He had a remarkable character,cold,odd and proud(比a cold,odd,and proud remarkable character更自然).This artist,haggard,poor but resolute,will not live on charity.Lily is a dog,intelligent and active,obedient and gentle.It is a road,dusty,wet,rugged but exciting.(形容词+形容词+形容词)
He is a kind man and a learned(a kind and learned man较常见).He keeps a black dog and a white.They are kind men and learned.He keeps some black dogs and white.They advocate free speech and fearless.(书面语)
蔡依林舞娘He has a temper extremely dangerous(or an extremely dangerous temper).It is a method wonderfully efficient.Nearby is a jungle terribly wild.(副词+形容词)
It is a problem the most difficult.In this small country there is a city the busiest I ever saw.I am sorry
he did it in a way the least understandable.I believe pain ever the severest can be relieved.(the+最高级形容词)
He is in a state similar(or a similar state)to mine.It is a condition unfavourable to the enterprise.He is not a man ashamed of his folly.That is an opinion contrary to mine.A man often forgetful of his promise will never succeed.He is interested in customs peculiar to Japanese.That is a place famous for its sausages.(形容词+介词短语)
也可以说:It is an unfavourable condition to the enterprise.That is a contrary opinion to mine.但不可以说:He is not an ashamed man of his
He is a writer eighty years old.There is in this province a road five hundred miles long.We swam in a river twenty feet deep.It is a mountain over3000feet high.(数词+名词+形容词)
He is a boy anxious to learn.He is a man ready to die for justice.A man afraid to make enemies is a man afraid to make friends.I like books easy to
digest.It is a situation too grave to save.This is a book good enough to teach us morals.(形容词+不定式)
May I help you,Lilian dear?I love you,my lady sweet.Is a life deathless possible?Our life on the island is joy eternal.They advocate love inviolate.I believe in God Ommipresent.Lord Paramount will give the final judgement.He is a devil incarnate.He is more interested in mistakes past than in improvement future.Money unspent is money useless.
b.用在things,matters或something这类词后的形容词:He neglects things temporal.I do not like matters(or affairs)political.There is something (or nothing,every-thing)interesting in the show.
小嶋阳菜It is the greatest novel imaginable.We use every means conceivable.That is the only(or main,chief,principal)vehicle available in this area.
That is the best method possible(or the best possible method).In this desert this is the only herb edible.I think that is the last city defensible.
There are thieves uncountable(=that cannot be counted).There is a gulf impassable.He has gone through torments inexpressible(=that cannot be expressed).
(但suitable,seasonable,reasonable及类似的词不能用在所修饰名词的后面,因为它们没有“that can be suited”,“that can be seasoned”这类意思。)
Chapter Four=the fourth chapter.
Book Five=the fifth book刘小峰演过的电视剧
Class Two=the second class
Number Five=the fifth
Room152;page636;Prisoner No.1689.
He lay on the ground like(or as)a man dead.He laughed and cried like (or as)a man crazy.He greeted me with his arms open.He arrived home with his pockets empty.He confessed his guilt with his face pale.
The only man alive(=that is alive)is John.There was nobody awake to discover the burglary.John alone can do nothing for anyone.There is a rumour afloat.蝴蝶泉边曲谱
Alexander the Great.Henry the Eighth,Richard the Lionhearted,Charles the Bald,MacCarthy the older,John the Short.
The Consul General,the Governor General,the Attorney General,the president elect,the bishop elect(or designate),the Prince Regent(or royal),the envoy extraordinary,a knight errant,the heir apparent(or presumptive),the bride elect,the notary public,the poet laureate,the lords temporal(or spiritual),the court martial;the price current,the right divine,fee simple,his sign manual.
the house opposite,the statement below,people inside,the bridge there (or here),Heaven above,a hotel hard by,a trip north,our life abroad,the distance across,16feet square,a day off(duty),an evening off,the student off for school(or home from school),rents downtown,the only house around for miles.
in January next(or last),on Friday next(or last),on the day following(or following day),in time past,from(or since)time
immemorial,in years gone by,many nights previous(=ago,before),on a day certain(=fixed),the trend now,the world today and tomorrow.
He is a man of honour(=honourable man),a man of fortune(or character,fashion,sense,letters,parts,few words).This is an act of cowardice(=cowardly act),a mountain of great height(=very high mountain),a matter of no importance(=unimportant matter),a child
without home(=homeless child).
Do you see the man at the door(=who is at the door)?Pass me the book on the desk(=which is on the desk).I went to the shop opposite the post office.She is a girl with curly hair.It is a rumour without foundation.
He is a specialist in chest diseases(He specializes in chest diseases).Her anxiety about your safety is unnecessary(She is very anxious about your safety).He expressed dissatisfaction with my work.He took delight in the study of dogs.There was an attempt on his life.
Fruits in season are delicious and cheap.Ideas behind the times should be thrown away.The person in charge was out.We can't let go the victory within our grasp.Anyone in the wrong must say sorry.
He is a boy(of)your age.She wears shoes(of)the size of mine.I don't like a house such a colour.Have you ever seen a sea animal the shape of a horse?He has a car a light green.She caught a fish greater weight than mine.He bought a bike the same price as mine.
He has no thought about getting married again after his wife died.He is under no easiness about making these mistakes.There should be no trouble about travelling in Europe and Asia.He gave them a lecture about smoking,drinking and gambling.He always remembers his dream about becoming rich.He has forgotten his promise about painting my portrait.It seems a proposal about building a bridge has been made.
He expressed concern at hearing the news.You can easily imagine her disappointment at not having received Alexander's invitation.I could see his gladness at finding most of his lost money.Her pride(or satisfaction,plea-sure,happiness)at meeting John again was inexpressible.His vexation (or despair,shyness,surprise,astonishment,sorrow,regret)at seeing this foolish thing can be imagined.(at多用在表示情绪的抽象名词后面)
The reason for doing it is obvious.His reputation for aiding the poor people is ever-increasing.There is no medicine for curing fools.He can find many pretexts(or excuses)for plying truant.
He does not know my pleasure(or interest,experience,skill)in making bird-cages(or in playing mahjong).He has a share(or no scruple,no hesitation)in doing this dirty business(or in violating so many women).I cannot understand his obstinacy in avoiding doctors.He knows the difficulty in convincing those hardheaded people.
The duty of looking after the house belongs to me.The honour of winning the war gives him courage.The purpose of educating children should always be