读后续写(Continuation writing)
Exercise 49
Brady was a recently retired search and rescue dog. He was not happy and missed his owner Al because Al had gone out on a rescue mission without him. Al s nephew Steve took Brady along when he and his friend Zach went on an overnight hike. But suddenly Steve and Zach smelled something burning and they realized that lightning had set the woods on fire. Wind-blown flame had leaped from the top of one tree to another. The long dry summer had turned the forest into a tindeibox午夜情深(火绒箱), and the thunderstorm wasn't helping much. It had more wind and lightning than rain. Zach pulled Steve's arm. "Let's go! We can make it back to the river we crossed today." Steve snapped Brady's leash to his collar, and their heads down against the strong fire-wind, they hurried down the trail they had followed earlier. The air was full of smoke, and pine branches snapped from burning trees with a can
non-like sound. Steve kept his eyes fixed on the trail. All they had to do was to make it down to     '
Brady barked a sharp warning. Ahead of them lay a dense curtain of smoke across the trail. They'd never make it through thatthey'd have to find another escape route. The dog was pulling at his leash trying to draw them away from the smoke. This was what Brady was trained to do, and yet Steve was uneasy. It seemed to him they were moving away from the river.
Brady lifted his head and smelled the smoke-laden wind. Next moment, the dog ran away and disappeared. The boys yelled and shouted for him, but he didn't come back.
They had no choice but to leave him behind. Heartsick, Steve and Zach went up a slope(斜坡). He couldn t blame Brady for panicking and escaping. He himself wanted to run even though he didn't have a clue which way. They hadn't gone far when there was a familiar bark, and Brady came running toward them.
Paragraph 1:
Whereve you been?” Steve cried.                                                        
Paragraph 2:
Brady led them back down the slope and into the trees.                                                                        
一. 试题详解
1 .核心内容
(1)明确故事中的人物关系(characters): 故事的主角为搜救犬Brady和两名野营者Steve和Zach。同时也提到了搜救犬的主人A1, A1是Steve的叔叔,所以Steve和Brady熟悉并且了解Brady。
(2)理清故事主要事件(events): 两个年轻人Steve和Zach带着搜救犬去野营,结果碰到了森林大
火; 他们想沿着原路返回到河边,结果路被火封住了; 搜救犬主动寻逃生路径,然后带着他们成功到达河边。
(3)根据已知人物、事件及续写首句预测故事发展(development):根据故事中火灾的发生、道路的封锁,以及搜救犬的离开又回来,可以预测Brady到了逃生的道路,所以续写的第一段应该是 Brady努力让两个男孩明白它到了道路,并且希望他们跟他走。第二段的开头说明他们开始行动了。 文章开头对Brady的介绍,给故事的最后结尾埋下了伏笔,因为它是一条搜救犬,所以故事的最后理所 当然是他们成功脱险。
(4)结合下划线词罗列写作要点(point): 本文所给的下划线词和短语是:Brady, rescue, fire, the river, pull, full of smoke, bark a sharp warning, escape route, train 和 slope从这些词提供的信息, 我们可以得到三个部分内容的信息:故事的主角应该是Brady;火灾的情况(fire, full of smoke) ;Brady 的所作所为(train, pull, bark, rescue);故事的结尾(slope, escape route, the river) 。所以续写可以围绕这些信息进行想象。
二. 参考范文
Where ve you been? Steve cried. Brady stopped directly in front of him and started pushing him back toward the slope they'd just climbed. When Steve still didn't get it, Brady grabbed the boy's jeans and pulled harder. The message was clear, but Steve hesi
tated. Of course he remembered what his uncle had said about Brady saving his life, but that had been a long time ago. Was he still sharp enough to get them through this? Brady pulled again, urgently. "OK, big guy," Steve decided.周冬雨个人资料多高
Brady led them back down the slope and into the trees. Several times the big dog stopped to get his escape route. Often he changed direction. How long they'd walked Steve had no idea. He just held onto Brady's leash with one hand and kept putting one foot in front of the other. He was almost numb when he heard the wonderful sound of rushing water. The river! With a yell the boys ran unsteadily forward until they jumped in cool, running water. "Brady, you did it!"