DJ Two Pussy Riot Members Freed From Prison
俄罗斯赦免Pussy Riot乐队两名成员
The two jailed members of Russian punk band Pussy Riot were released from prison Monday as part of an amnesty bill signed into law last week, ending their incarceration after nearly two years in a case that gained broad international attention and put the Kremlin's handling of dissent in the spotlight.
作为于上周签署生效的特赦令的一部分,本周一俄罗斯朋克乐队Pussy Riot的两名成员在被监禁近两年后释放出狱。她们因一桩引发国际瞩目的案件而被捕入狱,此事也使得莫斯科方面对待反对者的处理方式受到关注。
Both women had less than three months remaining on their sentences, received for their roles in a 2012 anti-Kremlin protest in Moscow's main cathedral. They were released early under a broad amnesty backed by President Vladimir Putin that has been viewed widely as an effort by Russia to settle a number of high-profile cases that have become headaches fo
r the country as it draws scrutiny ahead of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi to be held in February.
这两名乐队成员距服刑期满均仅剩不到三个月。二人因于好春光歌词2012年在莫斯科大教堂内进行反政府抗议而被判刑。在俄罗斯总统普京(Vladmir Putin)支持的一项范围广泛的特赦令下,她们被提前释放。外界普遍认为,普京此举表明俄罗斯正力图对一些引发高度关注、而令莫斯科方面倍感头痛的案件进行处理。伴随着明年2月索契冬奥会的逐渐临近,莫斯科正受到越发密切的关注。
Their release also came just days after Russia's most well-known prisoner, Yukos oil corporation founder Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was set free from prison after being pardoned by Mr. Putin.
就在二人被特赦的几天前,俄罗斯最著名的囚犯——尤科斯石油集团(Yukos, YUKO.RS)创始人霍多尔科夫斯基(Mikhail Khodorkovsky)被普京赦免并释放。
Maria Alyokhina, 25 years old, remained defiant as she left a penitentiary in the city of Niz
hny Novgorod, about 250 miles (400 kilometers) east of Moscow, early Monday morning, calling the amnesty a 'sham.'
周一清晨,25岁的阿廖欣娜蓝的蒙古高原伴奏(Maria Alyokhina)从莫斯科东部约250英里(400公里)的下诺夫哥罗德市一座监狱中走出。离开监狱的她态度依旧轻蔑,称特赦是一场“”。
'If it were possible for me to reject the amnesty, I would have done it, ' she said in an interview broadcast on Russia's TV Rain. 'I don't think the amnesty was a humanitarian act. I think it was a PR stunt.'
在俄罗斯电视台TV Rain播放的一段采访中,阿廖欣娜说:如果我能抵制这次特涉令,我一定会这么做的。我认为这次特赦不是什么人道主义行动,而是一场政府公关秀。
Her band mate, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 24, walked out of a prison medical facility in the Siberian region of Krasnoyarsk several hours later, shouting 'Russia without Putin' as she greeted reporters in frigid minus 25 degrees Celsius conditions.
几小时后,乐队另一名成员、24kie岁的托罗克尼科娃(Nadezhda Tolokonnikova)从西伯利亚
Pussy Riot gained international attention in February 2012 when four members of group--wearing colorful balaclava masks and tube dresses--stormed into Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral and acted out a performance critical of the Kremlin in front of stunned parishioners, as a wave of protests swept through the city. The performance was videotaped and uploaded to YouTube to an anti-Kremlin song called 'Mother of God, Drive Putin Away.'
作为席卷了莫斯科全城的反对活动的一部分,2012Pussy Riot乐队四名成员冲入莫斯科救世主大教堂(Christ the Saviour Cathedral),她们面戴彩巴拉克拉法面具、身着筒形露肩装,在一脸惊骇的教民面前进行抗议俄罗斯政府的表演,引发了国际社会的关注。这场演出被录制成视频,配上了反俄罗斯政府歌曲《圣母啊,请带走普京》(Mother of God, Drive Putin Away)并被上传至挪威的森林歌词YouTube网站。
Weeks later, authorities arrested Mses. Alyokhina and Tolokonnikova and a third group m
ember, Yekaterina Samutsevich, and charged them with hooliganism. Other group members who played a role in the protest were never identified. The three women were convicted in August 2012 and sentenced to two years in prison. Ms. Samutsevich was released in October 2012 on appeal because she had been stopped by cathedral guards before entering the building.
几周后,俄罗斯当局逮捕了阿廖欣娜、托罗克尼科娃以及另外一名乐队成员萨谬特瑟维奇(Yekaterina Samutsevich)我就要失去感觉并指控他们犯有流氓罪。其他参与了此次反政府行动的乐队成员的身份始终没能得到确认。这三名女子于20128月被判两年有期徒刑。萨谬特瑟维奇提起上诉并于201210月被释放,因为她试图进入教堂时被教堂保安拦了下来。
The amnesty is expected to affect the cases of around 20, 000 people, although 2, 000 of those are actually incarcerated, with the rest either on probation or awaiting trial. The bill grants amnesty to invalids, veterans, minors, pregnant women and women with young children and was expanded at the last minute to those charged with hooliganism.
Mses. Alyokhina and Tolokonnikova qualified for the amnesty because they both have young children and were convicted of hooliganism.