William Bradford (1590–1657) 布拉德福德
Plymouth Plantation《普利茅斯种植园史》.
Anne Bradstreet (1617-1672) 布莱德斯特
The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America
Jonathan  Edwards (1702-1758) 爱德华兹
The Freedom of the Will 《意志的自由》
The Nature of True Virtue《真正德行的本质》
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Thomas Pain (培恩 1737–1809)
prose writer
born in England
arrived in Philadelphia in 1774 (37 yrs)
Common Sense《常识》(1776)
The Age of Reason 《理性年代》
The Rights of Man 《人的权利》
American Crisis 《美国危机》
Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)
Pennsylvania Gazette 《宾夕法尼亚报》.
The Autobiography 《自传》
Poor Richard’s Almanac《穷理查德历书》
The only American who signed 4 important documents
Being one of those who drafted articles leading to the Declaration of Independence. 《独立宣言》
Served on the convention to draft the Constitution《宪法》, which was finally adopted in 1789.
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Peace with England
Philip Freneau  (弗瑞诺1752–1832)
The Rising Glory of America 《兴起的美洲光荣》
“The Wild Honey Suckle”  “野忍冬花”
“To the Memory of the Brave Americans”“纪念美国勇士”
“The Indian Burying Ground”“印第安人的埋葬地”
Washington Irving华盛顿·欧文 1783 - 1859
A History of New York by Diedrich Knickerbocker 《纽约外史》
The Tales of a Traveler  《游者谈》
Charles the Second  《查理二世》
The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus  《哥伦布的生平和航行史》
The Alhambra  《阿尔罕伯拉》
娄艺潇 陈赫 Life of Washington《华盛顿传》
Life of Oliver Goldsmith《哥德斯密斯传》
Masterpiece:  won him international recognition
The Sketch Book《见闻札记》
“Rip Van Winkle”“瑞普· 凡· 温克尔”
“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”“睡谷传说
James F. Cooper 库柏1789–1851
1. the first novel (challenged by his wife)
Precaution 《戒备》
2. about the American Revolution
The Spy 《间谍》
3. about adventures at sea
4. about the frontier and the wild West
Leathers tocking Tales《皮袜子故事集》(a series of 5 novels):
The Pioneers《拓荒者》作为自由和大自然的化身同法律秩序的代表Judge Temple
The Last of the Mohicans《最后的莫西干人》
The Prairie 《大草原》栖身印第安部落离开人世
The Pathfinder《探路者》身处情网边缘
告白 ftisland
The Deerslayer《杀鹿者》年轻力壮
Nathaniel Hawthorne霍桑1804-1864
Collection of Short Stories
Twice-Told Tales 《重述的故事》
Mosses from an Old Manse 《古屋青苔》
including “Young Goodman Brown” 《好小伙布朗》
“The Celestial Railroad” 《通天铁路》
Other Works
The House of the Seven Gables《七个带尖顶阁的房子》
The Blithedale Romance 《福谷传说》
The Marble Faun 《玉石雕像》
The Life of Franklin Pierce《富兰克林•皮尔斯传》
Our Old Home《我们的老家》
The Scarlet Letter 《红字》
Edgar Allen Poe 埃·加·爱伦坡1809–1849
Tamerlane and Other Poems 《帖木耳和其他》
“Israel” 《以拉非》
“To Helen” 《致海伦》(Allusion 用典)
“The Raven” 《乌鸦》
“Annabel Lee” 《安娜贝尔妮》
Two Collections of Short Stories
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque《奇异怪诞故事集》
“The Fall of the House of Usher”《厄舍屋的倒塌》
“ The Masque of the Red Death”《红死亡的假面具》
Henry David Thoreau梭罗1817-1862
“Civil Disobedience” 《论公民之不服从》
映山红的原唱Walden, or Life in the Woods 《瓦尔登湖》
Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生1803-1882
Moby-Dick 《白鲸》(masterpiece)
Typee  《泰比》
Omoo 《欧穆》
Mardi  《玛地》
White Jacket  《白外套》
Walt Whitman 沃尔特·惠特曼1819-1902
his lifetime achievement:
Leaves of Grass 《草叶集》
“Song of Myself” “自我之歌”
Harriet Beecher Stowe哈里叶特·比彻·斯托 (1811-1896)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋》
Mark Twain马克·吐温1835-1910
Three stages in Mark Twain’s literary career:
1. The early stage: the major tone is humor and memory.
The Celebrated Jumping Fog of Calaveras County《卡拉维拉县的著名跳蛙》1st short story
The Innocents Abroad 《傻瓜国外旅行记》
Roughing It《艰苦岁月》
The Gilded Age《镀金年代》his 1st novel
Adventures of Tom Sawyer《汤姆·索亚历险记》
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·芬历险记》
Life on the Mississippi 《密西西比河上的生活》
2. The middle stage: the major tone is satire and criticism
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court《亚瑟王朝庭的康涅狄格州美国人》
The Tragedy of Pudd’n-head Wilson《傻瓜威尔逊的悲剧》
The Prince and Pauper《王子与贫儿》
3. The late stage: the major tone is satire and depression
The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》
Henry James亨利·詹姆士1843-1916
  Three Periods of James’ literary Career:
1.Early period (1865-1882): “international theme” i do sirsa shekim
The American (1877) 《一个美国人》
Daisy Miller (1878) 《黛西·米勒》
The Europeans (1878) 《欧洲人》
The Portrait of a Lady (1881)《贵妇人画像》(masterpiece)
2. Middle period (1865-1895): experiments with different themes and forms (subtle studies of inter-personal relationship)