VUI in automotive applications
What’’s the next VUI in automotive applications –– What
Yaxin Zhang – Nuance Asia R&D Center
Sep 9, 2011
•Why VUI in Automotive applications?•Current technologies and applications •Future technologies and the trend •Natural language interaction
•Connected VUI services
Evolution in Human-Machine Interaction HMI in 90’s
Today’s HMI
An example –  the complexity in UI
full keyboard to PC
- Destination Entry
dj慢摇舞曲receipt printer
price meter
message display
from reservation center.
PC netbook (HP)
- Navi soft
•GUI dominates the human-machine interaction (HMI)•Hands-off wheel
•Eyes-off road
•Text input (key, touch, writing) takes both hands and eyes •Searching in a long list •Name in address-book
•Song title in music collections
•POI in a big city
•A complex tree-structure UI
•Difficult to design
•Slow to reach the target
•Possible to a wrong branch
Problems with graphics based UI
Tree UI structure
王希维个人资料Why VUI in Automotive applications?爱情教主
•VUI – Voice User Interaction
•Input – Speech recognition (voice recognition)
•Output – Speech synthesis (TTS)
•Most convenient way for interaction
july 吴亦凡•HW evolution and technology advance make VUI possible •Hands-free and eyes-free – safer driving
•One command leads you anywhere – simpler and quicker •VUI makes the flat UI structure becomes possible
Flat UI structure