大约90年前,物理学中的所有东西都被打破了。量子理论出现了 - 部分原因是阿尔伯特爱因斯坦和尼尔斯玻尔之间的激烈冲突。它对科学的本质提出了挑战,并且可以继续这样做,通过严重地束缚理论与现实性质之间的关系。科学作家和天体物理学家亚当贝克尔在“真实的东西”中探讨了这个纠结的故事。
贝克尔质疑哥本哈根对量子力学的解释霸权。玻尔和维尔纳海森堡在20世纪20年代提出了这一理论,该理论认为物理系统只有在测量之前才具有可能性,而不是具体属性。贝克认为,试图解析这种解释如何反映我们生活的世界是一种不透明的运动。显示科学的进化受到历史事件的影响 - 包括社会学,文化,政治和经济因素 - 他探索了替代解释。如果事情在二十世纪二十年代有不同的表现,他断言,我们对物理的看法可能会非常不同。
论刚刚起步的量子理论。在这里,玻尔,爱因斯坦和其他人,包括欧文薛定谔和路易斯德布罗意之间的分歧达到了顶点。玻尔提出,如果实体(如电子)没有被观察到,那么它们只有概率,但爱因斯坦认为它们具有独立的现实,这促使他着名的声称“上帝不玩骰子”。多年以后,他补充道:“我们称之为科学的唯一目的就是确定是什么。”突然间,科学实在论 - 确认科学理论大致反映了现实的观点 - 受到了威胁。
其次,海森堡表明,不确定性,例如关于粒子的位置和动量,是硬连接到物理学的。第三,玻尔争辩说,我们可能只有一个系统的概率知识:在薛定谔的思想实验中,一个盒子里的猫既是死又活的,直到它被看到。第四,粒子可能会纠缠在一起。例如,两个粒子可能有相反的自旋,无论它们有多远:如果你测量一个旋转起来,你立即知道另一个旋转下来。 (爱因斯坦称之为“远处的幽灵行动”)。
通过对历史的回顾,贝克展示了玻尔作为一个反现实主义者如何将海森堡,沃尔夫冈波利和马克斯波恩等许多新兴物理学家带到他的身边。然而,爱因斯坦坚持认为哥本哈根的解释是不完整的。他猜测可能存在潜在的量子现象的变量或过程;或者也许是由德布罗意提出的“先导浪潮”控制着粒子的行为。 1932年,数学家约翰·冯·诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出了一个证明,即量子力学中可能没有隐含的变量。尽管在数学上是正确的,但几十年后却发现它存在缺陷。但是损害已经完成:爱因斯坦和德布罗意构想的潜在可行的备选方案仍然相对未开发。哥本哈根的解释在20世纪30年代就已经实现,今天的教科书指出玻尔的观点“获胜”。
但是如果一个领域选择了错误的范式呢?贝克尔展示了在20世纪50年代和60年代,少数物理学家如何摒弃爱因斯坦和德布罗意的理论,并将其转化为能够改变现状的完全的解释。 明圣凯 老男孩
David Bohm认为量子系统中存在的粒子无论是否被观测到,并且他们有可预测的位置和运动由导波决定。约翰·贝尔接着表明,爱因斯坦对哥本哈根解释中的地点和不完整性的担忧是有效的。正是他揭示了冯·诺依曼的证据,揭示它只排除了一小类隐变量理论。
博姆的当代物理学家休·埃弗里特对哥本哈根的解释提出了另一个挑战。 1957年,埃弗里特开始着手解决量子理论中的“测量问题” - 量子级别上的粒子的概率性质与其“崩溃”之间的矛盾,在测量时,在宏观层面上成为一种状态。
埃弗雷特的许多世界的解释不会崩溃。相反,在测量时,概率分叉成平行的宇宙 - 例如薛定谔的猫活着,另一个死亡。尽管无数不可测试的宇宙似乎对某些人来说是不科学的,但今天许多物理学家认为这一理论很重要。
科学哲学的新发展太少了。然而,就像宇宙学家肖恩·卡罗尔(Sean Carroll)在其2016年的大图(R. P. Crease Nature 533,34; 2016)中所做的那样,确实为哲学的重要性提供了一个明确的例子。这是一个关键的呼吁,像尼尔德格拉斯泰森这样的有影响力的科学家将纪律视为浪费时间。
Nature 555,582-584(2018)
What Is Real?: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics 张暖雅个人资料Adam Becker真爱麻烦插曲 Basic: 2018.
All hell broke loose in physics some 90 years ago. Quantum theory emerged — partly in heated clashes between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. It posed a challenge to the very nature of science, and arguably continues to do so, by severely straining the relationship between theory and the nature of reality. Adam Becker, a science writer and astrophysicist, explores this tangled tale in What Is Real?.
Becker questions the hegemony of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Propounded by Bohr and Werner Heisenberg in the 1920s, this theory holds that physical systems have only probabilities, rather than specific properties, until they’re measured. Becker argues that trying to parse how this interpretation reflects the world we live in is an exercise in opacity. Showing that the evolution of science is affected by historical events — including sociological, cultural, political and economic factors — he explores alternative explanations. Had events played out differently in the 1920s, he asserts, our view of physics might be very different.
Becker lingers on the 1927 Solvay Conference in Brussels, where 29 brilliant scientists gathered to discuss the fledgling quantum theory. Here, the disagreements between Bohr, Einstein and others, including Erwin Schrödinger and Louis de Broglie, came to a head. Whereas Bohr proposed that entities (such as electrons) had only probabilities if they weren’t observed, Einstein argued that they had independent reality, prompting his famous claim that “God does not play dice”. Years later, he added a gloss: “What we call science has the sole purpose of determining what is.” Suddenly, scientific realism — the i
dea that confirmed scientific theories roughly reflect reality — was at stake.
巩俐三任丈夫Quantum phenomena were phenomenally baffling to many. First was wave–particle duality, in which light can act as particles and particles such as electrons interfere like light waves. According to Bohr, a system behaves as a wave or a particle depending on context, but you cannot predict which it will do.
Second, Heisenberg showed that uncertainty, for instance about a particle’s position and momentum, is hard-wired into physics. Third, Bohr argued that we could have only probabilistic knowledge of a system: in Schrödinger’s thought experiment, a cat in a box is both dead and alive until it is seen. Fourth, particles can become entangled. For example, two particles might have opposite spins, no matter how far apart they are: if you measure one to be spin up, you instantly know that the other is spin down. (Einstein called this “spooky action at a distance”.)