Unit4 Money talks
Inside view
Andy So what happened then?
Janet I saw some wonderful clothes, and had a wonderful day.
Andy But what were you doing there with Joe? I thought you were meeting me. Janet Y ou were late.dj368
Andy Ah, yes. Y ou’ve got me there.
Janet Joe is right you know. Y ou are late quite often.
Andy OK.
Janet I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t know you were on your way, and Tanya offered me the free tickets and then Joe just turned up.
Andy Oh well, look I’m really sorry I didn’t…Oh, I’d better take this. Hi Andy speaking…Oh, yes of course. Hi, Mr Pearson. Are we still on for today? It’s the guy we’re meeting today. Y es, we’re already here. Something unexpected has come up. Ok. Sure, we’ll have to make another arrangement to meet. That’ fine, no problem. So when it would be convenient for you? I think that’s OK, but can I just check my schedule? Can you hold on a moment, please? He can’t make it this morning. Are we clear this afternoon?
Janet I think so, yes.
Andy That’s OK. Could we make it at 2:30 rather than 2? Well, let me think, how about at our local, the Duck of York? Would that be OK with you? ...Sure no problem. See you this afternoon. Bye!
Janet What’s he coming to talk about?
Andy The City. The financial capital of the world… next to New Y ork, of course. I’d better tell Joe about the change of plan.
Conversation 2
Janet So what does the world of high finance have to do with our website?郎对花对花
Joe Well, I thought we could do something on the Bank of England Museum –it’s really quite interesting.
Janet So who exactly is Tim Pearson?
Joe He works there and he’s coming along today to plan an interview and a tour round the museum.
Jane t So we’re not actually doing any filming?
Andy No, just asking him more about the Bank and the museum.
Tim Hi.
Joe Hi , Tim.
Andy Hi, Tim.
Janet Hi, I’m Janet.
Tim Hi, Janet. Right, so where do you want to begin.
Joe I’ve got a plan of the museum. Can we go though it with you?
Tim Fine. Basically, the Bank of England Museum tells the story of the Bank of England. There’s also a collection of bank notes and gold bars.
Andy Any free samples?
Tim Sorry, no chance! Now, you come in here or the left, past the museum shop. Then the first room you enter is a reconstruction of a late 18th century banking hall. Janet And moving through to this room, on the top right hand side?
Tim That’s the story of the early years at the Bank from when it was founded in 1694.
Janet What about this room on the left?
Tim That’s the Bank’s collection of silver goods, a pile of gold bars. And this room here below contains a description of how the modern economy works.
Janet So is our paper money always backed by its value in gold?
Tim Y es, the notes they gave or received were originally receipts for the loans in gold. But gradually these paper receipts replace the gold and became bank notes. Janet So is the Bank was given its independence in 1997.
Janet And why didn’t the Bank help th e economy during the credit crunch in 2008?
Tim Well, it’s a bit difficult to explain…
Andy Take your time, Tim we’d really like to know.
Tim Well, uh…
Outside view
Voiceover So you want to win a million dollars. Who doesn’t, right? E veryone has fun thinking about how they would spend all that money.
Speaker1If I won a million dollars, I would take a vacation around the world. Speaker2If I won a million dollars, I would feed the hungry children in Africa. Speaker3I would buy a Learjet and get out of here.
爱与痛的边缘Speaker4If I won a million dollars, I would buy a cabin and live in the woods. Speaker5If I won a million dollars, I would take a trip around the world, and the rest of it I would give to charities.
Voiceover Winning a million dollars is a nice fantasy. But for many people, their fantasy can get them in trouble. Criminals called con artists, scam artists, or frauds, take advantage of people’s dreams of winning it big.
Maria My dad told my mom, “Don’t do that, because you don’t know if they’re going to trick you or not!”
Voiceover Scam artists trick Maria Ellan’s mother out of thousands of dollars. These criminals told Maria’s mother that she had won part of a million-dollar jackpot. But, they said ,since she was not a US citizen, she was not allowed to claim the prize. They promised to collect the prize for her if she gave them thousands of dollars.
Maria $15,000, uh, at 5 o’clock in the Lottery Texas Department . That’s what they told her. And my mom said, “OK, I’ll be there at that time.”
Voiceover Police at the Dollars Lotto Claims. Office say that dozens of people have been tricked out of their money in this latest fraud. Fraud is a common crime. Hoping to win millions, people make poor decisions and lose their money. But people who really do win millions can make poor decisions too. Bob Kenny works for an organization called More Than Money. More Than Money helps who come into large amounts of money make good decisions about how to manage their unexpected
Bob What’s really important to me? My family . The health of my family . The education of my family .The long-term care of my family . These are the things that are important to me. These are the things I’m going to use my money to get in the world.