close heart翻译中文
close heart的意思是“关闭心灵”或“心灵关闭”。这个短语通常用来形容一个人因为某种原因而变得冷漠、不敏感或不愿意表达情感。
1. She has closed her heart to love after a series of heartbreaks. (她在一连串的失恋之后,关闭了自己的心灵。)
2. He closed his heart to his family's pleas and refused to help them. (他对家人的请求置若罔闻,拒绝帮助他们。)
李敏镐和朴敏英分手3. It's important not to close your heart to new experiences and opportunities. (重要的是不要对新的经历和机会心灵关闭。)
4. She closed her heart to criticism and continued to pursue her dreams. (她对批评置之不理,继续追求自己的梦想。)
5. Don't close your heart to others just because you've been hurt before. (不要因为之前受过伤害就对他人关闭心灵。)
6. He closed his heart to his emotions and became emotionally distant from those around him. (他关闭了自己的情感,与周围的人情感疏离。)
7. The trauma she experienced as a child caused her to close her heart to intimacy as an adult. (她童年时的创伤导致她在成年后对亲密关系关闭心灵。)
8. It takes time and effort to open a closed heart and trust again. (重新打开关闭的心灵并重新建立信任需要时间和努力。)
9. He closed his heart to the pain and focused on moving forward. (他关闭了自己的心灵对痛苦,专注于向前迈进。)
10. Opening your heart to others can bring joy and fulfillment into your life. (向他人敞开心灵可以给你的生活带来快乐和满足感。)