Farmers and Forest Conservation: How Might Land Sparing Work in Practice?
作者: Quandt
回不去的故乡作者机构: [Quandt
刘佳欣年份: 2016年
期号: 第-期
关键词: Agroforestry;forest conservation;land sparing;smallholder
farmers;tanzania;tree products方大同
摘要:Critical biodiversity areas are being converted into cropland to feed a growing global population. One solution to this problem is the highly debated land sparing hypothesis, which promotes agricultural intensification on farms to abate conversion of wild nature. However, food is not the only valuable farm 思思念念全是你歌词>想你的时候问月亮原唱
product; trees on farms provide timber and firewood. This study presents empirical evidence from Barjomot, Tanzania, to ask: Does it make sense for both farmers and forest conservation to maximize food production where both food and tree products are produced? Participant observation, focus groups, and 40 household interviews were conducted. Results show that farmers with trees on their farms were 30% less likely to collect tree products from a neighboring forest reserve. This tentatively suggests that