God is a girl上帝是一个女孩
remembering me discover and see all over the world
she\'s known as a girl to those who a free
the mind shall be key forgotten as the past
cause history will last 使过去的事情继续延续……
god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩
wherever you are 无论你在何处 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?
god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 whatever you say 无论你说什么
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 however you live
无论你生活怎么样 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?
god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩
get down
she\'s only a girl 她仅仅是一个女孩
发财日记演员表>湖南卫视主持人工资排名do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?
she wants to shine forever in time 她希望永远的闪耀着
she is so driven she\'s always mine 她是如此地被动……
cleanly and free 她永远是我的“纯洁”与“自由”
she wants you to be a part of the future
a girl like me 有一个女孩会喜欢我
there is a sky illuminating us someone is out there 有天空照亮着我们,某人的离开
that we truly trust 才是我们真实的期待
there is a rainbow for you and me 有一道彩虹等着你和我
a beautiful sunrise eternally 一轮美丽的日出是那样的永恒!
right here waiting
Oceans apart day after day 天海相隔,日复一日
And I slowly go insane 我日见焦灼 赵丽颖和何炅
I hear your voice on the line 话筒传来你的声音
But it doesn’t stop the pain 但却止不了我心中的痛
If I see you next to never 如果你我难以相间
How can we say forever 又如何谈得上永远
Wherever you go 无论你去到何方
Whatever you do 无论你在做何事
I will be right here waiting here waiting for you
童瑶章子怡 Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks 无论要付出什么或者我的心怎样破碎
I will be right here waiting for you 我都将在这里等你
I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow 我总是想当然的认为我们终究可以持续下去
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can’t get near you now 我听到嘲笑,我尝到苦涩的泪,但我无法靠近你
Oh, can’t you see it baby You’ve got me in crazy 哦,亲爱的,难道你不见我为你而迷醉
I wonder how we can survive This romance 我想知道这段爱情如何才能维系
But in the end if I’m with you I’ll take the chance 但如果最终我能和你在一起,我一定会好好珍惜这个时机 天海相隔,日复一日
And I slowly go insane 我已渐渐憔悴
I hear your voice on the line 恍惚传来你的声音
But it doesn’t stop the pain 却抚平不了心中伤痛
If I see you next to never 如果你我真的再难相逢
How can we say forever 我们如何相信永远?
Wherever you go 无论你去到何方 Whatever you do
(I will be right here waiting here waiting for you 我都将在这里静静等待
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks 就算一无所有,就算满心悲伤,
I will be right here waiting for you 我都将在这里静静等待 I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow 曾经一直,以为我们,终会在一起
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can’t get near you now 笑声犹在,泪水却落下,你到底在何方?
Oh, can’t you see it baby You’ve got me in crazy 哦,你又怎忍看见我为你痴狂?
I wonder how we can survive This romance 不知道怎样才可让爱永存
But in the end if I’m with you I’ll take the chance 只知若你回来,我将紧紧拥抱,不再分离.