1 深蓝的夜空给这一场景增添了童话般的彩。
2  我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。
3 湖水深蓝,阳光在波平如镜的湖面上熠熠生辉。
4 山中宁静的清晨,感受阳光洒在你的身上,呼吸鲜花的芳香,(聆听)鸟儿用它们的晨歌迎接新的一天。
1 he sky, midnight blue, gave the scene a fairytale quality
2 We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain shelter.
3 The water was deep blue and the sunlight glittered on its glass-clear surface.
4 On a quiet morning in the mountains, feel the sun on your skin and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song. 
Ariana caught another whiff(难闻的味道) and tried to hold her breath.She moved away slightly,but Ashley only moved closer and continued talking.Ariana felt trapped.She wanted badly to tell Ashley that she didn一万次悲伤t smell very good.But how could she do that with
out hurting her feelings? Instead,she gathered the remains of her lunch to throw in the trash,thankful for the excuse to get some fresh air.She looked back to see Ashley eating quietly.Ashleys hair was tangled(乱糟糟的),and her clothes were dirty.Ariana forced herself to go back to the table and take her seat,vowing(发誓) that she would not sit with Ashley tomorrow.
When Ariana got home from school,she complained to her mother,Theres a girl named Ashley who likes to sit next to me in school,but she smells bad.
Shes probably having a tough day, said her mother.
No,its not just one day.She smells bad a lot,天生天养” Ariana explained.Nobody else likes to sit next to her,either.
I dont think you understand Ashleys situation,so let me ask ,张震舒淇 her mothers tone was serious.Who makes sure that your hair is combed every morning so youll look nice when you go to school?
You do, answered Ariana.
Who makes sure youre bathed and cleaned every day? And your clothes are washed and neatly ironed?g奶苏梓玲
You and Daddy, Ariana said again.
Do you live in a nice home? Do you have enough to eat?
Ariana nodded,beginning to feel guilty.She was starting to understand now.Ashley couldnt help her situation because she was only seven years old—the same age as Ariana.Grown­ups are supposed to take care of kids.
Why doesnt her family take better care of her? Ariana asked.
Not all children live in the best situation, her mother said.The best thing you can do for Ashley is to treat her with kindness and sympathy.
Paragraph 1
Ariana bit her bottom lip.Sadness for Ashley filled her hearthappiness red velvet.                         
Paragraph 2
At the end of the school yearthe second grade prepared to go on a field trip to the zoo.   
Ariana bit her bottom lip.Sadness for Ashley filled her heart.She vowed that from now on she would be the best friend that she could be to Ashley.At school,Ariana voluntarily sat
next to Ashley.She willingly partnered with Ashley to help with her schoolwork.She teamed with Ashley to play games happily.On the day that Ashley smelled too bad,she moved away a little or politely asked Ashley for a little room.She was always careful not to hurt Ashleys feelings.
At the end of the school year,the second grade prepared to go on a field trip to the zoo.The day before the trip,the teacher announced that the class needed to bring a lunch from home.Ashley was absent,and Ariana worried that Ashley would not have a lunch because Ashley always ate the school lunches.So,the next day,Ariana asked her mom to make an extra lunch for Ashley—just in case.She was right.When Ariana gave the lunch to Ashley,tears welled up in Ashleys eyes,and she thanked Ariana for her kindness and consideration.
The event that stands out in Toms memory happened one morning when Tom was only ten years old.He was at home with his elder sister Jane.Tom was doing his homework when he heard raised voices.At first he thought nothing of it since customers in the motorcycle shop directly below their flat often became loud,but he soon realized this time it was different.
Quick! Quick! Remove the motorcycles from the shop. Someone shouted.Then a thick burning smell filled the air.When Tom opened the front door of their flat to investigate,a thick cloud of smoke greeted him.The motorcycle shop had caught fire and people were running and crying.
Jane,who had been playing the violin in her room,hurried to the living room.They rushed out of the door and along the corridor(走廊) through the smoke.
They were heading towards the stairway at the far end of the corridor when Jane suddenly stopped in her track.She turned around and headed back the way they came.Tom had no idea what she was doing,but he followed her.
王妍苏图片Jane had suddenly remembered the lady in her 70s who lived next door to them,who they called Makcik.Jane began banging on Makciks door,but got no answer.As the smoke thickened around them,Tom could see many of their neighbors—some still in their pajamas (睡衣)—running for safety.The thought of fear crossed his mind.