Introduction of Justin Bieber
田海蓉演过的电视剧Hello , my dear fellows ! Here is FM 73.9 radio English service of Henan Normal University . I'm your old friend Janey. Welcome to our today's Music Eden . In today's program , I'll introduce you a new-born superstar singer——Justin Bieber who has millions of funs around the world. Ok , take a deep breath , then come with me . 
    Born in Canada on March first 1994, he is now developing his career in America. His debut single "One Time" did hit the music fields, and the second one "One Less Lonely Girl", ranked sixteenth on "Billboard Hot 100", once released. In fact, little Justin has plenty of talents: compose, drum, dance, guitar, piano, You name it. One thing cant't be ignored---his childlike handsome appearance---also brings him much attraction. Look, he is only 17 years old, think about what did you do at this age?
  So how can an ordinary boy turn to be stand out and extraordinary almost overnight?  And is there any secret of his sucess? Well, let's enjoy a piece of his mu
sic first.
Feel good?
Justin Bieber uploaded his singing video onto Youtube at his fifteen, which was quite popular through the Internet and made him famous from then on. Just as the old saying goes: Chance is always for the well-prepared, and Justin were ready for his day. 
After being hot through the net, his gift is noticed by broker Scooter Braun who then recommends him to User, a R&B superstar and boss of Island Records as well. Signing a contract with Usher, , which was a huge turn for Justin, he officially becomes a professional singer and starts his unbelieveable journey. It seems there is no doubt that little Justin is going to lead a promising future, and one day he will be somebody.
    Earlier time, Justin Bieber was well-known by imtating other singers' songs , but now as a professional singer, he has many his own creations. He is a talented guy who has a strong sense of rhythm, metre and individuality, so dose his music that always brings you surprise . Why don't we have a try?  "Baby"
So how do you like it? Good? I prefer to say Perfect!  每当我听到这首歌时,总感觉是在聆听邻家大男孩的倾诉一样,听一颗年轻的心对真爱的渴求,听在青涩的爱恋背后的阵阵痛楚。音乐高低起伏,旋律抑扬顿挫,不难想像对成年人来说都是很复杂的感情世界,对于一个16岁的孩子而言是怎样的一种纠结。 回想我们当年在那个如花一样美的的年龄上,是否也有过类似的心历路程:默默的喜欢,倾心的告白,不舍得坚持。。。纵使外界牵绊阻拦,也不放弃自己真心的诉求。 贾乃亮 富二代张爱玲说过,十六岁的花只开一季,美好的事物总是容易消逝,大多人都会选择任其洒落一地, 亦或以文字的形式将记忆保留, Bieber用他的声音记录内心,用他的歌喉向世界传达:一季的花也可以绽放出无限的美丽,这就是我,不在乎你们怎么看。这样的率真坦诚,没有人听了会无动于衷。 我想之所以这首歌一经推出就广受欢迎,必定是因为它唤醒了人们心中深埋的情愫吧... 
Baby once reached No.5 on the list of Billboardand I also intensely suggest you watch its MV , from which you'll find out why it could get 4 hundred million eyes stuck. You may also have the intrest reading Justin's twitter , leave him a mesage, and keep in touch.
On November 17th,2009, at the age of 15, he has his first album——"my world(1.0)" released. The first solo "one time"ranked Top 20 on the Canadian Billboard, and Top 30 on the American's.  During five weeks, this album sold out more than half a million, which was really a shock!  Its second part is released on March 23th 2010. At the same time, the upgraded edition——"my world 2.0" comes out on April twelveth 2010, "baby" is right in it. And another edition——"My Worlds Acoustic", including a very new song named "Pray" , followed next.
Time goes on August 18th 2010, Bieber releases a new album "Never Say Never", and the leading song "Never Say Never" is just the theme music of the film ——"Karate Kid"(功夫梦),  Justin together with Jaden Smith(Will Smith's son) perfo
rms this song周峻纬妻子which is said to be optimistic and positive type, so how about a listening: never say never ——
Never say never, 大约在冬季伴奏永不言弃,永不言败,但真理总是说起来容易做到却很难。倒不妨将其看作是一种积极的生活态度,心向往之,但不必事事践行,因为经历的多了你就会发现,生活中其实是没有什么东西不能放弃的。人必须有所为有所不为,有坚持就得有舍弃,就算是有病去如抽丝之痛,也不能一条路走到黑。但反过来说,又不能因为将来可能会有所舍弃而现在就不坚持,虽然风雨过后不总有彩虹,但最美的是一同躲过雨的屋檐。
Let's go back to see his formor experience to know him better. In the year 2008, Justin won a No.2 prize in a singing match held at his hometown.  In order to let his relatives and friends who were absent watch his performance, he with his mother uploaded his match-video and other kind of "works" onto Youtube. The big
surprise is that these viedos aroused so many attentions among the netizens, which gives rise to broker Scooter Braun's intrest, and at once he flied to Atlanta to meet his boss Usher to talk about contracting with Justin. This boy left a good impresssion on Usher to, then he signed with Justin . And this means significant for a young boy, which leads Justin to a new way to make him, not him.