渺小歌词  2020小升初英语满分作文:我最棒 I am the best
  My name is Wu Tianyan. I'm 10 years old. I have a pair of big, watery eyes (that is, myopia), and a small nose. My appearance has one of the biggest characteristics: the chin is a little sharp, so the round apple like face has become a melon seed face. Although I am a rabbit, I am a boy (although a little cry loving), and the rabbit is fundamentally different.
叹金莲歌词  我非常爱唱歌,闲着时,我就会发出夜莺般的声音,边”飞”边唱,老妈常常抱怨说:”天燕啊,你怎么这么爱唱,吵死了。”我说:”我不唱心里就憋得难受。”老妈对我无可奈何。我还爱好跳拉丁舞,每到周末,我就会在家把拉丁舞碟子放出来,就在那学女步。
  I love singing very much. When I'm free, I'll make a nightingale like voice and “fly” while singing. My mother often complains: “Tianyan, why do you love singing so much? It'
爱情路>郭敬明取关少年之名s so noisy.” I said, “if I don't sing, I feel sick.” Mom has nothing to do with me. I also like Latin dance. Every weekend, I will put out the Latin dance plate at home and learn the female step there.
  I have one of the biggest advantages of attending weddings, parties and so on. My little mouth is beginning to turn sweet and chattering. I'm like a sparrow, and I'm still saying “thank you”. All the participants like me very much and are reluctant to let me go.