The Third National Contest for College Business English Knowledge Time: 90 mins.
Part I (70%) Business English Skills
Directions: Mark A, B, C or D that best completes the following s entences.
1.The fact that the executives did not sell all the shares they could prior to the steep fall does indicate that they did not collapse in the near future
B. anticipate
C. antedate
D. predict
2.I hope the example of my success will convince other women to get into politics – and not just to stuff envelopes, but to office.
A.run for
B. go into
C. vie for
D. compete with
3.Managers with Master’s degree overseas80 to 90 per cent of the company’s board.
A.make up
B. consist of
C. compose
D. comprise
4.Is it possible that choosing stocks random could be just as effective as getting advice
from financial experts and stockbrokers?
B. on
C. at
D. by
5.Americans eat as they actually need every day.
A.twice as much protein
B. twice protein as much twice
C. twice protein as much
D. protein as twice much
6., people will do business with, and refer others to, those people they like, know and
A.All things been equal
B. Anything been equal
C. All things being equal D Anything being equal
7.As tokens of thanks for our successful negotiation, we exchange with each other a
scarf as a gift.
A.long nice yellow
B. yellow nice long
C. long yellow nice
D. nice long yellow
8.successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present.
A.For it to be
B. For there being
C. For there to be
D. For it being
9.Federally subsidized crop insurance,farmers pay premiums, would kick in with deeper losses.
A.for which
B. for that
C. as like
D. as
10.Though rich, she was better off than at any other period in her life. .
A.by means of
B. within her means
C. by all means
D. by no means
11.In today’s fast paced, ever-changing, global environment there cannot be one way to lead or manage,teams, projects, organizations or countries.
A.whether it
B. it being
C. being it
D. be it
12.The Chinese New Year is approaching. All the highways will soon be with people going back home to join their families.
D. aswarmed
13.In the latest study, a group of students were asked to count out a of cash consisting of
80 one-hundred dollar bills, or just 80 slips of blank p aper.
B. wad
C. deck
D. chunk
14.Since the state is so dependent upon natural resources, this pattern of causes
instability in revenue streams, leaving communities vulnerable, underdeveloped, and less economically secure.
A.dooms and glooms
B. busts and dooms
C. glooms and looms
D. booms and busts
15.The rules would require firms to spread at least half of top managers’ incentive pay,including
stock and options,three years.
B. over
C. through
D. up to
16.The study found that emerging economies continued to grow in the three months to the end
of June, but at a slower pace. The index to 53.0, from 53.6 in the first quarter.
B. slipped
C. climbed
D. ascended
17.The idea that a firm might want change for its own often provokes skepticism.
B. privilege
C. sake
D. reason
18.They the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation.
19.Some customers requested us to our price because they consider it too high.
A.put down
B. get down
C. pull down
D. bring down
20.If parties to a contract desire to settle disputes, an arbitration clause is usually made in the contract well before a dispute.
B. arises
C. look
D. appear
21.Our club is with a national organization of similar clubs.
B. affirmed
C. affiliated
D. belonged
22.This official rule was drafted by the agency regulators and approved public comment
by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. on Feb. 7.
B. with
C. to
D. of
23.These details are in a few pages that only a handful of lawyers are aware of in an
increasingly complex tax code.
A.tucked away
B. put away
C. taken away
D. put aside
24.The U.S laws are believed to be properly structured to appropriate taxes on American expatriates, but that is not true in reality.
B. impose
C. impress
B. open
C. relative
D. subject
26.The hunter kept the lion’s skin and head as.
B. fillet
C. tulip
D. clown
27.After more than a week later, she replying to my e-mail of product inquiry.
< away with
B. got back at
C. got back
D. got round to
28.A flock of birds was already a cheerful morning chorus.
樊桐舟B. overstating
C. warbling
D. imprecating
29.The sales manager has taken great pains to conceal her emotions, and thereby made her colleagues conspicuous.
A.all the more
B. all the much
C. all more
D. all much
30.The American civil-rights movement and push for real integration took , his photos
began documenting the darker side of segregation, the disparity between white and black America.
B. hold
C. side黄圣依主演的电影
D. lead
31.For much of her life, as her literary fame has expanded so too have the anxious disorders that keep her confined her two-story home in Vienna.