(完整版)情态动词ought to的用法专项练习
一. 选择题
1. He _______ go to the party tonight.
a. should b. ought c. must
2. You _______ see a doctor if the symptoms continue.
a. should b. had better c. must
3. We _______ discuss the budget at the meeting tomorrow.
a. should b. might c. may
4. You _______ be more careful when driving.
a. must b. should c. could
5. _______ I take a raincoat with me?
a. Will b. Shall c. Ought
6. We _______ respect our parents and elders.
a. would b. should c. might
7. They _______ arrive in Paris by 10am tomorrow.
a. can b. may c. ought to
8. It's late, you _______ hurry if you don't want to miss the train.
a. had better b. might c. should
9. She _______ be here any minute.
a. will b. should c. ought to
10. You _______ eat more vegetables and less junk food.
a. could b. ought to c. had better
二. 填空题
1. We _______ to be there by 7am. (ought / have to)
2. You _______ to take a break and rest. (should / may)
3. She _______ study more to pass the exam. (may / ought to)
4. They _______ not be late for the meeting. (had better / may)
5. _______ I help you with your luggage? (Will / Shall)
三. 句子翻译
1. 你今晚应该早点睡觉。
You _______ go to bed early tonight.
2. 我们应该为环保出一份力。
We _______ do our part for the environment.
3. 我们明天最好早点出发。(had better)
We _______ leave early tomorrow.
4. 我们应该尊重他人的意见。(respect)
We _______ respect others' opinions.
5. 你需要开始计划未来了。(had better)
You _______ start planning for the future.
6. 我们必须要采取一些措施解决这个问题。(must)
We _______ take some measures to solve this problem.
7. 他可以自己一个人做这项工作。(can)
He _______ do the job by himself.
8. 她应该马上给妈妈打电话。(ought to)
She _______ call her mother right away.
9. 我们可以明天再做决定。(can)
We _______ make a decision tomorrow.
10. 他不应该在路上玩手机。(should not)