A Hunting We will go.
The dusky night rides down the sky
And ushers in the mom.
The hounds all join in glorious cry.
The hounds all join in glorious cry.
The huntsman winds his hom.
The huntsman winds his hom.
A-hunting we will go, a-hunting we will go.
We’ll catch a fox, put him in a box, and then we’ll let him go.
The clever fox escapes at last.
The hounds can’t stop his flight.
Then hungry homeward we return.
Then hungry homeward we return.
To feast away the night.
查无此人歌词To feast away the night.
Activity Melody
Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and
The itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
Ring Around the Rosy
Ring around the rosy, a pocket full of posies.
最牛铃声网Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!
One, Two, Buckle my shoe
One, two, buckle my shoe, three, four, open the door.
Five, six, pick up sticks, seven, eight, lay them straight.
Nine, ten, begin again.
Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Je te plumerai.
Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Je te plumerai.
Jet e plumerai la tete, jet e plumerai la tete.
Et la tete, et la tete. Alouette, alouette. Oooh!
Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Jet e plumerai.
Jet e plumerai le bec, Jet e plumerai le bec
Et la tete, et la tete. Alouette, alouette. Oooh!
Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Jet e plumerai.
Jet e plumerai le nez, Jet e plumerai le nez
Et le nez, et le nez. Et le bec, et le bec.
Et la tete, et la tete. Alouette, alouette. Oooh!
Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Jet e plumerai.
Jet e plumerai le dos, Jet e plumerai le dos
Et le dos, et le dos. Let le nez, et le nez.
Et le bec, et le bec.
Et la tete, et la tete. Alouette, alouette. Oooh!
Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Jet e plumerai.
Jet e plumerai le cou, Jet e plumerai le cou
Et le cou, et le cou. Et le dos, et le dos.
Et le nez, et le nez, et le bec, et le bec
Et la tete, et la tete. Alouette, alouette. Oooh!
Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, Jet e plumerai.
Alphabet song
A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S.T.U.V.W.X and Y and Z
I’ve just said my ABCs, Now it’s your turn, follow me.
Happy, happy all are we. Now We’ve learned our ABCs.萧敬腾 新不了情
Billy Boy
Oh where have you been, Billy boy, Billy boy?
Oh where have you been, charming Billy?
I have been to seek a wife, she’s the joy of my life.
She’s a young thing and can’t leave her mother.
Did she bid you to come in, Billy boy, Billy boy?
Did she bid you to come in, Charming Billy?
Yes, she bid me to come in. There’s a dimple on her chin.
She’s a young thing and can’t leave her mother.
Did she offer you a chair, Billy Boy, billy boy?
Did she offer you a char, charming Billy?
Yes, she offered me a chair. She was ringlets in her hair.
She’s a young thing and can’t lever her mother.
Can she bake a cherry pie, Billy boy, Billy boy?
Can she bake a cherry pie, charming Billy?
She can bake a cherry pie quick as a cat can wink her eye.
She’s a young thing and can’t leave her mother.
Tell me how old is he, Billy /boy, Billy Boy?
Tell me how old is he, charming Billy?
Three times six and four times seven. Twenty-eight and eleven.
She’s a young thing and can’t leave her mother.
She’s a young thing and can’t leave her mother.
In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for mine.
Lived a miner forty-niner, and his daughter Clementine.
Oh my darling, oh my darling. Oh my darling, Clementine,
You were lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine.
你走你的路 汪峰Light she was and like a feather, and her shoes were number nine.
Herring boxes without topses,sandals were for Clementine
Drove she ducklings to the water, every morning just at nine.
Hit her foot against a splinter, fell into the foaming brine.
Ruby lips above the water, blowing bubbles soft and fine.
But alas, I was no swimmer, so I lost my Clementine.
did you Ever see a Lassie?
Did you ever see a lassie, a lassie, a lassie.
Did you ever see a lassie go this way and that.
Go this way and that way, This way and that way?
no easy wayDid you ever see a laddie, a laddie, a laddie,
Did you ever see a laddie go this way and that.