10. ■一Γm going to Sanya for my holiday tomorrow. ■一 ____________ .
A. HaVe fτιn
B. Haie good time
C. EnjOy myself
11 ・■一do you Iike ________ movies? ■一 Yes, I do. DO you WaiIt to go together On Simday?
A. WatCh
B. WatClleS
C. WatChiilg
ericacampbell12・ My father aιιd mother  _____________ teachers. My mother ____________ POP music, but my fatlιer  ____________
IIke it.
A. are. likes, isn ,t
B. are, likes, don't
C. are, likes, doesn't
13. ■一I have a IOt Of work to do. Can you go and take the ChIldren _________________ ? I Want to See them.
…certainly. A. to IlOme
B. here
C. to there
14. ■一WOUld you Iike to go to the Ciileina Wlth me this Sanirday? ■一Γm sorry. I have to  _________ my
()1. A. above    B. factory    C. together    D. million ( )2. A. OUtSide    B. Colmtry    C. mountain    D. about ( )3. A. IentS    B. IlVeS    C. PIayS    D. draws ( )4. A. Paiil    B. UnCle    C. grandson    D. Orallge ( )5. A. town    B. OWIl    C. WmdoW
I ∙ ChOOSe the UnderIined OiIe WhiCh is different from the others.
IL MUItiPIe choices. 1. Γm thirsty. Let's  _________ . A. GO bowling    B. go fishing 2. I Iike WatChmg TV but my motlιer  _____________ Iike it.
A. Don ,t
B. doesn t 3. ■一DO they have a new car? ■一Yes, ________ .
A. They do
B. they have
C. go to the IiItemet Cafe
C. does C. they don't 4. 一-COUld you PleaSe help me _______________ my English? 一.NO problem. A. Witll    B. at 5.  _________ visitors a year ViSit die Great Wall iιι Beijmg - A. MillionS Of    B. Ten millions 6. Mary always _____________ h er friends. A. get On WeIl    B. gets On WeIl With
7. _■ _________ the man With SOme books COme &om Britain? A. IS    B. DO    C. domg C. Tell IlIillIOaS Of    C. get WeIl Witll ■一 Yeali. he COmeS Britain. C. DOeS 8 ・ ■一WhO ,s Susan? ■一She's _________ mother.
A. AnilIe
B. Andy's and Annie's
C. AimIe and Andy ,s 9. ■一I don't IIke gomg bowling alone. What about you? ■一I don ,t Ilke it, _____________  A. also    B. either
C. too
15. The yoιuιg man Iotes IIiS beautiftιl girlfriend Very much. He Ieany WantS to  ___________ her. A. marry    B. married
C. is married to
IlL Cloze.
TOm is dr∏∙mg a taxi tlιrouglι the busy streets. SlIddellly a young mail StOPS IliS Car and jumps mto ħis taxi. fct To the airport. Hllrry up!'、he says. TOm ____ 1 his best, but he always meets the red IiglIt Whell
is at the CrOSSed (十字路口). Tlle young man ShOUtS "Be quick! I Call t ________ 2 ___ at the airplane On tune!" tome ShOUtS back, fcfc I don't Want to meet SO many Ied Iiglits, ______ 3 ___
At that tmιe. he turns back aιιd SeeS the young man s face. 4 Oh, he is the tlιief (彳、偷).、he thinks. TOm SeeS 4 ____ face in the newspaper. _____ 5 ____ he has an idea. He dπves tlιrough the IleXt Ied Iight and there  is a POIlCe Car IUnnlilg after ħiιn at once. fcfc Stop!" two POIiCemen COme up.
IV. ReadiiIg COmPrehenSiOn.
TOm is a IOVeIy boy. He IIkeS Playmg football Very much. He Oftell ComeS back between aιιd 5 ρ.m.. One day he COmeS back late. HiS mother SayS fcfc Ybn Come back home late, today,
Tom. '
"Y ⅛s, We have a new teacher. He is a math teacher, and he asks me to do SOme exercise after SChOOL TOme answers.
HOW is he?、HIS mother asks.
I don't know, I tluιιk I can't belιeve(相信)him.'、 HOW is that? ' his mother says.
Olle time he SayS two and tlιree is fiv 已 but the IleXt time he SayS One and four is five" TOm answers. Tom ComeS home ______________ today. A. at 4 ρ.m.    B. at 4:30 ρ.m.
C. at
Tom ComeS home Iate because _______________ .
A. He PIayS football
B. he PIayS basketball
C. he SnIdieS matlι
The SentenCe HOW is that?" means _______________ . A. HOW Can you Say that C. TeIl me more about that
WhO is right ? A. TOm
B. TeaCher
WhICh Of die following SellteiICe is right? A. The teacher is ∖vrong.
A. IOOk after
B. IOOk at
()1. A. trys (
)2. A. arrive
()3. A. too (
)4. A. Same
()5. A. BUt    B. try B. arrives B. either B. a Sanle B. Tllen
C. tries C. arrived C. also C. the Same C. ACnIally
D. after 5 ρ.m.
男孩 伴奏D. We doit know
B. Ybllr teacher is IIght D. HOW are you
C. NO One
D. MOther
B. TOm IS right.
D. Tom's mother is wrong.
变形计逆风飞翔赵迪C. TOm is wrong.
Iii a SInall ViIlage, tlιere is a teacher, a doctor, and a POliCe Offi Cer Tlle four men are good friends. What are their names? One is Tom. One is Jack. One is Mlke and One is John. Mike's and Jack's and TOlirS ChiIdren are classmates.
JOlIll has no children. He teaches ħis friends' cħildιen at a middle SChOOL Mike WOrkS at a POliCe station. He IOVeS IliS job Very much. JaCk has a car. He Often drrves ħis Car to go to WOrk or ViSit his friends. Tlle
doctor's house is next to the driver's, SO the ChiIdreIl Often Play together.
转泪点1・DO they all have a child?
A. Yes, they do. B- No, tlιey doit.  C. TWO Of them.    D. Three Of them
2. WhatS Mlkj He,s a
A. doctor
B. drh w er
C. teacher
D. POIlCe OfiiCer
3. WhatSTom? HeSa
A. doctor
B. drπτr
C. teacher
D. POHCe OfiICer
4. WhO Can dπ*ve?
A. Mike
B. TOm
C. JaCk
D. JOhIl
5. WhOSe house is next to Jack's?
A. MIke,s
B. Tom's
C. Jack,s
D. John's
V.Complete the (IiaIOgUe with OnIy One WOrd on each blank
DialOgUe One
Sally:ThereS a TF BOV,s at die Cellter this SIuldaV evening!
Mike:Really? TIleV are mv band.
Sally:DO you ^r ant to go With me together?
Mike:! I always to their SollgS every night.
Sally: Mike:
Me, too. meet at 5:30 Pm at the Sate Of the mιιsιc hall. Is that OK?
That SOUndS great.
DiaIOgue two
Mike:I have a *very big family. WIlat about you. Tom?
Tom:Me . MV father IlaS four brothers, and they each have two children.
Mike:WOw, SO VOU have SO many . What do VOU Often do together?
Tom:We all IIke SOing at the department StOreS(百货商店),and We also Ilke going to the ・ X∖∙7e ll WatCh WOIf WaIniOr二(战狼  2 ) tlιis Weekend together.
Mike:SOUndS great! YblI all Set on IeaIlV .
VL COmPIete the SentenCeS With the fight forms Of the given words.
1 ・ EVery day, JaSOn and PaUl Snldy ChmeSe _____________________ (happy) at SChOOL
2.The ________________ (teenage) have a great time iιι the mountains.
3.SteVen hawking is __________________ (die) but I tħmk he is StIIl _____________ (Ih e) In everyone's heart.
4.KelIy doesn't Want _________________ (married) Jerry, because he doesn't work hard for their fimire.
5.ZhaIlg Ziyi and Fan Bmgbmg are POPUlar ____________________ (act) m the World-
EIM Starter
Oll Sunday, TOm __________________ (fly) his kite With his _______________ (brother-m-law). They all have  a WOnderfIIl day.
7・ The Pretty ShOeS are __________________ (Sally), SO Wllere are ________________ (I), I can't find them.
VII. ErrOr COrreCtiOn
1 ・ Deall do 亡sil t IlkeS ICe-Cream at alt but he IIk 已S ChOCOIate VerymUch.
The Clark's all Want to go on holiday In summer.
3. LOOk at the boy OVer there. He's f ⅛ther is Kate's uncle.
4. HL this is DalTeiS and Mark s &Iend- Hei name's Kate.
5. I doit IIke PeaChS. I donWant any.
BIny IIkeS PIaYhOPSCOtCll with the girls after class.
There ISit many fruit In the refrigerator, but there be a IOt Of vegetables.
WIIat baτ Of SOaP  do you want, the IarMe baι Or the Small one?
9. FntZ IIVeS in Berlin. He SPeakS GermalIy
10. JaCk IiVeS Zigong. SO ιt ,s a IOllg Way for Ile to COme to SChOOL
VnL Pattern shift.
1 ・ There are five jars Of jam On die Shelf (RaISe a question to the IInderlIned Part)
My mother wants the ]arg 亡 PIeCe Of PaPe 匚(RaiSe a question to the IUlderliIled Part)
3. He WantS to buy SOme fhιit. (RalSe a double question With ZSeIld SOme letters'")
4. There's SOme CheeSe and butter m the IgeratOr (NegNtiVe SentenCe)
5. I W f allt to go to the ZOO In SUmmer holiday (RaiSe a question to the Underlined Part)
6. My mother wants to buy a bar Of ChOCOIate. (RaISe a question to the UnderlIned Part)
() ____________________
() ____________________  () ____________________
() ____________________
() ____________________
() ____________________
() ____________________
() ____________________
() ____________________