Unit 8  Happy New Year!  第一课时   
1、日常用语:Happy New Year! Whats this/that? Its This is for you.
2、词汇:a doll, a ball, a robot
1、学生能听懂、会说、会读日常用语Happy New Year! Whats this/that? Its
This is for you.
2、学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词a doll, a ball, a robot。
学 程 预 设
导 学 策 略
教 学 调 整
Step 1Warm-up
1、进行英语交际,让学生迅速在头脑中闪现英语单词,在导入中渗透句型Whats this? Its 帮助学生快速掌握。
2、英语歌曲渲染课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,同时教授节日祝福语Happy New Year!
1. Free talk
T: Whats this?(出示冰激凌图片)
S1: Its an ice cream.
T: What color is the ice cream?
S2: Its white and brown.
T: How nice!
T: Whats this? (出示热狗图片)
S3: Its a hot dog.
2. Listen to a song Happy New Year!
T: Lets enjoy a song.
Ss listen.
T: What a nice song! Our New Year is coming. Are you happy?
Ss: Yes.
T: So, Happy New Year!
Ss: Happy New Year! (学生跟读几遍)
3. 揭题Happy New Year!
Step 2Presentation
Whats this? Its 并且教授新单词doll。
Whats that? Its 并且教授新单词ball和robot,注意单词语调与拼写。
5、教师通过示范、领读、与学生交流等形式,教授句型: This is for同时巩固句型Whats this/that? Its
1. Learn to say: Whats this? Its
T: Our New Year is coming. I当有天老去 have some presents for you? Would you like some?
Ss: Yes.
T: (出示洋娃娃图片,手指图片)What红旗飘飘大合唱’s this?
S1: 洋娃娃
T: Its a doll.
T: doll doll D-O-L-L
Ss: doll doll D-O-L-L
T: Whats this?
Ss: Its a doll.
T: Can you ask me?
Ss: Whats this? (跟读句子,注意this的发音与意思)
T: Its a doll.
2. Work in pairs (教师发给学生一些已学单词图片)
A: Whats this?
B: Its
3. Learn to say: Whats that? 白娘子 王麟Its
T: (出示球图片,放远处,手指图片)Good. And whats that?
S1: 球
T: Yes. Its a ball.
T: Follow me, ballballB-A-L-L.
Ss: ballballB-A-L-L.
T: (出示机器人图片,放远处,手指图片)And whats that?
S1: 机器人
T: Its a robot.
T: Follow me, robotrobotR-O-B-B-O-T.
Ss: robotrobotR-O-B-B-O-T.
T: Whats that? (教师指到什么图片,学生就说什么单词)
Ss: Its a ball.
T: Whats that?
S7妹s: Its a robot.
T: Can you ask me?
Ss: Whats that?(跟读句子,注意that的读音与意思)
4. Work in pairs (教师发给学生一些已学单词图片)
A: Whats that?
B: Its
5. Learn to say: This is for
T: Good job! I will give you some presents now. Here are some boxes. XXX, this is for you.
S1: Thank you.
T: Can you open it?
S1: OK.
T: Whats this?
S1: Its
T: How nice!
T: I give so many presents. Can you give me one?
Ss: OK.
S1: This is for you.
T: Thank you.
Ss跟读This is for you.
6. Point and say
Step 3:Text
shila amzah1、通过看挂图,看动画,朗读,表演等方式学习并巩固课文内容。
1. 教师出示课文挂图
T: Please look at the picture. This is
Uncle John.
Ss跟读Uncle John
2. Watch the cartoon and then answer the question. Whats the time?
3. Watch the cartoon again and answer the questions.
(1) What is for Helen?
(2) What is for Mike?
(3) What is for Tim?
4. Read after the cartoon.
5. Read and act the dialogue.
6. Make a dialogue
A: Happy New Year!
B: Happy New Year!
A: This is for you.
B: Thank you.
C: Whats this/that?
B: Its
C: How nice!
Step 4
What do you say?
1. 过新年,你对长辈说:
2. 看见远处有个玩具,你不知道是什么,你会说:
3. 你给妈妈一个礼物,你会说:
Step 5:Homework
1、 Listen to the tape and read five times.
2、 Copy the new words 4 times.
Unit 8  Happy New Year!
A: This is for you.    图片1  a doll
B: Thank you.        图片2  a ball
C: Whats this/that?    图片3  a robot
B: Its