绝世小攻 阿悄An experience of buying things
A and B: Now we are going to show you a small performance [pə'fɔ:məns], the program ['prəuɡræm] of two-man act.
B: The main characteristic [,kærəktə'ristik] of two-man act is that one person says things but does not do.
A: Another does - but can not say.  另一个只做不说
B: Generally ['dʒenərəli] speaking, more boys like acting very much. 通常来说,男孩子们更偏爱表演。
A: More girls like talking a lot.而女孩们则更喜欢说
小沈阳歌曲美了美了B: So, I'll act. 因此,我将负责演的部分
A: I'll say. And I said miao. 我将负责说的部分妙
B: I do well. 我演的好
A: But what should we talk about? 那么我们该聊些什么呢?
B: Let's say something about my sister’s experience [ik'spiəriəns] of buying things, OK?嗯,就让我们聊聊我购物的一次经历吧。
A: Your sister’s……OK. Let's begin. 你的啊?好吧,我们开始吧。
A: The sun is so bright. Oh, my eyes, my beautiful eyes, my sexy eyes, my charming eyes, 哎呦,哎呦,哎呦,哎呦.........这太阳真猛啊!哦,我的眼睛,我美丽的眼睛,我性感的眼睛,我吸引人的眼睛,哎呦,哎呦,哎呦,哎呦.........
B: You, come here. What are doing? You want to 哎呦哎呦all the time?你给我出来!你在干嘛,难道你想要一直就这么哎呦下去吗?
A: I'm sorry! I do sorry. Let's continue. I'll do better. 对不起,真是对不起。我们继续吧,我会做得更好的!
亲密爱人A: Oh, the sun is so bright. I can't bear my beautiful big eyes closed to be a line under the sun. I hav
e to buy a pair of sunglasses immediately. This shop looks good. Let me have a look. 这太阳真猛啊!我不能忍受我美丽的眼睛在太阳底下眯成一条线。我应该立即去买一副太阳镜。这个商店看上去不错。让我进去瞧瞧。
W: Can I help you?请问有什么能帮你的吗?
A: Of course. I'm seeking for a pair of sunglasses. It must be cool, and sexy, and charming, and……(be interrupted) 我需要一副太阳镜。他必须能彰显我的冷酷、性感、吸引人。。。。。W: I think I know what you want. Here you are!我想我知道您要的是什么了。给您。
A: Are you kidding? I said I need a pair of sunglasses,太阳镜,太阳,太阳,太阳镜!
W: I'm sorry. How about this one?歌曲鸿雁
A: (Take sunglasses and wear it) Give me a mirror ['mirə], OK!
W: Here's the mirror!
A: (Appreciate himself in the mirror) Am I cool? Am I sexy? Am I charming?
W: Sure!
A: Hey! Magic ['mædʒik] mirror! Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?
W: It's you!
A: (Laugh with sexy sound) really? (Laugh again) OK! I'll take this!
真的吗?哈哈哈…. 好吧!
A: Oh, it's really troublesome. How can I be so beautiful? (Laugh) Ah! I nearly forget. I have a date with Obama later. I need to buy some cosmetics [kɔz'metiks] to make myself more beautiful. Do you have any cosmetics?
W: Of course, madame.
A: What? You call me what? Madame? I’m only a girl.
W: What a beautiful girl you are.
W: so what do you want?
A: I need a small lipstick. Oh! 美宝莲! It's my favourite. (make adv) 渴望更炫唇膏,美宝莲3D炫彩唇膏(pretend to spread a little lipstick),三百六十度炫彩光泽,百分百水润感受。不选贵的,只选对的!Wow! So many cosmetics. Let me make up. (make up and sing the song of 粉刷匠)我是一个粉刷匠,粉刷本领强。刷了睫毛,刷眉毛,还要刷头发。
A: (put head off) Do you know what am I look like now? (a picture of beauty in front of his face and look up)
A; T he most amazing woman in the world.
ABC: Thank you!