Unit 1 This is my day知识点
When do you eat dinner? 你几点钟做早操?
I usually eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening? 我通常七点钟吃早饭。
When do you get up? 你几点起床?
I usually get up at 12:00.我通常在12点起床.
What do you do on the weekend? 你周末干什么?
Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents.我通常看电视和购物,有时我还去看望祖父母.
I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.我经常踢足球,有时去远足
do morning exercises  做早操eat breakfast吃早饭  get up起床
have English class 上英语课  play sports 做运动 eat dinner吃晚饭
climb mountains 爬山 go shopping去购物  go hiking去远足
visit grandparents 看望祖父母 play the piano 弹钢琴
when 在……时候 evening晚上  noon中午  weekend周末  usually通常  often经常  sometimes有时
Unit 2 My favorite season?知识点
Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?
I like winter best.我最喜欢冬天。
Why do you like summer?你喜欢夏天吗?
Because I can swim in the water.因为我能在湖中游泳。
Why do you like winter? 你为什么喜欢冬天?
Because I can make a snowman.因为我能堆雪人。
summer 夏天fall秋天 winter冬天 season 季节 which 哪一个 why为什么 because因为 best 最好 swim游泳 sleep 睡觉 plant trees 种树 make a snowman堆雪人
Unit3    My school calendar知识点
When is the party? 聚会什么时候举行
It’s in April.在四月。
When is the school trip this year? 今年的学校旅游在什么时候?
Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall.在十月。我们将去长城。
January (Jan.) 一月February (Feb.) 二月March (Mar.)三月
乔振宇主演的电视剧April 四月May五月 June六月 July七月 August(Aug.)八月 September(Sept.)九月 October(Oct.)十月 November( Nov.) 十一月December(Dec.) 十二月
Unit 4 what are you doing?知识点
This is Zhang Peng。我是张鹏(电话用语)。
What are you doing?你正在干什么?
I’m doing the dishes.我正在洗盘子。
I’m reading a book.我正在读一本书。
Grandpa is writing a letter.爷爷正在写一封信。
Brother is doing homework.哥哥(弟弟)正在做家庭作业。
Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.妈妈正在厨房里烧菜。
He’s writing an e-mail in the study.他正在书房里写一封。
Drawing pictures 正在画画 cooking dinner正在烧菜  reading a book 正在读一本书 answering the phone 正在接电话 listening to music 正在听音乐 writing a letter 正在写一封信 cleaning the room 正在整洁房间 writing an e-mail 正在写一封washing clothes正在洗衣服
Unit 5 look at the monkeys知识点
What is it doing?  它正在干什么?
It’s eating bananas.  它正在吃香蕉。为了爱离开你 文章
What is she doing?  她正在干什么?
She’s jumping  她正在跳跃。
What are they doing?  他们正在干什么?
They’re swimming.  他们正在游泳。
They are climbing trees. 他们正在爬树。
flying 正在飞walking正在走 running正在跑 jumping正在跳 swimming 正在游sleeping正在 climbing正在爬 fighting正在大家 swinging正在荡秋千 drinking water正在喝水
Unit 6A field trip知识点
Are you eating lunch?        Yes, we are. /No, we aren’t. 
你们正在吃午饭吗?      是的/不是的
Are they eating the honey?    No, they aren’t. /Yes, they are.
它们正在吃蜂蜜吗?        是的/不是的春不渡
Is he playing chess?            Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.
他正在下棋吗?            是的/不是的
Is she counting insects?      Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.
她正在数昆虫吗?          是的/不是的
take pictures(照相)  watch insects(观察昆虫)  pick up leaves(采摘树叶)  do an experiment(做实验)  catch  butterfly(捉蝴蝶)  honey(蜂蜜)  count insects(数昆虫)collect  leaves(收集树叶)  wtite a report(写报告)  play chess(下棋)  have a picnic(举行野餐)
do morning exercises  做早操eat breakfast吃早饭  get up起床
have English class 上英语课  play sports 做运动 eat dinner吃晚饭
climb mountains 爬山 go shopping去购物  go hiking去远足
visit grandparents 看望祖父母 play the piano 弹钢琴
when 在……时候 evening晚上  noon中午  weekend周末  usually通常  often经常  sometimes有时
summer 夏天fall秋天 winter冬天 season 季节 which 哪一个 why为什么 because因为 best 最好 swim游泳 sleep 睡觉 plant trees 种树 make a snowman堆雪人
January (Jan.) 一月February (Feb.) 二月March (Mar.)三月