小屁孩日记 Diary of a Wimpy Kid小松拓也
        后来,老爸把他上班用的东西房间里搬走了,将原来办公的房间变成了育婴室。我睡上了罗德里克的儿童床,而他则有了张新床。空枕难眠Eventually给还没有遇见的你 Dad moved his work stuff out of the room he was using as an office and made it into a nursery. I got Rodrick’s old crib and he got a new bed.
        时候,我几乎所有的东西都是罗德里克传下来的二手货。Almost EVERYTHING I had back in those days was a hand-me-down from Rodrick.
        等它们到我手里的时候,基本上不是缺胳膊少腿,就是沾满了口水。By the time something came to me it was either worn-out or covered in slobber.
他一直不怎么喜欢我的原因。越剧碧玉簪mp3Even my PACIFIER was a hand-me-down from Rodrick. I don’t think he was ready to give it up though我们结婚吧歌曲 which might explain why he’s never really liked me.
        很长一段时间都是我们四个人一起生活,直到有一天老妈跟我说她要再生一个。幸亏她提前跟我打了招呼,这样我就可以早做准备了。It was just the four of us for a long time and then one day Mom told me she was gonna have another baby. I was glad she gave me the heads-up so I could be ready.