      by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself.
不要吹嘘  德拉科      Don't boast, Draco.
跟这些人也没必要      There's no need with these people.
趁着还有机会      Do enjoy yourself, won't you?
好好享受吧      While you can.
快上来就座了      Come on up. Take your seats.
我说了  这么好的座位  等多久都值      I told you these seats would be worth waiting for.
来吧      Come on!
是爱尔兰队  那是特洛伊      It's the Irish! There's Troy!