Unit 3 The environment 达标测试卷
第一部分 听力(共30分)
流星蝴蝶剑片头曲( )1. A. Water pollution.
B. Food waste.
C. Air pollution.
( )2. A. Tigers and pandas.
B. Pandas and lions.
C. Tigers and wolves.
( )3. A. She smoked.
B. She hurt her legs.
C. She parked her car.
( )4. A. He will repair the car.
B. He will go shopping.
C. He will see his wife.
( )5. A. To protect endangered animals.
B. To save money for animals.
C. To protect ourselves.
( )6. A. Wonderful.       B. Terrible.
C. Delicious.
( )7. A. Take some medicine.
B. Take his temperature.
C. Have a talk.
( )8. A. Great.     B. Just so­so.     C. Too bad.
( )9. A. To do business.
B. To see her family.
C. To have a trip.
( )10. A. Pay attention to handwriting.
B. Have a talk with the teacher.
C. Listen carefully.
听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。love lives
( )11. Who cleaned up the neighborhood yesterday?
A. Mike and his neighbor.
B. Mike and his brother.
C. Mike and his father.
( )12. What will Mike do next?
A. Put up notices in the neighborhood.
B. Clean up the neighborhood.
C. Put rubbish into different bags.
( )13. What did Jack do yesterday evening?
A. He did his homework.
B. He watched TV.
C. He listened to the radio.
( )14. How many ways of protecting the environment are mentioned in the dialog?
A. Two.     B. Three.     C. Four.
( )15. When will they go to the club?
A. Tomorrow. 郭敬明身体有多高    B. This Sunday.    C. This afternoon.
16. We'll have the first bike riding of the year at 7 pm on Friday, ________ ________.
17. We will start outside ________ ________.
18. Bike riders must be over ________  years old.
19. Bring your own bike and your ________ ________.
20. For more information, please call ________.
第二部分 笔试(共90分)
第一节: 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。
Once,there was a little grey planet that was very sad. The people living there hadn't looked after it, __21__ they had lots of smart inventions. They had dirtied __22__ whole planet so much with rubbish that almost no plants or animals were left.
One day,when a little boy __23__ on the planet, he noticed a small red flower in a corner. The flower was almost dying, so the boy __24__ dug it up. Then he started looking for a place where he could plant it. He searched all over the planet,but everywhere was so dirty that __25__ no place the flower could live in. Then he looked up at the sky and noticed the Moon. It seemed that maybe the plant __26__ live there.
So the little boy put on his astronaut suit,and climbed into a spaceship. He put the little red flower in the back,and they went off __27__ the Moon.
Far away from all the pollution and with the boy looking after it every day, the flower __28__ to grow, germinate (发芽), give birth to __29__, and these other flowers spread onto other flowers. Before long,the whole Moon was completely covered with flowers.
特务 jThat's why,whenever the flowers open up,for __30__ minutes the Moon takes on a soft red sheen(光辉),like a warning light. Maybe it's telling us that if we don't look after our planet,the day will come when flowers will only be able to grow on the Moon.
( )21. A. or      B. though 
C. so      D. since
( )22. A. a      B. an 
C. the      D. /
( )23. A. is walking      B. walks
C. was walking      D. walk
李玉刚 花满楼( )24. A. careless      B. careful
C. carefully      D. carelessly
( )25. A. there has  2016维也纳新年音乐会    B. there was
C. there is      D. there had
( )26. A. could      B. can 
C. may      D. must
( )27. A. to      B. in 
C. with      D. at
( )28. A. has started      B. is starting
C. started      D. starts
( )29. A. the other      B. others
C. another      D. other
( )30. A. a few      B. a little
C. few      D. little
第二节: 阅读下面短文, 理解大意, 然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。
Daisy was in the bathroom. She was brushing her teeth and the tap(水龙头) was on. Water was running.
“Turn that tap off,” a voice said loudly. Daisy was shocked. She __31__, but saw no one. “Turn that tap off. You are wasting water!” someone shouted __32__.
This time Daisy turned off the tap and asked, “Who…who are you?”
“I am a drop of water. It's not __33__ for me to get here. Do you know where I'm from?”
“From the tap?” said Daisy.
“No. A few days ago, I was flying comfortably in a cloud, enjoying the view from the sky. Then I __34__ into a river and that river carried me to a lake. Then it was time for me to get cleaned up. ” “Really?” Daisy doubted. “Yes. I was __35__ after my journey. So in order to make me safe to drink, people gave me a complete __36__. After that, I travelled in the pipes(管道) under the streets. I waited there __37__ you called me, and here I am. ”