射雕英雄传英文版Eagle Shooting Hero李恩童
Chapter 1 - Incident in the blizzard 第一回风雪惊变Translated by: Moinllieon
Day in and day out, day after day, the Qiantang River majestically winds through and around Ox Village, near the city of Linan, on its journey toward the sea. On the shores there stood thirty or so tallow trees, leaves red like fire, yet another sign that it was now August. The wild weeds and grass around the village had just started to turn yellow. The sun shone down at a low angle on the grass, adding even more to their bleakness. Underneath two giant pine trees there gathered a group of villagers; the crowd included both men and women along with more than ten children. All of them were listening to a thin old man, giving him their complete attention.
The old man was about fifty or so, the green robe that he was wearing had been washed to a bluish-gray. He banged two
pieces of wood together a couple of times, with the little bamboo stick in his left hand he started to beat on a little drum to keep pace. He started to sing:
The peach blossoms without fail, vast unused fields feeding the crows. After the soldiers by the well, families gather in sorrow.”
徐佳颖图片The old man banged the drum with the stick a couple of times more, and then continued: “Old Man Yie had a wife, a son, and a daughter. They lost each other when the Jin invaded. Finally, after many hardships and much difficulty, they were able to get back together. They returned to their home to find that the Jin soldiers had burned it to the ground. They had no choice but to head off to Bianliang (modern day Kaifeng, capital of North Song). …The heavens produce unexpected storms, people have unforeseen misfortunes‟. As soon as the four of them got to Bianliang, they ran into a troop of J
in soldiers. The leader of the soldiers looked down and saw that Young Miss Yie was quite beautiful; he jumped down from his horse, and grabbed her.
With a laugh, he threw her onto his saddle and said: …Pretty little girl, you are going to go home with me.‟ How could young Mi ss Yie agree? She struggled with all her might. The leader yelled out: …If you don‟t stop struggling, then your family will die!‟ He picked up his …wolf fang‟ club and smashed it down on her brother‟s head.”….
‘The nether world gains a new ghost, the real world loses one more soul.‟
“Old Man Yie and his wife fell onto their son‟s body and started to cry their hearts out. That Jin soldier lifted up this …wolf fang‟ club twice more and took care of them. Young Miss Yie did not cry, she simply said: …Sir, please stop killing people. I‟ll go with you.‟ This made the soldier extremely happy. Just as he let his guard down, Young Miss Yie suddenly grabbed the saber at his waist, pulled it out, and thrust at his heart. It looked like she was about to avenge her family‟s death; but alas it was not to be. That soldier had much experience on the battlefield; with out thinking, he merely pushed her forward very naturally, sending Young Miss Yie to the ground. He had just enough time to say: …Little bitch!‟ But Young Miss Yie has already brought the blade to her neck. Poor girl: …With a flower‟s beauty and the moon‟s grace, such a sweet soul dying sadly so young.‟”