    What Would You Do If The Power Went Out Tonight?
    Uh oh, I think there's going to be a storm tonight! The weather lady on TV said we might get thunder, lightning, and really strong winds. My mom always tells me that storms like that can make the electricity go out in our house. I really hope the power doesn't go out because that would be such a bummer!
    If the lights did go out though, I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world. It's happened before and we survived. The first thing I would do is try not to be scared. The dark can be kind of creepy, but I'm a big kid now. I'll be 10 years old in a few months! I'm not a little baby who's afraid of the dark anymore.
    My mom and dad would probably light some candles to give us a little bit of light. Candles always make me think of fun camping trips and cozy nights by the fireplace. The flickering flames would dance around the room and make cool shadows on the walls. Maybe we could even make shadow puppets! How cool would it be to have a shadow puppet show in the living room?
    Once we had some candles going, my mom would dig out her extra bright flashlight from the hallway closet. She always makes sure to keep fresh batteries in it, just in case. I would grab that flashlight and run around the house, shining it everywhere. I could use it to light up all the dark corners and make the rooms look extra spooky! Maybe I would even tell some scary ghost stories and try to freak out my little sister. She gets so spooked by that stuff!
    After playing with the flashlight for a while, I'll probably get kind of bored. With no TV, video games, or internet, there isn't too much electronics stuff to do. No electricity means no screens! I would have to find other ways to keep myself entertained.
    aybe I could get out my collection of Pokemon cards or some board games. It would be fun to play Candyland or Chutes and Ladders by candlelight. We could set up the game right there on the living room floor. My dad always gets really competitive when we play board games, so I'll have to watch out for him trying to cheat!
    When I get tired of playing games, I might read for a little bit too. I've got this one book I've been trying to finish about a boy who goes on all these crazy adventures in outer space. It's kind of hard to read because it has some bigger words, but I could use my flashlight as a reading light. Or maybe my parents would let me read one of the exciting stories from their old stack of Goosebumps books!
see you tonight    Eventually, I'll probably work up an appetite from doing all that reading and game playing. That's when I'll go rummage around in the kitchen to look for some snacks. he fridge and microwave won't work with no power. I guess that means no hot pockets or pizza rolls this time. Bummer!
    I'll just have to settle for something that doesn't need to be heated up. Maybe we could
make a mini picnic with things like chips, pretzels, crackers, and juice boxes. Or we could go really old school and make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Those are a real classic. No electricity needed for those tasty treats.
    After eating my PB&J sandwich, I'll be full of delicious peanut buttery energy. I'll probably want to run around and burn off some of that energy so I don't get antsy just sitting around in the dark house. Too bad I can't go outside in the crazy storm, but I could always have indoor running races through the hallways with my sister. Maybe we could have a contest to see who can run the longest while shining our flashlight beams in front of us!
    When I finally do start to get a little sleepy, I'll put on my super comfy pajamas and cuddle up in the living room with my pillows and blankets from my bed. We could have a family sleepover night! How cozy would it be to sleep right there on the floor surrounded by candles and listening to the rain outside. I bet my mom would even tell us some stories about when she was a kid and the power went out at her house.
    And if I get really scared when it's time to finally go to sleep, I'll just have to remember th
at the electricity will probably come back on by morning. The storm can't last forever! Plus, my parents will be right there to protect me from any monsters or ghosts or anything else that goes bump in the night. I'll be safe and snug as a bug until the lights come flickering back on.
    So you see, even if we do lose power tonight, I'll still find plenty of stuff to do! Sure, it will be a little inconvenient with no TV, games, or electronics. But we can use our imaginations and spend some nice quality time together as a family. Maybe a power outage won't be so bad after all! It could actually be kind of an adventure and make for some fun memories. I'll just have to wait and see what happens when that storm rolls in later. was that thunder I just heard? Here we go!