英文解释:League of Legends
1. 你为何想加入英雄联盟,约瑞科?
Why do you want to join the league, yorick?
2. 我们是绿的英雄,我们前进在通往甲级联盟的路上!
We're the heroes in green and we're on our way to first rate alliance!
3. 他们的反对最终用典型的联合国方式得到了解决:中国和俄罗斯的超级英雄也在正义联
In classic u. n.fashion, their objections to authorizing the force are overcome by securi ng jobs for chinese and russiansuperheroes on the new justice league.
四渡赤水出奇兵歌词4. 二月腾讯用4亿美元购得位于洛杉矶的游戏工作室riot games的多数股份,为面向中国
In february, tencent also paid$ 400 million to acquire a majority share of a los angeles-based gaming studio, riot games,and is adapting its online fantasy game league of leg ends for the chinese market.
5. 毕竟,没几个英雄能闯进战争学院的内部殿堂、叫出强力的召唤师,并直接了当的要求
After all, few potential champions have ever broken into one of the inner sanctums of t he institute of war, startled powerfulsummoners, and plainly demanded to be allowed i nto the league of legends.
6. 一名孤胆勇士能拯救她并且成为人民的英雄。并且这有可能改变联盟在我的人民心中的
A lone warrior can save her and become a hero of my people. And it may change the
way my people feel about thealliance. What do you say?钟汉良妹妹
7. 导演penny marshall将全美女子职业棒球联盟的故事搬上了大荧幕并成功让电影里的球
Penny marshall brought the story of the all-american girls professional baseball league  to mainstream audiences andmade heroes out of the players depicted on the big scre en.
8. 吉列公司保持了较高的美国职棒大联盟和吉列冠军计划,一个强大的宣传倡议团结三大
Gillette has maintained its high-profile with the us sponsorship of major league baseba ll and the gillette championsprogram, a strong promotional initiative uniting three major  sporting heroes.
9. 杰出的六百联盟英雄汉。
Noble six hundred alliance warrior.
10. 他对贸易联盟进行削价竞争,因此在其他海盗眼中成了平民英雄。
He was able to undercut the prices of the trade federation, and became a folk hero of sorts to other pirates.
11. 自从他首次参加美国棒球大联盟赛以来,王已成为台湾当地的英雄人物。
Since his first major league game, wang has become a local hero in taiwan.
12. 西班牙和葡萄牙皇族联盟的菲利普二世要求他们成为征服巴西的英雄,要把一些英国舰unperfect love
真的没喝多To add to the problems of the portuguese living in brazil, the union of the spanish and portuguese crowns under philip iimade them a legitimate target for english privateers s uch as sir thomas cavendish, the commander of the small flotilla offive ships that trans ported our hero to brazil.
13. 国际正义联盟中的二线英雄们组建了一支鱼龙混杂的国际维和部队,这些人向联合国效
The somewhat second-tier stars of justice league international, however, form a motle y crew of multinational superheroes,who have been hired by the united nations to conf ront threats to mankind that conventional armies and law enforcementagencies can't h andle.