Dylan.Hey, mrs. Dunphy. Dylan 嗨 你好 Dunphy 太太
Um, I'm just waiting for haley. 我在等 Haley 下来
Did you ring the bell? 你按门铃了么 ?
I texted. She said she'd be down in just a minute. 我发短信给她了她说马上下来
Oh, great. Tell her I said hi. 好极了 代我向她问好
I will. 哦
Dylan! D-money! Dylan 牛人
Chillin' with dylan the villain. 牛人穿涤纶呀么上山打敌人
"d" to the "y" to the -- hey, mr. Dunphy. 迪伊伊伊伦嗯嗯嗯 你好 Dunphy 先生
Hey, come on in. 来 过来
You're just in time to catch the end of the game. 正好来得及看个比赛结尾
Oh, I'm not really a baseball guy. 哦 我对棒球不太感兴趣
haley says hi.I-I was just being facetious. Haley 也向你问好 我不过是开玩笑罢了
Come on. I'll catch you up. 过来嘛 我给你讲讲
Sit it. Park it. 来嘛 坐呀
happy endingCome on, I don't bite. 过来嘛 我又不会咬你 kidding. 开玩笑
I'm kidding. 我开玩笑的嘛
Okay, see that guy?He's the tying run. 你看见那家伙没有 他是追平分跑垒
Interesting story about him. 这家伙可搞笑了
He's been stuck on second base forever, 他简直是被困在二垒跑不掉了
And I'm pretty sure he's gonna try and steal third, 我打包票他想偷偷溜到三垒
Which is just a terrible, terrible idea. 这个绝对不是啥好主意啊
How are you and haley doing? 你跟 Haley 怎么样了 ?
I wish I could stay home with you and fly toy airplanes. 我真想待在家里和你一起玩玩具飞机
These aren't toy airplanes,manny. 这可不是玩具飞机 Manny
These are models, and they're very complicated. 这是模型 这东西很复杂的
You want to fly one of these, 你要是想玩这个
You got to be familiar with airfoil, drag, lift, and thrust, 得先了解螺旋浆 拉升 俯冲 推进等等
And these are all principles of aerodynamics. 这些都是空气动力学的基本要素
The box says, "12 and up." 可盒子写着适合 12 岁以上儿童呀 What?! 啥 ?
You can fly toy planes with jay next time. 你乖 下次再和 Jay 玩玩具飞机
Today you have to spend time with luke. 今天你要去和 Luke 一起玩
Why? Because his mother invited you, so you go. 为什么 ? 因为他妈妈邀请你 所以你得去啊
Family needs to be close, right, jay? 家人应该亲密无间嘛 是吧 Jay
I'm pretty sure this is a typo. 这绝对是个印刷错误
Men need their hobbies. 男人应该培养兴趣
快乐大本营谢娜模仿刘敏涛Manny's father had many hobbies, Manny 的爸爸就有很多兴趣爱好
我的女孩 下载
Like hiking in the desert, 像是沙漠徒步啦
That kind of skiing that they drop you 滑雪啦 就是那种把你空降下去的 ...
How do you say in english? 从那个 英文怎么说来着 ?
Helicopter.Yes. 直升机 对
Once, on a dare, he even boxedd with an alligator. 有一次 他为了和人打赌还和一条鳄鱼
赛过拳击 Wrestle.You wrestle -- 摔跤 是摔跤
you can't box with alligators. 和鳄鱼赛什么拳击嘛
Are you sure? 你确定 ?
How would they get the gloves on those lile claws? 难不成还给它们的爪子戴拳击手套 ?
Aren't they like tiny, little hands? 它们的爪子不是像小手一样么 ?
No! 不是啦
Okay, now I forgot what we were talking about. 这下好 我都忘了我们在说什么了
Anyways, hobbies are important for the men, 总而言之 兴趣爱好对男人来说是很重要的 Whether you're risking your life 不管是以生命冒险也好
Or flying little planes from a safe distance. 还是躲得远远地耍耍玩具飞机
Wait, wait, wait, wait,what are you doing? 等等等等 你在干嘛
We're just gonna buy some diapers. 我们拐个弯去买个尿布
It'll just take a second. 很快的
This is costco. 这里是好市多唉 (连锁仓储式大卖场 穷人光顾较多 )
Yeah, which is where we buy diapers. 没错啊 我们一向都在这儿买尿布的
Since when? 从什么时候起啊
Do you remember when we adopted that baby a few months back? 你不记得我们几个月前收养了个 宝宝了 ?
Since then. 就从那时起咯
Mitchell is a snob. Mitchell 可势利了
No, n-no, I'm -- I'm discerning. 不是 我只是 比较有鉴赏力
Official slogan for snobs. 势利的官方用语
When we first met,he wouldn't even look at me 我们刚认识那会儿 他看都不看我一眼
Because I was a hick from the farm in missouri 就因为我是密苏里州农场上来的乡巴佬
And he's a big city mouse. 而他是拽得很的城市佬
Who says "city mouse"? 谁会用 "城市佬 " 这种词啊
Country mice. 乡巴佬们呗
I think I'm gonna go wait in the car. 我看我还是去车里等吧一个人的冬天 陈楚生
Okay. 好吧
Hey, if you're on your way out,can you grab the garbage? 嗨 你出去的时候能不能把垃圾带出去
I got it.Okay, we got it. 已经处理掉了 好吧 我们已经处理掉了
He's a little jumpy. 他有点坐立不安啊
Oh,go figure--a teenage boy doesn't want to hang out With his girlfriend's dad. 有什么好奇怪 哪个小伙 子愿意跟女朋友的爸爸混
I thought we were past all that. 我还以为我们早就过了那个阶段了
I'm 我只不过
I'm all about taking it to the next level. 只不过想和他建立进一步的关系嘛
Manny brought his favorite game to play with luke. Manny 带了他最喜欢的游戏和 Luke 一起玩
It's called "empire." 这叫 " 帝国 "
You use strategy to expand territories And take over the world. 需要你运用计谋扩张领土统治世界we are young 华晨宇
Luke is gonna love that.He's out back playing. Luke 一定会喜欢的他在外面玩呢
Do you need me to get you something While I'm out shopping? 我等下出去买东西 要不要给你带些什 么回来
That's such a nice offer,but I think we're good. Thanks. 你真是太好心了不过我们好像不缺啥 谢谢了
Okay, what about this? 这件怎么样
You don't even say hello to gloria and manny? 你就不知道跟 Gloria 和 Manny 打个招呼么