1During the Middle Ages,artists were interested in painting realistic scenes.
A.Right.  B.Wrong.  C.Not mentioned.
2During the Renaissance,artists focused more on religious themes.
A.Right.  B.Wrong.  C.Not mentioned.
3Masaccio was a famous artist in the Middle Ages.
A.Right.  B.Wrong.  C.Not mentioned.
4沙宝亮飘Rembrandt gained a reputation as a master of shadow and light.
A.Right.  B.Wrong.  C.Not mentioned.
5In the early 20th century,paintings were needed to preserve what people looked like.
A.Right.  B.Wrong.  C.Not mentioned.
[答案] 1—5 BBBAB
A.to purchase accurate pictures of themselves
B.to convey the light and movement in the scene
C.to describe them all in a short text
D.to ask the question,“What is art?”
E.to teach people about Christianity
1As there have been so many different styles of Western art,it is impossible                 .
2During the Middle Ages,the purpose of Western art was                
3Kings,nobles,and people of high rank wanted                 and the people they loved.
4一路两个人In this work,Monet's aim was                
5What they attempted to do was no longer show reality,but instead                
[答案] 1—5 CEABD
Artistic Characteristics
The Middle Ages(5th to the 15th century)
to paint in a(n)
2unrealistic way
The Renaissance
(14th to 17th century)
to show
3. people and
the world
around us
to adopt a more 4.humanistic attitude of life
to draw things in 5.perspective and
oil paints developed
(late 19th to early 20th century)
to show scenes
of 6. nature or daily life
to show not just the 7. outer image of subjects,but their inner
8. warmth and humanity
Modern Art(20th
century to today)
not to show 9.reality
to paint in a(n)10.abstract or realistic way
1Part 1(Para.1)     A.The Renaissance
2Part 2(Para. 2)      B.The Middle Ages
3Part 3(Paras. 3~5)      C.Introduction
4Part 4(Paras. 6~7)      D.Modern Art
5Part 5(Para. 8)      E.Impressionism
[答案] 1—5 CBAED
1The painters during the Middle Ages mainly        
A.showed people as they really were
B.looked at their environment in new ways
C.expressed their respect and love for nature
D.represented religious themes
2According to the text,the painters during the Renaissance        
刘东强前妻①adopted a more humanistic attitude to life
②discovered the rules of perspective
③developed oil paints
④broke away from the traditional style of painting
A.①③④      B.②③④
C.①②④      D.①②③
3Who was first to use perspective in his paintings in 1428?
A.Bondone.      B.Roman and Greek painters.
C.Masaccio.    D.The Impressionists.
4Which of the following is NOT true about Impressionism?
A.It appeared in the early 20th century.
B.It was the beginning of modern art.
C.Its painters were the first ones to work outdoors.
D.It was not accepted at first.
[答案] 1—4 DDCA
1This began to change in the 13th century with Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337).
2New ideas and values gradually replaced old ones from the Middle Ages.
1An important breakthrough during this period was the use of perspective by Masaccio (1401-1428).
2Another innovation was the use of oil paints.
3While many Impressionists painted scenes of nature or daily life,others,such as Renoir(1841-1919),focused on people.
[答案] 1、2
1His wish is to buy(buy) a luxurious car in the near future.
2Real happiness is to be(be) able to avoid doing what one would rather not do.
周震南父母被曝是老赖欠款上亿3The function of an adjective is to describe(describe) or add to the meaning of a noun.
4We were successful not because we were quick­witted but because we persevered.
5While Mary was writing a letter,the children were playing outside.
6What results emerged from their talks?
7Many a woman has great influence on her husband.
8Regional policy has become a hot political issueparticularly(particular) in the past decade.
9It seems that he has become very fond of the boy.
10Concentration(concentrate) is essential if you want to do a good job.
I sat in the chair reflecting on(回想回顾) the past year. At that time,my   1  Charley came into the room. Charley took one look at my face and she could   2  I was off in another world. Charley said,“You have that look on your face! Tell me what you were   3  ”. “Well,Charley,” I replied,“I was listening to a song on the radio that asked   4  you have done over the last year. When I   5  on the year,I've realized I have had such good fortune,with a few bumps (碰撞) along the way.”