Unit 8 In a New Culture
Script谢娜 蛇精
Steve: I can’t believe these people. I can’t believe what they do.
Trish: Calm down, Steve. What are you talking about?
Steve: Look at this. I just bought a donut. I’m so sick of the clerk wrapping each pastry individually, then taping the bags shut, then putting those bags in another bag, folding it down, and then taping that bag shut. I can’t take it anymore. It’s crazy and it’s bad for the environment.
Trish: How long have you been living here? Don’t you know that’s the way it is?
Steve: I just want them to stick ‘em in a napkin for me , so I can eat while I’m walking to class.
Trish: There you go again. Don’t you know it’s rude to eat while you walk?
乔家儿女演员表_全部演员介绍Steve: I’m so tired of this place. I don’t have time to sit down and eat. People here are too inflexible, and they have too many rules.
Trish: Yeah, right, Steve, so you’re gonna convert everybody here to your way of doing thin
Steve: Yeah, there has to be more individual freedom to do whatever you want.
Trish: Why don't you just relax and go with the flow?
Steve: Go with the flow? The whole system is a waste of my time. The clerks here should learn how to be more efficient, like in the U.S.
Trish: What are you talking about? When I was in the U.S., the clerks were really rude. They just ignore you, and seem offended if you want anything. Don't you think it’s better this way?
Steve: Are you kidding?
Trish: Well, I kind of like it. It’s nice to relax and enjoy the moment while your packages are being wrapped. I like all of the traditions, and the care and attention that people give you, and the manners. To me, it’s a wonderful place to live.
Steve: I think you’re nuts.
Trish: You’re not gonna last long, mate.
Unit9 High-tech Gadgets
Andy: Hey, Bob. How are ya? Come and see what I’ve got.
Bob: Is that another new computer?
Andy: Yeah. Look how fast it is.
Bob: Wow! I can’t believe it. And I thought your other computer was fast!
Andy: It is fast, but this one’s like lightning.
Bob: And the picture’s so clear.
Andy: Mmm. Isn’t it? The color is pretty impressive, too, don’t you think?
Bob: Yeah. You always have the latest, don’t you?
Andy: You bet. This machine is right on the cutting edge of technology. You wouldn’t believe how much it can do. Apart from e-mail and free Internet service, I can watch TV on it while surfing. With this new desktop program, I can watch TV, e-mail, streamline videos, and scan artwork. And it’s not that expensive to upgrade, either. Uh, speaking of computers, how’s yours? Still like it?
Bob: Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks!
Andy: I know I gave you a good deal. It was only a year old. Still, are you sure it meets all your needs? Maybe you should think about upgrading.ktv歌曲
Bob: you know me – the only things tat I need a computer for are e-mail and word processing.
Andy: Yeah, but does it give you room to expand? If you want to be able to do more two years from now, will your computer be able to handle it?
Bob: Well I don’t know. But I kind of doubt that I’ll need a new one anytime soon.
Andy: Yeah, but with computers, there’s always a new model coming out that can do so much more. If you don’t keep up with technology, you'll get left behind.
Bob: well, what’s wrong with that?
Unit 10 Bad Habits
Doctor: Hi, Julie. How are you?
Julie: Her, Dr. Cassidy. I’m actually fine. It’s just that I’ve been a little tired the last few day
s, and my stomach is kinda upset.
Doctor: Well, that doesn’t surprise me. I have some news that you might find exciting. You’re pregnant.
Julie: No way!
Doctor: Yes, you’re going to have a baby.
Julie: Are you kidding me? Ah, I need a cigarette.
Doctor: That’s the last thing you need. You need to stop smoking, and immediately.
Julie: But I can’t stop smoking.
Doctor: For your baby’s health, Julie, I’m afraid you have to.
Julie: But smoking is the only way I can relax! It helps me when I’m stressed out.
Doctor: Now, there are a number of things that are extremely important for pregnant mothers, and not smoking is only one of them. Another is to stop drinking alcohol. Do you drink?
Julie: Well, I have a glass of wine with dinner, but I’m not an alcoholic. And I thought a little bit was supposed to be good for you anyway.
Doctor: If you drink while you’re pregnant, your child could have birth defects. I cannot emphasize enough, Julie, the importance of quitting.
Julie: Okay, then. What else is there?
Doctor: Well, coffee.
Julie: Do I have to give up everything I enjoy? I need coffee to wake me up in the morning.
Doctor: I’m afraid, Julie, you’ll have to stop drinking that, too. Caffeine affects the baby’s heart rate. And, it’s also important to get regular exercise.
Julie: You’re kidding! I have to quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol and coffee, and on top of all that, I have to start exercising? Boy, it is amazing that anybody ever gets pregnant.
Doctor: I really hope you’ll take this seriously, Julie.
Unit11 Getting There is Half the Fun
Sue: Randy, what’s going on in this picture? It looks like you have blood all over your shirt.

Randy: No, that’s not blood. It’s ketchup.
Sue: Ketchup? What happened?
Randy: This happened when Tim and I were traveling around Asia. We were in Bangkok.
Sue: Yeah…
Randy: …and we had reservations to catch an overnight bus to Chiang Mai.
Sue: Yeah.
Randy: And we were waiting at a king of restaurant that was sort of a travel agency…and we went early, but the bus didn’t come, and I was getting kind of worried.
Sue: Yeah…but what’s that got to do with ketchup?
Randy: So, I was beginning to wonder if we’d been cheated, because we’d already paid for our tickets in advance.
Sue: Right.
Randy: Then, finally, a van pulled up , and we thought, no , this is not the bus…but then everyone else who was waiting pushed right past us and jumped in , and, bam!—just like
that, the van drove away. And then this sweet little Thai woman, who was the tickets, came up to us.
Sue: Yeah, and …
Randy: …and she said, “Why you no get on?” And Tim was like, “ That wasn’t the bus, was it?” “Only one, why you not get on?” And I didn’t know she was talking about…不一样的美男子插曲
Sue: So what happened?
Randy: Well, the travel agent jus shrugged and turned and went inside her shop. Neither of us could believe it. I started to get really angry , like we’d been cheated, and now it’s dark and we’re stranded in this little restaurant…
Sue: Oh, no…
Randy: I followed her inside, I started arguing. I told her, “We paid for the bus. You didn’t tell us to look for a van. Now you have to get us a taxi to Chiang Mai. Now.” And I started pointing at the clock. I think that was the last straw for the woman, because she started shouting. “You no go. You no go Chiang Mai!” She grabbed a ketchup bottle off the table you know, one of those plastic squirt ketchup bottles, and she squirted ketchup at me!
Sue: No! She didn’t!
Randy: Yeah! She did. And then she threw the bottle at me. And Tim snapped the picture. Just then the same van pulled up and the woman said, “Now you go.”
Sue: So you got on the van.
Randy: Yeah, we ended up at the bus terminal, where this big, air-conditioned tour bus was waiting to go to Chiang Mai. And all the people who had pushed ahead of us earlier were there, waiting to leave. I felt SO stupid for getting angry at the woman and making such a fool of myself.
Sue: You must have felt terrible.
Randy: Yeah, I wished there was some way I could go back and apologize to her. I realized that I have to be more patient, especially when I’m in another country.
Unit 12 Real Money
Ed: Are you worried about having enough money? Are you worried about paying your bill动感歌曲
s? Well, worry no more!
Customer-1: I used to watch every penny. But now I’m worth four million dollars, and it’s all thanks to Steven Crowe!
Customer-2: I used to get headaches from worrying about money. I had a lot of credit-card debt, and my mortgage payments were killing me. Then I got Steven Crowe’s videos, and learned how to make real money.
Ed: “Real money.” That’s the name of this 3-video set by Steven Crowe. Let Steven show you how to become financially independent buying and selling real estate.
Steven Crowe: Hi! I’m Steven Crowe. I used to worry about money, too. I felt like a victim of the system. But then I found a way to make the system work—for me.
Ed: What’s the trick, Steven?
Steven Crowe: There’s no trick, Ed. It’s simple, once you understand how real estate really works. All you need to know is how to buy low and sell high. And that’s exactly what my videos teach you to do.
Ed: And you can get really rich?
Steven Crowe: Just ask some people who have “Real Money.”
Customer-1: After I got the “Real Money” videos, I bought my first house, following Steven’s simple rules. Six months later I sold it and bought two more houses. A year after that, I had enough money to quit my job. Now I have more money than I’ll ever need, and it’s such a great feeling.
Steven Crowe: I want you to have that feeling, too. And you can.
Ed: Call now to order “Real Money.” 1-800-289-7325. That’s 1-800-BUY-REAL. Only three payments of $19.95 each, plus shipping and handling. All major credit cards welcome. Get it today, for a worry-free tomorrow! Results may vary.