Mongolian Urtiin Duu, also called the traditional folk long song, is a ballad featured by few words, long and resounding vocal voice as well as slow and free rhythm. It is suitable for narration and expressing emotion. The lyrics are in couplets and the contents are mostly about grasslands, horses, camels, cattle, sheep, blue sky, white clouds, rivers and lakes etc.
The Urtiin duu or “long song” is one of the two major forms of Mongolian songs, the other being the 李敏镐车祸short song (boginoduu)”. As a ritual form of expression associated with important celebrations and festivities, Urtiin duu plays a distinct and honoured role in Mon
golian society. It is performed at weddings, the inauguration of a new home, the birth of a child, the branding of foals and other social events celebrated by Mongolia’s nomadic communities.
love with you tfboys
天黑黑钢琴谱The Urtiin duu can also be heard at the naadam, a festivity featuring wrestling, archery and horseracing competitions.
The Urtiin duu is a lyrical chant, which is characterized by an abundance of ornamentation, falsetto, an extremely wide vocal range and a free compositional form. The rising melody is slow and steady while the falling melody is often intercepted with a li
vely rhythm. Performances and compositions of Urtiin duu are closely linked to the pastoral way of life of the Mongolian nomads on their ancestral grasslands.
Widely believed to have originated 2,000 years ago, the Urtiin duu has been recorded in literary works since the thirteenth century. A rich variety of regional styles has been preserved until today, and performances as well as contemporary compositions still play a major role in the social and cultural life of nomads living in Mongolia and in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Republic, located in the northern part of the People’s Republic of China.
Since the 1950s, urbanization and industrialization have increasingly superseded traditional nomadic lifestyles, leading to the loss of many traditional practices and expressions. Parts of the grasslands where tradition-bearers used to live as nomads have fallen victim to desertification, causing many families to shift to a sedentary way of life where many classical themes of Urtiin duu, such as the praise of typical nomads’ virtues and experiences, lose their relevance.
Mongolian Urtiin Duu expresses the Mongolian perceptions of history and culture, cultural customs, ethics, philosophy and art with distinctive characteristics of nomadic culture and unique singing form and thus is called the "Living Fossil of Prairie Music". Mongolian Urtiin Duu which was jointly applied by China and Mongolia was declared as "Representative of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on November 25, 2005.
蒙古族长调以鲜明的游牧文化特征和独特的演唱形式讲述着蒙古民族对历史文化、人文习俗、道德、哲学和艺术的感悟,所以被称为“草原音乐活化石”。中国、蒙古国联合申报的“蒙古族长调民歌”在 2005年11月25日被联合国教科文组织宣布成为第三批“人类口头和非物质遗产代表作”。